extends layout.pug block title |Icy Network - Activate Authenticator block body .wrapper .boxcont .box#login .left h1 Two Factor Authentication if message if message.error .message.error else .message span #{message.text} img.qr(src="//api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?data=" + uri) form#totpForm(method="POST", action="") input(type="hidden", name="csrf", value=csrf) label(for="code") Enter the Code input(type="text", name="code", id="code") input(type="submit", value="Enable Now") .right h3 How to use ol li Scan the QR Code with your authenticator app li Enter the one-time code given to you li You will now be asked for a code every time you log in h3 Authenticator app p We recommend using Google Authenticator