/** * Dependencies */ var OAuth2Strategy = require('passport-oauth2') , InternalOAuthError = require('passport-oauth2').InternalOAuthError , util = require('util'); /** * `Strategy` constructor. * * The Icy Network authentication strategy authenticates requests by delegating * to Icy Network via the OAuth2.0 protocol * * Applications must supply a `verify` callback which accepts an `accessToken`, * `refreshToken` and service-specific `profile`, and then calls the `cb` * callback supplying a `user`, which should be set to `false` if the * credentials are not valid. If an exception occured, `err` should be set. * * Options: * - `clientID` OAuth ID to icynet * - `clientSecret` OAuth Secret to verify client to icynet * - `callbackURL` URL that icynet will redirect to after auth * - `scope` Array of permission scopes to request * Check the official documentation for valid scopes to pass as an array. * * @constructor * @param {object} options * @param {function} verify * @access public */ function Strategy(options, verify) { options = options || {}; options.authorizationURL = options.authorizationURL || 'https://icynet.eu/oauth2/authorize'; options.tokenURL = options.tokenURL || 'https://icynet.eu/oauth2/token'; options.scopeSeparator = options.scopeSeparator || ' '; this._userProfileURL = options.userProfileURL || 'https://icynet.eu/oauth2/user'; OAuth2Strategy.call(this, options, verify); this.name = 'icynet'; this._oauth2.useAuthorizationHeaderforGET(true); } /** * Inherits from `OAuth2Strategy` */ util.inherits(Strategy, OAuth2Strategy); /** * Retrieve user profile from Icy Network. * * This function constructs a normalized profile. * Along with the properties returned from /oauth2/user, properties returned include: * - `email` Email address if you requested this scope * - `image` Profile picture if you requested this scope * - `privilege` Icy Network privilege level if you requested this scope * - `accessToken` The access token used to fetch the (may be useful for refresh) * * @param {string} accessToken * @param {function} done * @access protected */ Strategy.prototype.userProfile = function(accessToken, done) { var self = this; this._oauth2.get(this._userProfileURL, accessToken, function(err, body, res) { if (err) { return done(new InternalOAuthError('Failed to fetch the user profile.', err)) } try { var parsedData = JSON.parse(body); } catch (e) { return done(new Error('Failed to parse the user profile.')); } var profile = parsedData; // has the basic user stuff profile.provider = 'icynet'; done(null, profile) }); }; /** * Expose `Strategy`. */ module.exports = Strategy;