{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %} {{show.name}} Discussions - Episodes.Community {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{show.name}} Discussion Boards

Discuss {{show.name}} with your fellow community members!

{% if user.is_authenticated %}  Create New Board {% else %}

Log in to create boards

{% endif %}
Board Name
Latest Reply
{% for board in boards %}


Submitted {{board.timestamp}} by {% if board.user.is_staff %} {% endif %} {{board.user.display_name}}
{% if board.num_replies > 0 %}
by {{board.latest_reply.user.display_name}}
{% else %} No replies {% endif %}
{% empty %}

Nobody has started any discussions for this show!

{% endfor %} {% if boards.has_other_pages %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}