<div> <h1>Privacy Policy</h1> <span class="last-modified">Last modified: Friday, 13 Oct 2017</span> <p>By using Services of Icy Network, you acknowledge and agree to these policies.</p> <h2>Information We Collect and Use</h2> <p>Icy Network may collect and save some information about our users.</p> <h3>Basic Account Information</h3> <p>Icy Network uses your username to identify you in our system. Please only enter Usernames which you are comfortable with other people seeing.</p> <p>Your email addess is used to send you updates and important information about our Services and the status of your account. You may unsubscribe from update emails at any time. We will never provide, sell, or leak your email address to Third-Party sites nor send you malicious or spam emails. We will never ask you for your personal information or passwords via email.</p> <h3>Additional Information</h3> <p>We use your IP Address to track our visitor traffic in order for us to better allocate resources to the Services which are used the most. Your IP address is not available publicly and is only used internally within our systems.</p> <h2>Cookies</h2> <p>Like many websites, we use Cookies in our Services. A Cookie is a small file saved onto your computer by your web browser which contains a bit of information about your presence on Icy Network websites. Icy Network uses temporary session cookies, which are used to save log-in sessions, which means that you won't have to log in every time you visit our website.</p> <h2>External Logins</h2> <p>By logging in from external websites, you agree to these Policies.</p> <h3>Twitter</h3> <p>By logging in with Twitter, we will only ask you for your Screen Name, Public Profile Name and Email Address for the above-mentioned purposes. We are unable to Tweet on your behalf nor see your Tweets.</p> <h3>Facebook</h3> <p>By logging in with Facebook, we will only ask you for your Public Profile and Email Address. We will use your Name as your Display Name, which can be changed from your Account Settings after logging in. Your profile picture may be downloaded onto our servers and used as your network-wide profile image. You may change your profile picture from your Account Settings at any time. Your Email Address will only be used to send you updates, which you can opt-out of. We can not: post on your behalf, see your friends list nor see your posts.</p> <h3>Discord</h3> <p>By logging in with Discord, we will only ask you for your Username and Email Address for the above-mentioned purposes. We do not ask you for any other information and we will not know which Discord Servers you're on.</p> <h3>Google</h3> <p>By logging in with Google, we will only ask you for your Name and Email Address for the above-mentioned purposes. We do not ask you for any other information and we will not have access to anything other than your public profile information.</p> </div>