extends ../partials/layout.pug block title |Set a new password | Icy Network block body include ../partials/logo.pug div.container div.center-box if token h1 Set a new password if message.text if message.error .alert.alert-danger span #{message.text} else .alert.alert-success span #{message.text} form(method="post") div.form-container input#csrf(type="hidden", name="_csrf", value=csrf) label.form-label(for="password") New password input.form-control#password( type="password", name="password", autocomplete="new-password", autofocus, placeholder="Password" ) small.form-hint Must be at least 8 characters long, contain a capital and lowercase letter and a number. label.form-label(for="password_repeat") Repeat new password input.form-control#password_repeat( type="password", name="password_repeat", autocomplete="new-password", placeholder="Password" ) button.btn.btn-primary(type="submit") Set password else h1 Reset password p If you have forgotten your password, please enter your account email address and we will send you a link to recover it. form(method="post") div.form-container input#csrf(type="hidden", name="_csrf", value=csrf) label.form-label(for="email") Email address input.form-control#email( type="email", name="email", autofocus, placeholder="Email address" ) button.btn.btn-primary(type="submit") Send recovery email a.btn.btn-link.align-self-end(type="button" href="/login") Log in instead