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2020-05-28 21:30:21 +03:00

433 lines
13 KiB

import qs from 'querystring'
import oauth from 'oauth-libre'
import { v1 as uuidV1 } from 'uuid'
import crypto from 'crypto'
import config from '../../scripts/load-config'
import http from '../../scripts/http'
import models from './models'
import Image from './image'
import UAPI from './index'
const userFields = ['username', 'email', 'avatar_file', 'display_name', 'ip_address']
let twitterApp
let discordApp
const API = {
Common: {
// Generate a hash based on the current session
stateGenerator: (req) => {
const sessionCrypto = + ':' + config.server.session_secret
return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(sessionCrypto).digest('hex')
// Find an user with an external ID
getExternal: async (service, identifier) => {
let extr = await models.External.query().where('service', service).andWhere('identifier', identifier)
if (!extr || !extr.length) return null
extr = extr[0]
extr.user = null
if (extr.user_id !== null) {
const user = await UAPI.User.get(extr.user_id)
if (user) {
extr.user = user
return extr
// Get user ban status
getBan: async (user, ipAddress) => {
const banList = await UAPI.User.getBanStatus(ipAddress ||, ipAddress != null)
return banList
// Create a new `external` instance for a user
new: async (service, identifier, user) => {
const data = {
service: service,
identifier: identifier,
created_at: new Date()
await await models.External.query().insert(data)
return true
// Create a new user
newUser: async (service, identifier, data) => {
if (config.external.registrations !== true) throw new Error('Registrations from third-party websites are not allowed.')
const udataLimited = Object.assign({
activated: 1,
created_at: new Date(),
updated_at: new Date(),
uuid: uuidV1()
}, data)
// Some data cleanups
// Limit display name length
udataLimited.display_name = udataLimited.display_name.substring(0, 32)
// Remove illegal characters from the username
udataLimited.username = udataLimited.username.replace(/\W+/gi, '')
// Limit user name length
udataLimited.username = udataLimited.username.substring(0, 26)
// Check if the username is already taken
if (await UAPI.User.get(udataLimited.username) != null || udataLimited.username.length < 4) {
udataLimited.username = udataLimited.username + UAPI.Hash(4)
// Check if the email given to us is already registered, if so,
// tell them to log in first.
if ( && !== '') {
const getByEmail = await UAPI.User.get(
if (getByEmail) {
throw new Error('An user with this email address is already registered, but this external account is are not linked. If you wish to link the account, please log in first.')
// Create a new user based on the information we got from an external service
const newUser = await models.User.query().insert(udataLimited)
await, identifier, newUser)
return newUser
// Remove an `external` object (thus unlinking from a service)
remove: async (user, service) => {
user = await UAPI.User.ensureObject(user, ['password'])
const userExterns = await models.External.query().orderBy('created_at', 'asc').where('user_id',
if (!userExterns.length) {
return false
// Do not remove the service the user signed up with
if (userExterns[0] && (user.password === '' || user.password === null) && userExterns[0].service === service) {
return false
return models.External.query().delete().where('user_id','service', service)
// Common code for all auth callbacks
callback: async (identifier, uid, user, ipAddress, remoteData, avatarFunc) => {
const exists = await API.Common.getExternal(identifier, uid)
if (user) {
// Get bans for user
const bans = await API.Common.getBan(user)
if (bans.length) return { banned: bans, ip: false }
if (exists) return { error: null, user: user }
await, uid, user)
return { error: null, user: user }
// Callback succeeded with user id and the external table exists, we log in the user
if (exists) {
// Get bans for user
const bans = await API.Common.getBan(exists.user)
if (bans.length) return { banned: bans, ip: false }
return { error: null, user: exists.user }
// Get bans for IP address
const bans = await API.Common.getBan(null, ipAddress)
if (bans.length) return { banned: bans, ip: true }
// Run the function for avatar fetching
let avatar = null
if (avatarFunc) {
avatar = await avatarFunc(remoteData)
// Assign the data
const newUData = Object.assign({
email: || '',
avatar_file: avatar,
ip_address: ipAddress
}, remoteData)
// Remove unnecessary fields
for (const i in newUData) {
if (userFields.indexOf(i) === -1) {
delete newUData[i]
let newUser
try {
newUser = await API.Common.newUser(identifier, uid, newUData)
} catch (e) {
return { error: e.message }
return { error: null, user: newUser }
Facebook: {
getAvatar: async (rawData) => {
let profilepic = null
if (rawData.picture) {
if (rawData.picture.is_silhouette === false && rawData.picture.url) {
const imgdata = await Image.downloadImage(rawData.picture.url)
if (imgdata && imgdata.fileName) {
profilepic = imgdata.fileName
return profilepic
callback: async (user, authResponse, ipAddress) => {
if (!authResponse) {
return { error: 'No Authorization' }
const uid = authResponse.userID
if (!uid) {
return { error: 'No Authorization' }
// Get facebook user information in order to create a new user or verify
let fbdata
const intel = {
access_token: authResponse.accessToken,
fields: 'name,email,picture,short_name'
try {
fbdata = await http.GET('' + uid + '?' + qs.stringify(intel))
fbdata = JSON.parse(fbdata)
} catch (e) {
return { error: 'Could not get user information', errorObject: e }
if (fbdata.error) {
return { error: fbdata.error.message }
const cleanedData = Object.assign(fbdata, {
username: fbdata.short_name || 'FB' + UAPI.Hash(4),
email: || ''
return API.Common.callback('facebook', uid, user, ipAddress, cleanedData, API.Facebook.getAvatar)
Twitter: {
getAvatar: async function (rawData) {
let profilepic = null
if (rawData.profile_image_url_https) {
const imgdata = await Image.downloadImage(rawData.profile_image_url_https)
if (imgdata && imgdata.fileName) {
profilepic = imgdata.fileName
return profilepic
oauthApp: function () {
if (!twitterApp) {
const redirectUri = config.server.domain + '/api/external/twitter/callback'
twitterApp = new oauth.PromiseOAuth(
getRequestToken: async function () {
if (!twitterApp) API.Twitter.oauthApp()
let tokens
try {
tokens = await twitterApp.getOAuthRequestToken()
} catch (e) {
return { error: 'No tokens returned' }
if (tokens[2].oauth_callback_confirmed !== 'true') return { error: 'No tokens returned.' }
return { error: null, token: tokens[0], token_secret: tokens[1] }
getAccessTokens: async function (token, secret, verifier) {
if (!twitterApp) API.Twitter.oauthApp()
let tokens
try {
tokens = await twitterApp.getOAuthAccessToken(token, secret, verifier)
} catch (e) {
return { error: 'No tokens returned' }
if (!tokens || !tokens.length) return { error: 'No tokens returned' }
return { error: null, access_token: tokens[0], access_token_secret: tokens[1] }
callback: async function (user, accessTokens, ipAddress) {
if (!twitterApp) API.Twitter.oauthApp()
let twdata
try {
const resp = await twitterApp.get('',
accessTokens.access_token, accessTokens.access_token_secret)
twdata = JSON.parse(resp[0])
} catch (e) {
return { error: 'Failed to verify user credentials.' }
const uid = twdata.id_str
const cleanedData = Object.assign(twdata, {
username: twdata.screen_name,
email: || ''
return API.Common.callback('twitter', uid, user, ipAddress, cleanedData, API.Twitter.getAvatar)
Google: {
getAvatar: async (rawData) => {
let profilepic = null
if (rawData.image) {
const imgdata = await Image.downloadImage(rawData.image)
if (imgdata && imgdata.fileName) {
profilepic = imgdata.fileName
return profilepic
callback: async (user, data, ipAddress) => {
let uid
try {
const test = await http.GET('' + data.id_token)
if (!test) throw new Error('No response!')
const jsondata = JSON.parse(test)
if (!jsondata || ! || ! throw new Error('Please allow Basic Profile and Email.')
if ( !== || !== throw new Error('Conflicting data. Please try again!')
if (new Date(parseInt(jsondata.exp) * 1000) < throw new Error('Expired token! Please try again!')
uid = jsondata.sub
} catch (e) {
return { error: e.message }
const cleanedData = Object.assign(data, {
email: || ''
return API.Common.callback('google', uid, user, ipAddress, cleanedData, API.Google.getAvatar)
Discord: {
getAvatar: async (rawData) => {
let profilepic = null
const aviSnowflake = rawData.avatar
if (aviSnowflake) {
try {
const avpt = await Image.downloadImage('' + + '/' + aviSnowflake + '.png')
if (avpt && avpt.fileName) {
profilepic = avpt.fileName
} catch (e) {
profilepic = null
return profilepic
oauth2App: function () {
if (discordApp) return
discordApp = new oauth.PromiseOAuth2(
getAuthorizeURL: function (req) {
if (!discordApp) API.Discord.oauth2App()
const state = API.Common.stateGenerator(req)
const redirectUri = config.server.domain + '/api/external/discord/callback'
const params = {
client_id: config.external.discord.api,
redirect_uri: redirectUri,
scope: 'identify email',
response_type: 'code',
state: state
const url = discordApp.getAuthorizeUrl(params)
return { error: null, state: state, url: url }
getAccessToken: async function (code) {
if (!discordApp) API.Discord.oauth2App()
const redirectUri = config.server.domain + '/api/external/discord/callback'
let tokens
try {
tokens = await discordApp.getOAuthAccessToken(code, { grant_type: 'authorization_code', redirect_uri: redirectUri })
} catch (e) {
return { error: 'No Authorization' }
if (!tokens.length) return { error: 'No Tokens' }
tokens = tokens[2]
return { error: null, accessToken: tokens.access_token }
callback: async function (user, accessToken, ipAddress) {
if (!discordApp) API.Discord.oauth2App()
let ddata
try {
const resp = await discordApp.get('', accessToken)
ddata = JSON.parse(resp)
} catch (e) {
return { error: 'Could not get user information' }
const uid =
// Create a new user
const cleanedData = Object.assign(ddata, {
display_name: ddata.username,
email: || ''
return API.Common.callback('discord', uid, user, ipAddress, cleanedData, API.Discord.getAvatar)
module.exports = API