import error from '../error' import response from '../response' import model from '../model' import authorization from './code' import wrap from '../../../../scripts/asyncRoute' const usermodel = model.user module.exports = wrap(async (req, res, next) => { let clientId = null let redirectUri = null let responseType = null let grantType = null let scope = null let user = null if (!req.query.redirect_uri) { return response.error(req, res, new error.InvalidRequest('redirect_uri field is mandatory for authorization endpoint'), redirectUri) } redirectUri = req.query.redirect_uri console.debug('Parameter redirect uri is', redirectUri) if (!req.query.client_id) { return response.error(req, res, new error.InvalidRequest('client_id field is mandatory for authorization endpoint'), redirectUri) } // Check for client_secret (prevent passing it) if (req.query.client_secret) { return response.error(req, res, new error.InvalidRequest('client_secret field should not be passed to the authorization endpoint'), redirectUri) } clientId = req.query.client_id console.debug('Parameter client_id is', clientId) if (!req.query.response_type) { return response.error(req, res, new error.InvalidRequest('response_type field is mandatory for authorization endpoint'), redirectUri) } responseType = req.query.response_type console.debug('Parameter response_type is', responseType) switch (responseType) { case 'code': grantType = 'authorization_code' break case 'token': grantType = 'implicit' break default: return response.error(req, res, new error.UnsupportedResponseType('Unknown response_type parameter passed'), redirectUri) } console.debug('Parameter response_type is', responseType) let client = await req.oauth2.model.client.fetchById(clientId) if (!client) { return response.error(req, res, new error.InvalidClient('Client not found'), redirectUri) } if (!req.oauth2.model.client.getRedirectUri(client)) { return response.error(req, res, new error.UnsupportedResponseType('The client has not set a redirect uri'), redirectUri) } else if (!req.oauth2.model.client.checkRedirectUri(client, redirectUri)) { return response.error(req, res, new error.InvalidRequest('Wrong RedirectUri provided'), redirectUri) } else { console.debug('redirect_uri check passed') } if (!req.oauth2.model.client.checkGrantType(client, grantType)) { return response.error(req, res, new error.UnauthorizedClient('This client does not support this grant type'), redirectUri) } else { console.debug('Grant type check passed') } scope = req.oauth2.model.client.transformScope(req.query.scope) scope = req.oauth2.model.client.checkScope(client, scope) if (!scope) { return response.error(req, res, new error.InvalidScope('Client does not allow access to this scope'), redirectUri) } else { console.debug('Scope check passed') } user = await req.oauth2.model.user.fetchFromRequest(req) if (!user) { return response.error(req, res, new error.InvalidRequest('There is no currently logged in user'), redirectUri) } else { if (!user.username) { return response.error(req, res, new error.Forbidden(user), redirectUri) } console.debug('User fetched from request') } let data = null if (req.method === 'GET') { let hasAuthorizedAlready = await usermodel.clientAllowed(,, scope) if (client.verified === 1) { hasAuthorizedAlready = true } if (hasAuthorizedAlready) { if (grantType === 'authorization_code') { try { data = await authorization.Code(req, res, client, scope, user, redirectUri, false) } catch (err) { return response.error(req, res, err, redirectUri) } return, res, { code: data }, redirectUri) } else if (grantType === 'implicit') { try { data = await authorization.Implicit(req, res, client, scope, user, redirectUri, false) } catch (err) { return response.error(req, res, err, redirectUri) } return, res, { token_type: 'bearer', access_token: data, expires_in: req.oauth2.model.accessToken.ttl }, redirectUri) } } else { return req.oauth2.decision(req, res, client, scope, user, redirectUri) } return response.error(req, res, new error.InvalidRequest('Invalid request method'), redirectUri) } if (grantType === 'authorization_code') { try { data = await authorization.Code(req, res, client, scope, user, redirectUri, true) } catch (err) { return response.error(req, res, err, redirectUri) } return, res, { code: data }, redirectUri) } else if (grantType === 'implicit') { try { data = await authorization.Implicit(req, res, client, scope, user, redirectUri, true) } catch (err) { return response.error(req, res, err, redirectUri) } return, res, { token_type: 'bearer', access_token: data, expires_in: req.oauth2.model.accessToken.ttl }, redirectUri) } else { return response.error(req, res, new error.InvalidRequest('Invalid request method'), redirectUri) } })