# Server configuration [server] # Port the server will run on port=8282 # Session key session_key="Session" # Session secret (keep this a secret) session_secret="hackmysessions" # Number of worker processes (0 to use all CPU cores) workers=1 # Domain of this application # Used for the links in emails domain="http://localhost:8282" # Database # Available database clients: mysql / postgresql(pg) / sqlite3 / oracle / mssql [database] client="mysql" # Here you will define database connection related to the client [database.connection] user="root" host="localhost" password="" database="icynet" # More information on database configuration can be found here: # http://knexjs.org/#Installation-client # OAuth2 related configuration [oauth2] # Byte length of a token token_length=16 # 1 week of token life access_token_life=604800 # Authorization code life code_life=3600 # Whether or not an OAuth2 client authorization decision will be saved # which means that the user will not be asked for authorization again # Decisions can be revoked from the user settings page save_decision=true # Redis is currently used for storing sessions [redis] port=6379 # Uncomment if you want to be using Twitter authentication [twitter] # api="" # api_secret="" # Uncomment if you want to be using Facebook authentication [facebook] # client="" # Uncomment if you want to be using Discord authentication [discord] # api="" # api_secret="" # reCAPTCHA configuration [security] [security.recaptcha] # site_key="" # secret_key="" # Email SMTP transport configuration [email] enabled=false admin="icynet@example.com" [email.transport] host="mail.example.com" port=587 secure=false [email.transport.auth] user="" pass="" [email.transport.tls] rejectUnauthorized=false # Application log file location [logger] write=true file="/var/log/icynet.log"