extends layout block title |Icy Network - Authorize Application block body .container.mb-4.mt-4 h1 Authorize Application p b= client.title | wants you to give them access to your user details and authenticate you, without giving them your password. The list of things b=client.title | can and cannot do are provided below. .row.mb-2 .col .application .picture if client.icon img(src=client.icon) else .noicon i.fas.fa-fw.fa-cogs .info .name= client.title .description= client.description a.url(href=client.url, target="_blank", rel="nofollow")= client.url form(method="POST", action="") input(type="hidden", name="csrf", value=csrf) input(type="hidden", name="decision", value='1') button.btn.btn-success(type="submit") Authorize Access p form(method="POST", action="") input(type="hidden", name="csrf", value=csrf) input(type="hidden", name="decision", value='0') button.btn.btn-danger(type="submit") Deny Access .col .haveaccess span This application can ul.nobulletin if scope.indexOf('email') !== -1 li i.fas.fa-fw.fa-envelope |See your Email address li i.fas.fa-fw.fa-user |See your Display Name .noaccess span This application cannot ul.nobulletin if scope.indexOf('email') === -1 li i.fas.fa-fw.fa-envelope |See your Email address li i.fas.fa-fw.fa-lock |See your Password li i.fas.fa-fw.fa-gears |Change your Account Settings .alert.alert-info b Note! |You can revoke #{client.title} at any time from your a(href="/user/manage") Account Settings |.