(function(module) { "use strict"; var User = module.parent.require('./user'), db = module.parent.require('../src/database'), passport = module.parent.require('passport'), fs = module.parent.require('fs'), path = module.parent.require('path'), nconf = module.parent.require('nconf'), winston = module.parent.require('winston'), passportOAuth; if (meta.config['social:oauth:type'] === '2') { passportOAuth = require('passport-oauth').OAuth2Strategy; } else if (meta.config['social:oauth:type'] === '1') { passportOAuth = require('passport-oauth').OAuthStrategy; } var constants = Object.freeze({ 'name': "Generic OAuth", 'admin': { 'route': '/oauth', 'icon': 'fa-key' } }); var OAuth = {}; OAuth.getStrategy = function(strategies) { var oAuthKeys = ['social:oauth:reqTokenUrl', 'social:oauth:accessTokenUrl', 'social:oauth:authUrl', 'social:oauth:key', 'social:oauth:secret'], oAuth2Keys = ['social:oauth2:authUrl', 'social:oauth2:tokenUrl', 'social:oauth2:id', 'social:oauth2:secret'], configOk = oAuthKeys.every(function(key) { return meta.config[key]; }) || oAuth2Keys.every(function(key) { return meta.config[key]; }), opts; if (passportOAuth && configOk) { if (meta.config['social:oauth:type'] === '1') { // OAuth options opts = { requestTokenURL: meta.config['social:oauth:reqTokenUrl'], accessTokenURL: meta.config['social:oauth:accessTokenUrl'], userAuthorizationURL: meta.config['social:oauth:authUrl'], consumerKey: meta.config['social:oauth:key'], consumerSecret: meta.config['social:oauth:secret'], callbackURL: nconf.get('url') + '/auth/generic/callback' }; passportOAuth.Strategy.prototype.userProfile = function(token, secret, params, done) { this._oauth.get(meta.config['social:oauth:userProfileUrl'], token, secret, function(err, body, res) { if (err) { return done(new InternalOAuthError('failed to fetch user profile', err)); } try { var json = JSON.parse(body); var profile = { provider: 'generic' }; // Alter this section to include whatever data is necessary // NodeBB requires the following: id, displayName, emails, e.g.: // profile.id = json.id; // profile.displayName = json.name; // profile.emails = [{ value: json.email }]; done(null, profile); } catch(e) { done(e); } }); }; } else if (meta.config['social:oauth:type'] === '2') { // OAuth 2 options opts = { authorizationURL: meta.config['social:oauth2:authUrl'], tokenURL: meta.config['social:oauth2:tokenUrl'], clientID: meta.config['social:oauth2:id'], clientSecret: meta.config['social:oauth2:secret'], callbackURL: nconf.get('url') + '/auth/generic/callback' }; passportOAuth.Strategy.prototype.userProfile = function(accessToken, done) { this._oauth2.get(meta.config['social:oauth:userProfileUrl'], accessToken, function(err, body, res) { if (err) { return done(new InternalOAuthError('failed to fetch user profile', err)); } try { var json = JSON.parse(body); var profile = { provider: 'generic' }; // Alter this section to include whatever data is necessary // NodeBB requires the following: id, displayName, emails, e.g.: // profile.id = json.id; // profile.displayName = json.name; // profile.emails = [{ value: json.email }]; done(null, profile); } catch(e) { done(e); } }); }; } passport.use('Generic OAuth', new passportOAuth(opts, function(token, secret, profile, done) { OAuth.login(profile.id, profile.displayName, profile.emails[0].value, function(err, user) { if (err) { return done(err); } done(null, user); }); })); strategies.push({ name: 'Generic OAuth', url: '/auth/oauth', callbackURL: '/auth/generic/callback', icon: 'check', scope: meta.config['social:oauth:scope'].split(',') }); return strategies; } else { winston.info('[plugins/sso-oauth] OAuth Disabled or misconfigured. Proceeding without Generic OAuth Login'); return strategies; } }; OAuth.login = function(oAuthid, handle, email, callback) { OAuth.getUidByOAuthid(oAuthid, function(err, uid) { if(err) { return callback(err); } if (uid !== null) { // Existing User callback(null, { uid: uid }); } else { // New User var success = function(uid) { // Save provider-specific information to the user User.setUserField(uid, 'oAuthid', oAuthid); db.setObjectField('oAuthid:uid', oAuthid, uid); callback(null, { uid: uid }); }; User.getUidByEmail(email, function(err, uid) { if(err) { return callback(err); } if (!uid) { User.create({username: handle, email: email}, function(err, uid) { if(err) { return callback(err); } success(uid); }); } else { success(uid); // Existing account -- merge } }); } }); }; OAuth.getUidByOAuthid = function(oAuthid, callback) { db.getObjectField('oAuthid:uid', oAuthid, function(err, uid) { if (err) { return callback(err); } callback(null, uid); }); }; OAuth.addMenuItem = function(custom_header) { custom_header.authentication.push({ "route": constants.admin.route, "icon": constants.admin.icon, "name": constants.name }); return custom_header; } OAuth.addAdminRoute = function(custom_routes, callback) { fs.readFile(path.resolve(__dirname, './static/admin.tpl'), function (err, template) { custom_routes.routes.push({ "route": constants.admin.route, "method": "get", "options": function(req, res, callback) { callback({ req: req, res: res, route: constants.admin.route, name: constants.name, content: template }); } }); callback(null, custom_routes); }); }; module.exports = OAuth; }(module));