
127 lines
5.4 KiB

export const RPL_COMMAND = [
['300', 'RPL_NONE', ''],
['302', 'RPL_USERHOST', ':[<reply>{<space><reply>}]'],
['303', 'RPL_ISON', ':[<nick> {<space><nick>}]'],
['301', 'RPL_AWAY', '<nick> :<away message>'],
['305', 'RPL_UNAWAY', ':You are no longer marked as being away'],
['306', 'RPL_NOWAWAY', ':You have been marked as being away'],
['307', 'RPL_WHOISREGNICK', '<nick> :is a registered nick'],
['311', 'RPL_WHOISUSER', '<nick> <user> <host> * :<real name>'],
['312', 'RPL_WHOISSERVER', '<nick> <server> :<server info>'],
['313', 'RPL_WHOISOPERATOR', '<nick> :is an IRC operator'],
'<nick> <integer> [<integer>] :seconds idle[, signon at]',
['318', 'RPL_ENDOFWHOIS', '<nick> :End of /WHOIS list'],
['319', 'RPL_WHOISCHANNELS', '<nick> :{[@|+]<channel><space>}'],
['314', 'RPL_WHOWASUSER', '<nick> <user> <host> * :<real name>'],
['369', 'RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS', '<nick> :End of WHOWAS'],
['321', 'RPL_LISTSTART', 'Channel :Users Name'],
['322', 'RPL_LIST', '<channel> <# visible> :<topic>'],
['323', 'RPL_LISTEND', ':End of /LIST'],
['324', 'RPL_CHANNELMODEIS', '<channel> <mode> <mode params>'],
['324', 'RPL_WHOISACCOUNT', '<nick> <authname> :is logged in as'],
['331', 'RPL_NOTOPIC', '<channel> :No topic is set'],
['332', 'RPL_TOPIC', '<channel> :<topic>'],
['333', 'RPL_TOPICWHOTIME', '<nick> <user> <host> :<integer>'],
['335', 'RPL_WHOISBOT', ':is a bot on network'],
['341', 'RPL_INVITING', '<channel> <nick>'],
['342', 'RPL_SUMMONING', '<user> :Summoning user to IRC'],
['351', 'RPL_VERSION', '<version>.<debuglevel> <server> :<comments>'],
'<channel> <user> <host> <server> <nick> <H|G>[*][@|+] :<hopcount> <real name>',
['315', 'RPL_ENDOFWHO', '<name> :End of /WHO list'],
['353', 'RPL_NAMREPLY', '<channel> :[[@|+]<nick> [[@|+]<nick> [...]]]'],
['366', 'RPL_ENDOFNAMES', '<channel> :End of /NAMES list'],
['364', 'RPL_LINKS', '<mask> <server> :<hopcount> <server info>'],
['365', 'RPL_ENDOFLINKS', '<mask> :End of /LINKS list'],
['367', 'RPL_BANLIST', '<channel> <banid>'],
['368', 'RPL_ENDOFBANLIST', '<channel> :End of channel ban list'],
['371', 'RPL_INFO', ':<string>'],
['374', 'RPL_ENDOFINFO', ':End of /INFO list'],
['375', 'RPL_MOTDSTART', ':- <server> Message of the day - '],
['372', 'RPL_MOTD', ':- <text>'],
['376', 'RPL_ENDOFMOTD', ':End of /MOTD command'],
['379', 'RPL_WHOISMODES', '<nick> <modes> :is using modes'],
['381', 'RPL_YOUREOPER', ':You are now an IRC operator'],
['382', 'RPL_REHASHING', '<config file> :Rehashing'],
['391', 'RPL_TIME', "<server> :<string showing server's local time>"],
['392', 'RPL_USERSSTART', ':UserID Terminal Host'],
['393', 'RPL_USERS', ':%-8s %-9s %-8s'],
['394', 'RPL_ENDOFUSERS', ':End of users'],
['395', 'RPL_NOUSERS', ':Nobody logged in'],
'Link <version & debug level> <destination> <next server>',
['201', 'RPL_TRACECONNECTING', 'Try. <class> <server>'],
['202', 'RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE', 'H.S. <class> <server>'],
['203', 'RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN', '???? <class> [<client IP address in dot form>]'],
['204', 'RPL_TRACEOPERATOR', 'Oper <class> <nick>'],
['205', 'RPL_TRACEUSER', 'User <class> <nick>'],
'Serv <class> <int>S <int>C <server> <nick!user|*!*>@<host|server>',
['208', 'RPL_TRACENEWTYPE', '<newtype> 0 <client name>'],
['261', 'RPL_TRACELOG', 'File <logfile> <debug level>'],
'<linkname> <sendq> <sent messages> <sent bytes> <received messages> <received bytes> <time open>',
['212', 'RPL_STATSCOMMANDS', '<command> <count>'],
['213', 'RPL_STATSCLINE', 'C <host> * <name> <port> <class>'],
['214', 'RPL_STATSNLINE', 'N <host> * <name> <port> <class>'],
['215', 'RPL_STATSILINE', 'I <host> * <host> <port> <class>'],
['216', 'RPL_STATSKLINE', 'K <host> * <username> <port> <class>'],
'Y <class> <ping frequency> <connect frequency> <max sendq>',
['219', 'RPL_ENDOFSTATS', '<stats letter> :End of /STATS report'],
['241', 'RPL_STATSLLINE', 'L <hostmask> * <servername> <maxdepth>'],
['242', 'RPL_STATSUPTIME', ':Server Up %d days %d:%02d:%02d'],
['243', 'RPL_STATSOLINE', 'O <hostmask> * <name>'],
['244', 'RPL_STATSHLINE', 'H <hostmask> * <servername>'],
['221', 'RPL_UMODEIS', '<user mode string>'],
':There are <integer> users and <integer> invisible on <integer> servers',
['252', 'RPL_LUSEROP', '<integer> :operator(s) online'],
['253', 'RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN', '<integer> :unknown connection(s)'],
['254', 'RPL_LUSERCHANNELS', '<integer> :channels formed'],
['255', 'RPL_LUSERME', ':I have <integer> clients and <integer> servers'],
['256', 'RPL_ADMINME', '<server> :Administrative info'],
['257', 'RPL_ADMINLOC1', ':<admin info>'],
['258', 'RPL_ADMINLOC2', ':<admin info>'],
['259', 'RPL_ADMINEMAIL', ':<admin info>'],
['671', 'RPL_WHOISSECURE', '<nick> [<type>] :is using a secure connection'],
'<nick> <nick> <ident> <host> <account> :You are now logged in as',
'<nick> <nick> <ident> <host> <account> :You are now logged out',
['903', 'RPL_SASLSUCCESS', '<nick> :SASL authentication successful'],
'<nick> <mechanisms> :are available SASL mechanisms',