
108 lines
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import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Request } from 'express';
export class FormUtilityService {
public emailRegex =
public passwordRegex = /^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)[a-zA-Z\d\w\W]{8,}$/;
public usernameRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]{3,26}$/;
* Merge array of objects into single object
* @param flash Array of objects
* @returns Merged object
public mergeObjectArray(flash: Record<string, any>[]): Record<string, any> {
return flash.reduce<Record<string, any>>(
(obj, item) => ({ ...obj, ...item }),
* Trim values of specified keys of an object
* @param entry Object
* @param fields Fields to strip spaces from
* @returns Object with trimmed values
public trimmed<T>(entry: T, fields: string[]): T {
return fields.reduce<T>(
(object, key) => ({ ...object, [key]: object[key]?.trim() }),
* Strip keys from an object
* @param object Object to strip
* @param keys Keys to strip from the object
* @returns Stripped object
public stripObject<T>(object: T, keys: string[]): T {
return keys.reduce<T>((obj, field) => {
delete obj[field];
return obj;
}, object);
* Pluck keys from an object
* @param object Object to pluck
* @param keys Keys to pluck from the object
* @returns Plucked object
public pluckObject<T>(object: T, keys: string[]): Partial<T> {
return Object.keys(object).reduce<Partial<T>>((obj, field) => {
if (keys.includes(field)) {
obj[field] = object[field];
return obj;
}, {});
* Strip keys from an object array
* @param array Object array to strip
* @param keys Keys to strip from the object array
* @returns Stripped object
public stripObjectArray<T>(array: T[], keys: string[]): T[] {
return array.map((object) => this.stripObject(object, keys));
* Pluck keys from an object array
* @param array Object array to pluck
* @param keys Keys to pluck from the object array
* @returns Plucked object
public pluckObjectArray<T>(array: T[], keys: string[]): Partial<T>[] {
return array.map((object) => this.pluckObject(object, keys));
* Include CSRF token, messages and prefilled form values for a template with a form
* @param req Express request
* @param additional Additional data to pass
* @returns Template locals
public populateTemplate(
req: Request,
additional: Record<string, any> = {},
): Record<string, any> {
const message = req.flash('message')[0] || {};
const form = this.mergeObjectArray(
(req.flash('form') as Record<string, any>[]) || [],
return {
path: req.originalUrl,
csrf: req.csrfToken(),