const dns = require("dns"), fs = require("fs"), path = require("path"), config = require(__dirname+'/config'), logger = require(__dirname+'/logger'), webirc_data_path = path.resolve(__dirname+'/../'); let webirc_data = {}; let timeouts = {}; function writeToFile() { fs.writeFile(webirc_data_path, JSON.stringify(webirc_data, null, '\t'), function (err) {if (err) throw err;}); } function timeoutRefresh(address, seconds) { if(timeouts[address]) clearTimeout(timeouts[address]); timeouts[address] = setTimeout(()=>{resolveAddress(address)}, seconds*1000); } function resolveAddress(address, force) { logger.debugLog("** WEBIRC ** Attempting to update IP for "+address); let obj = webirc_data[address]; if(!obj) return; if(( - obj.last_update)/1000 < config.webirc.resolveInterval && !force) { let nextTime = (config.webirc.resolveInterval - ( - obj.last_update)/1000); logger.debugLog("** WEBIRC ** "+address+" IP is "+obj.cached_ip+", refresh in "+nextTime+" seconds"); return timeoutRefresh(address, nextTime); } new Promise((resolve, reject) => { dns.resolve(address, (err, data) => { if(err!=null) return reject(err); let ip = data.length > 0 ? data[0] : null; if(ip) { resolve(ip); } else { reject(new Error("no ips")); } }); }).then((data) => { logger.debugLog("** WEBIRC ** Updated DNS for "+address+"; IP is now "+data); webirc_data[address].last_update =; webirc_data[address].cached_ip = data; writeToFile(); timeoutRefresh(address, config.webirc.resolveInterval); }, (err) => { logger.debugLog("** WEBIRC ** Failed to updated DNS for "+address+"; IP is still "+webirc_data[address].cached_ip); timeoutRefresh(address, (config.webirc.resolveInterval+60)); }); } function reload(force) { if(!config.webirc.enabled) return; try { fs.accessSync(webirc_data_path, fs.F_OK); webirc_data = require(webirc_data_path); if (require.cache && require.cache[webirc_data_path]) { delete require.cache[webirc_data_path]; } } catch(e) { writeToFile(); } for(let adr in webirc_data) { resolveAddress(adr, force); } } function get_password(server_ip) { let ip = null; for(let a in webirc_data) { if(webirc_data[a].cached_ip == server_ip) ip = webirc_data[a]; } return ip; } class WebIRCAuthenticator { constructor(userInfo) { this.userInfo = userInfo; } authenticate(connection) { let serverpass = get_password(connection.config.address); if(serverpass) connection.socket.write('WEBIRC '+serverpass.password+' '+connection.config.username+ ' '+this.userInfo.hostname+' '+this.userInfo.ipaddr+'\r\n'); } } module.exports = { reload: reload, authenticator: WebIRCAuthenticator, get_password: get_password, writeToFile: writeToFile }; process.on('SIGUSR1', () => { logger.log("\n!!! Received SIGUSR1; Reloading webirc data.. !!!\n"); reload(true); }); reload(false);