# Current environment - production or development NODE_ENV=production # Front-end public URL, without leading slash PUBLIC_URL=http://localhost:5173 # Site name, displayed on the UI and in emails PUBLIC_SITE_NAME=Amanita SSO # Database connection (mysql) DATABASE_HOST=localhost DATABASE_DB=icyauth DATABASE_USER=icyauth DATABASE_PASS=icyauth # Secret keys for sessions and challenges # These keys should be rotated as part of regular maintenance SESSION_SECRET=32 char key CHALLENGE_SECRET=64 char key # Set "Secure" flag on the cookie SESSION_SECURE=true # OpenID Connect JWT (ID token) settings # Private keys for JWTs are stored as files in the private directory JWT_ALGORITHM=RS256 JWT_EXPIRATION=7d JWT_ISSUER=http://localhost:5173 JWT_KEYLENGTH=2048 # SMTP settings EMAIL_ENABLED=true EMAIL_FROM=no-reply@icynet.eu EMAIL_SMTP_HOST=mail.icynet.eu EMAIL_SMTP_PORT=587 EMAIL_SMTP_SECURE=false EMAIL_SMTP_USER= EMAIL_SMTP_PASS= EMAIL_ADMIN= # Enable new account registrations REGISTRATIONS=true # Trust the first proxy to give us the user's real IP ADDRESS_HEADER=X-Forwarded-For XFF_DEPTH=1 # Run database migrations automatically on startup AUTO_MIGRATE=true # hCaptcha keys, leave empty if not using it PUBLIC_HCAPTCHA_KEY= HCAPTCHA_SECRET= # Use Valkey for cache, leave empty to use in-memory cache VALKEY_URI= # Disable built-in sveltekit upload limit BODY_SIZE_LIMIT=Infinity