# passport-icynet Passport strategy for authentication with [Icy Network](https://icynet.eu) through the OAuth 2.0 API. ## Usage `npm install passport-icynet --save` #### Configure Strategy The Icy Network authentication strategy authenticates users via a Icy Network user account and OAuth 2.0 token(s). A Icy Network API client ID, secret and redirect URL must be supplied when using this strategy. The strategy also requires a `verify` callback, which receives the access token and an optional refresh token, as well as a `profile` which contains the authenticated Icy Network user's profile. The `verify` callback must also call `cb` providing a user to complete the authentication. ```javascript var IcyNetworkStrategy = require('passport-icynet').Strategy; var scopes = ['image', 'email']; passport.use(new IcyNetworkStrategy({ clientID: 'id', clientSecret: 'secret', callbackURL: 'callbackURL', scope: scopes }, function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) { User.findOrCreate({ icynetId: profile.id }, function(err, user) { return cb(err, user); }); })); ``` #### Authentication Requests Use `passport.authenticate()`, and specify the `'icynet'` strategy to authenticate requests. For example, as a route middleware in an Express app: ```javascript app.get('/auth/icynet', passport.authenticate('icynet')); app.get('/auth/icynet/callback', passport.authenticate('icynet', { failureRedirect: '/' }), function(req, res) { res.redirect('/secretstuff') // Successful auth }); ``` #### Refresh Token Usage In some use cases where the profile may be fetched more than once or you want to keep the user authenticated, refresh tokens may wish to be used. A package such as `passport-oauth2-refresh` can assist in doing this. Example: `npm install passport-oauth2-refresh --save` ```javascript var IcyNetworkStrategy = require('passport-icynet').Strategy , refresh = require('passport-oauth2-refresh'); var icynetStrat = new IcyNetworkStrategy({ clientID: 'id', clientSecret: 'secret', callbackURL: 'callbackURL' }, function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) { profile.refreshToken = refreshToken; // store this for later refreshes User.findOrCreate({ icynetId: profile.id }, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(err); return cb(err, user); }); }); passport.use(icynetStrat); refresh.use(icynetStrat); ``` ... then if we require refreshing when fetching an update or something ... ```javascript refresh.requestNewAccessToken('icynet', profile.refreshToken, function(err, accessToken, refreshToken) { if (err) throw; // boys, we have an error here. profile.accessToken = accessToken; // store this new one for our new requests! }); ``` ## Examples An Express server example can be found in the `/example` directory. Be sure to `npm install` in that directory to get the dependencies. ## Credits * Jared Hanson - used passport-github to understand passport more and kind of as a base.