extends layout.pug block title |Icy Network block body section#home .content h1 Welcome to Icy Network! p Icy Network is a Global Network of Communities and Websites, United by a Single Login .divboxes .divbox#secure span.head i.fa.fa-lock.fa-fw span.text Secure Login span.text A secure login system with Two-Factor Authentication possibility .divbox#secure span.head i.fa.fa-github.fa-fw span.text Open Source span.text All of our platforms are Open Source Software hosted on our a(href="https://github.com/IcyNet", target="_blank") GitHub Organization section#news .content h1 Icy Network News .newsfeed span.load i.fa.fa-spin.fa-spinner.fa-2x span Loading feed a.older(href="/news") View older articles