#!/usr/bin/env node import yargs from 'yargs'; import { newEnvironment } from './build/environment'; import { buildRepository } from './build/repository/build'; import { newRepository } from './build/repository/create'; import { watchRepository } from './build/watch'; const yar = yargs.scriptName('squeebot') .command('new [name] [path]', 'create a new Squeebot environment', (y) => { y.positional('name', { describe: 'The name of the new environment', }) .positional('path', { describe: 'The path to create a new Squeebot environment at (default: working directory)', }); }, (v) => newEnvironment(v.name as string, v.path as string)) .command('repository', 'manage repositories', (y) => { y.command('new [name] [path]', 'create a new repository', (yi) => { yi.positional('name', { demandOption: 'The repository requires a name', describe: 'The name of the new repository', }) .positional('path', { describe: 'The path to create the new Squeebot plugin repository at (default: working directory)', }) .option('t', { alias: 'no-typescript', describe: 'Do not include typescript in the development environment', type: 'boolean', }); }, (v) => newRepository(v.name as string, v.path as string, v.t !== true)); y.command('build [path]', 'build a repository of plugins and generate the index file', (yi) => { yi.positional('path', { describe: 'The path of the repository', }) .option('p', { alias: 'no-output', describe: 'Do not create an output directory, just build', type: 'boolean', }) .option('d', { alias: 'deploy', describe: 'Deploy the output directory as configured', nargs: 1, type: 'string', }) .option('w', { alias: 'watch', describe: 'Watch files for changes', type: 'boolean', }) .option('o', { alias: 'deploy-only', describe: 'Deploy only, without rebuilding', type: 'boolean', }); }, (v) => { const dargs = [ v.path, v.p !== true, v.d, v.o === true, ]; if (v.w) { return watchRepository( dargs[0] as string, dargs[1] as boolean, dargs[2] as string, ); } buildRepository( dargs[0] as string, dargs[1] as boolean, dargs[2] as string, dargs[3] as boolean, ); }); }) .argv;