# TeemantIRC
LunaSquee's third attempt at creating a working IRC client..
###Running the development version
This application requires [node.js](https://nodejs.org/) to be installed.
1. Install the dependencies `npm install`
2. Copy the configuration `cp client.config.example.toml client.config.toml`
3. Run the server `./teemant.js`
The client will be accessible at http://localhost:8080/
### WebIRC
The server will look for passwords in `webirc.data.json`. The format is: `"server-ip-address": "server webirc password"`
###The (non-complete) TODO List (of things left to do)
* [NORMAL] CAP negotiation
* [LOW] Better input
* [LOW] irc:// URL scheme handling
* [LOW] Connection presets
* [LOW] More command handling (use /quote for non-integrated commands)