import config from '../../../scripts/load-config' import Models from '../models' import Users from '../index' import crypto from 'crypto' const OAuthDB = { accessToken: { ttl: config.oauth2.access_token_life, getToken: (object) => { if (object) return object.token return null }, create: async (userId, clientId, scope, ttl) => { const token = crypto.randomBytes(config.oauth2.token_length).toString('hex') const expr = new Date( + ttl * 1000) if (typeof scope === 'object') { scope = scope.join(' ') } // Delete already existing tokens with this exact user id, client id and scope, because it will // eventually pile up and flood the database. await Models.OAuth2AccessToken.query().delete().where('user_id', userId) .andWhere('client_id', clientId) const obj = { token: token, user_id: userId, client_id: clientId, scope: scope, expires_at: expr, created_at: new Date() } let res = await Models.OAuth2AccessToken.query().insert(obj) if (!res) return null return res.token }, fetchByToken: async (token) => { if (typeof token === 'object') { return token } token = await Models.OAuth2AccessToken.query().where('token', token) if (!token.length) return null return token[0] }, checkTTL: (object) => { return (object.expires_at > }, getTTL: (object) => { return (object.expires_at - }, fetchByUserIdClientId: async (userId, clientId) => { let tkn = await Models.OAuth2AccessToken.query().where('user_id', userId).andWhere('client_id', clientId) if (!tkn.length) return null return tkn[0] } }, client: { getId: (client) => { return }, fetchById: async (id) => { let client = await Models.OAuth2Client.query().where('id', id) if (!client.length) return null return client[0] }, checkSecret: (client, secret) => { return client.secret === secret }, checkGrantType: (client, grant) => { if (client.grants.indexOf(grant) !== -1) { return true } return false }, getRedirectUri: (client) => { return client.redirect_url }, checkRedirectUri: (client, redirectUri) => { return (redirectUri.indexOf(OAuthDB.client.getRedirectUri(client)) === 0 && redirectUri.replace(OAuthDB.client.getRedirectUri(client), '').indexOf('#') === -1) }, transformScope: (scope) => { if (!scope) return [] if (typeof scope === 'object') { return scope } scope = scope.trim() if (scope.indexOf(',') !== -1) { scope = scope.split(',') } else { scope = scope.split(' ') } return scope }, checkScope: (client, scope) => { if (!scope) return [] if (typeof scope === 'string') { scope = OAuthDB.client.transformScope(scope) } let clientScopes = client.scope.split(' ') for (let i in scope) { if (clientScopes.indexOf(scope[i]) === -1) { return false } } return scope } }, code: { ttl: config.oauth2.code_life, create: async (userId, clientId, scope, ttl) => { const code = crypto.randomBytes(config.oauth2.token_length).toString('hex') const expr = new Date( + ttl * 1000) if (typeof scope === 'object') { scope = scope.join(' ') } // Delete already existing codes with this exact user id, client id and scope, because it will // eventually pile up and flood the database, especially when they were never used. await Models.OAuth2Code.query().delete().where('user_id', userId).andWhere('client_id', clientId) const obj = { code: code, user_id: userId, client_id: clientId, scope: scope, expires_at: expr, created_at: new Date() } await Models.OAuth2Code.query().insert(obj) return obj.code }, fetchByCode: async (code) => { code = await Models.OAuth2Code.query().where('code', code) if (!code.length) return null return code[0] }, removeByCode: async (code) => { if (typeof code === 'object') { code = code.code } return Models.OAuth2Code.query().delete().where('code', code) }, getUserId: (code) => { return code.user_id }, getClientId: (code) => { return code.client_id }, getScope: (code) => { return code.scope }, checkTTL: (code) => { return (code.expires_at > } }, refreshToken: { create: async (userId, clientId, scope) => { const token = crypto.randomBytes(config.oauth2.token_length).toString('hex') if (typeof scope === 'object') { scope = scope.join(' ') } const obj = { token: token, user_id: userId, client_id: clientId, scope: scope, created_at: new Date() } await Models.OAuth2RefreshToken.query().insert(obj) return obj.token }, fetchByToken: async (token) => { token = await Models.OAuth2RefreshToken.query().where('token', token) if (!token.length) return null return token[0] }, removeByUserIdClientId: async (userId, clientId) => { return Models.OAuth2RefreshToken.query().delete().where('user_id', userId) .andWhere('client_id', clientId) }, removeByRefreshToken: async (token) => { return Models.OAuth2RefreshToken.query().delete().where('token', token) }, getUserId: (refreshToken) => { return refreshToken.user_id }, getClientId: (refreshToken) => { return refreshToken.client_id }, getScope: (refreshToken) => { return refreshToken.scope } }, user: { getId: (user) => { return }, fetchById: Users.User.get, fetchByUsername: Users.User.get, checkPassword: Users.User.Login.password, fetchFromRequest: async (req) => { if (!req.session.user) return null return req.session.user }, clientAllowed: async (userId, clientId, scope) => { if (typeof scope === 'object') { scope = scope.join(' ') } let authorized = await Models.OAuth2AuthorizedClient.query().where('user_id', userId) if (!authorized.length) return false let correct = false for (let i in authorized) { if (authorized[i].client_id === clientId) { correct = authorized[i] } } if (correct) { if (correct.scope !== scope) { await Models.OAuth2AuthorizedClient.query().delete().where('user_id', userId) .andWhere('client_id', correct.client_id) return false } correct = true } return correct }, allowClient: async (userId, clientId, scope) => { if (typeof scope === 'object') { scope = scope.join(' ') } let obj = { user_id: userId, client_id: clientId, scope: scope, created_at: new Date() } await Models.OAuth2AuthorizedClient.query().insert(obj) return true } } } module.exports = OAuthDB