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+ ] + } + ], + "no-console": [ + true, + "debug", + "info", + "time", + "timeEnd", + "trace" + ], + "no-empty": false, + "no-inferrable-types": [ + true, + "ignore-params" + ], + "no-non-null-assertion": true, + "no-redundant-jsdoc": true, + "no-switch-case-fall-through": true, + "no-var-requires": false, + "object-literal-key-quotes": [ + true, + "as-needed" + ], + "quotemark": [ + true, + "single" + ], + "semicolon": { + "options": [ + "always" + ] + }, + "space-before-function-paren": { + "options": { + "anonymous": "never", + "asyncArrow": "always", + "constructor": "never", + "method": "never", + "named": "never" + } + }, + "typedef": [ + true, + "call-signature" + ], + "forin": false, + "ban-types": { + "function": false + }, + "typedef-whitespace": { + "options": [ + { + "call-signature": "nospace", + "index-signature": "nospace", + "parameter": "nospace", + "property-declaration": "nospace", + "variable-declaration": "nospace" + }, + { + "call-signature": "onespace", + "index-signature": "onespace", + "parameter": "onespace", + "property-declaration": "onespace", + "variable-declaration": "onespace" + } + ] + }, + "variable-name": { + "options": [ + "ban-keywords", + "check-format", + "allow-pascal-case" + ] + }, + "whitespace": { + "options": [ + "check-branch", + "check-decl", + "check-operator", + "check-separator", + "check-type", + "check-typecast" + ] + } + } +} diff --git a/utility/math.ts b/utility/math.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ffe58a --- /dev/null +++ b/utility/math.ts @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +import { evaluate, simplify } from 'mathjs'; + +function done(data: string): void { + if (process && process.send) { + process.send(data); + } +} + +process.once('message', (msg) => { + msg = msg.toString(); + + const dat = msg.split(' '); + if (!(dat.length > 1)) { + return; + } + + let expr = dat.slice(1).join(' '); + + if (!expr) { + return done('null'); + } + if (expr.indexOf('=') === expr.length - 1) { + expr = expr.substring(0, expr.length - 1); + } + + expr = expr.replace(/π/g, 'pi'); + let result = 'null'; + + try { + if (dat[0] === 'eval') { + result = evaluate(expr); + } else if (dat[0] === 'simplify') { + result = simplify(expr).toString(); + } + } catch (e) { + return done(e.message); + } + + return done(result.toString()); +}); diff --git a/utility/plugin.json b/utility/plugin.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c515340 --- /dev/null +++ b/utility/plugin.json @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "main": "plugin.js", + "name": "utility", + "description": "Utility commands and math operations", + "version": "3.0.0", + "tags": ["commands", "tools"], + "dependencies": ["simplecommands"], + "npmDependencies": [ + "mathjs@^8.0.1", + "convert-units@^2.3.4" + ] +} diff --git a/utility/plugin.ts b/utility/plugin.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5eaf29e --- /dev/null +++ b/utility/plugin.ts @@ -0,0 +1,829 @@ +import path from 'path'; +import net from 'net'; +import util from 'util'; +import cprog from 'child_process'; +import convert from 'convert-units'; + +import { + Plugin, + Configurable, + EventListener, + DependencyLoad +} from '@squeebot/core/lib/plugin'; + +import { IMessage } from '@squeebot/core/lib/types'; +import { httpGET, parseTimeToSeconds, readableTime } from '@squeebot/core/lib/common'; + +import { logger } from '@squeebot/core/lib/core'; + +type CEXResponse = {[key: string]: number}; + +const cexCache: {[key: string]: number | CEXResponse} = { + expiry: 0, + date: 0, + cache: {}, +}; + +const bases: {[key: number]: string[]} = { + 2: ['bin', 'binary'], + 8: ['oct', 'octal'], + 10: ['dec', 'decimal'], + 16: ['hex', 'hexadecimal'] +}; + +function getBaseNum(base: string): number | null { + let result = null; + for (const i in bases) { + const defs = bases[i]; + if (defs.indexOf(base) === -1) { + continue; + } + result = parseInt(i, 10); + } + + if (result) { + return result; + } + + if (base.indexOf('b') !== 0) { + return null; + } + + const matcher = base.match(/b(?:ase-?)?(\d+)/); + if (!matcher || !matcher[1] || isNaN(parseInt(matcher[1], 10))) { + return null; + } + return parseInt(matcher[1], 10); +} + +const urlRegex = /(((ftp|https?):\/\/)[-\w@:%_+.~#?,&//=]+)/g; +const fork = cprog.fork; + +// Run mathjs in a separate thread to avoid the killing of the main process +function opMath(expression: string, method = 'eval'): Promise { + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + // Fork the script + const mathThread = fork(path.join(__dirname, 'math.js')); + + let done = false; + + // Time the request out when user enters something too complex + const timeItOut = setTimeout(() => { + mathThread.kill('SIGKILL'); + done = true; + return reject(new Error('Timed out')); + }, 8000); + + // Send data to the thread to process + mathThread.send(method + ' ' + expression); + + // Recieve data + mathThread.on('message', (chunk) => { + clearTimeout(timeItOut); + + if (done) { + return; + } + const line = chunk.toString().trim(); + + if (line.length > 280) { + return reject(new Error('The response was too large')); + } + + done = true; + + if (line === 'null') { + return reject(new Error('Nothing was returned')); + } + + resolve(line); + }); + + mathThread.on('exit', () => { + clearTimeout(timeItOut); + + if (!done) { + reject(new Error('Nothing was returned')); + } + }); + }); +} + +function rgbToHex(r: number, g: number, b: number): string { + // tslint:disable-next-line: no-bitwise + return '#' + ((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b).toString(16).slice(1); +} + +function hexToRgb(hex: string): {[key: string]: number} | null { + // Expand shorthand form (e.g. "03F") to full form (e.g. "0033FF") + const shorthandRegex = /^#?([a-f\d])([a-f\d])([a-f\d])$/i; + hex = hex.replace(shorthandRegex, (m, r, g, b) => { + return r + r + g + g + b + b; + }); + + const result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex); + return result ? { + r: parseInt(result[1], 16), + g: parseInt(result[2], 16), + b: parseInt(result[3], 16) + } : null; +} + +function pingTcpServer(host: string, port: number): Promise { + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + let isFinished = false; + let timeA = new Date().getTime(); + const timeB = new Date().getTime(); + + function returnResults(status: boolean, info: number | Error): void { + if (!isFinished) { + isFinished = true; + + if (info instanceof Error) { + return reject(info); + } + + resolve(info); + } + } + + const pingHost = net.connect({port, host}, () => { + timeA = new Date().getTime(); + returnResults(true, timeA - timeB); + pingHost.end(); + pingHost.destroy(); + }); + + pingHost.setTimeout(5000); + + pingHost.on('timeout', () => { + pingHost.end(); + pingHost.destroy(); + returnResults(false, new Error('timeout')); + }); + + pingHost.on('error', (e) => { + pingHost.end(); + pingHost.destroy(); + returnResults(false, e); + }); + + pingHost.on('close', () => { + returnResults(false, new Error('closed')); + }); + }); +} + +function addCommands(plugin: UtilityPlugin, commands: any): void { + const cmds = []; + + cmds.push({ + name: 'binary', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + let response = ''; + let strArr; + let i; + let text =' ').slice(2).join(' '); + + try { + switch (simplified[0] ? simplified[0].toUpperCase() : null) { + case 'ENCODE': + strArr = text.split(''); + + for (i in strArr) { + response += ' ' + ('0000000' + + parseInt(Buffer.from(strArr[i].toString(), 'utf8').toString('hex'), 16).toString(2)).slice(-8); + } + + response = response.substr(1); + + break; + case 'DECODE': + text = text.split(' ').join(''); + i = 0; + + while (8 * (i + 1) <= text.length) { + response += Buffer.from(parseInt(text.substr(8 * i, 8), 2).toString(16), 'hex').toString('utf8'); + i++; + } + + response = 'Decoded: ' + response.replace(/\n/g, '\\n').replace(/\r/g, '\\r'); + } + } catch (e) { + msg.resolve('Operation failed.'); + return true; + } + + msg.resolve(response); + return true; + }, + description: 'Encode/decode binary (ASCII only)', + usage: ' ' + }); + + cmds.push({ + name: 'hexstr', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + let response = ''; + let i; + let text =' ').slice(2).join(' '); + + try { + switch (simplified[0] ? simplified[0].toUpperCase() : null) { + case 'DECODE': + text = text.replace(/\s/g, ''); + + for (i = 0; i < text.length; i += 2) { + response += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(text.substr(i, 2), 16)); + } + + response = 'Decoded: ' + response.replace(/\n/g, '\\n').replace(/\r/g, '\\r'); + break; + case 'ENCODE': + for (i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { + response += text.charCodeAt(i).toString(16) + ' '; + } + break; + } + } catch (e) { + msg.resolve('Operation failed.'); + return true; + } + + msg.resolve(response); + return true; + }, + description: 'Encode/decode hexadecimal (ASCII only)', + usage: ' ' + }); + + cmds.push({ + name: 'base64', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + let response = ''; + const text =' ').slice(2).join(' '); + + try { + switch (simplified[0] ? simplified[0].toUpperCase() : null) { + case 'DECODE': + response = 'Decoded: ' + (Buffer.from(text, 'base64').toString('ascii')).replace(/\n/g, '\\n').replace(/\r/g, '\\r'); + break; + case 'ENCODE': + response = Buffer.from(text).toString('base64'); + break; + } + } catch (e) { + msg.resolve('Operation failed.'); + return true; + } + + msg.resolve(response); + return true; + }, + description: 'Encode/decode base64 (ASCII only)', + usage: ' ' + }); + + cmds.push({ + name: 'numsys', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + const input = simplified[0]; + const src = simplified[1].toLowerCase(); + const dst = simplified[2].toLowerCase(); + + const srcBase = getBaseNum(src); + const dstBase = getBaseNum(dst); + + if (!srcBase || !dstBase || dstBase > 36 || dstBase < 2 || srcBase > 36 || srcBase < 2) { + msg.resolve('Invalid conversion.'); + return false; + } + + const decimal = parseInt(input, srcBase); + const result = decimal.toString(dstBase); + + msg.resolve('Result:', result); + return true; + }, + description: 'Convert a value into a value in another numbering system.', + usage: ' ', + aliases: ['convertnumbers', 'cvnums'] + }); + + cmds.push({ + name: 'convertseconds', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + msg.resolve(readableTime(parseInt(simplified[0], 10))); + return true; + }, + description: 'Convert seconds to years days hours minutes seconds.', + usage: '', + aliases: ['cvs', 'parseseconds'] + }); + + cmds.push({ + name: 'converttime', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + const str =' ').slice(1).join(' '); + + if (!str) { + msg.resolve('Invalid input'); + return true; + } + + msg.resolve(parseTimeToSeconds(str) + ' seconds'); + return true; + }, + description: 'Convert ywdhms to seconds.', + usage: '[y] [w] [d] [h] [m] [s]', + aliases: ['cvt', 'parsetime'] + }); + + cmds.push({ + name: 'reconverttime', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + const str =' ').slice(1).join(' '); + + if (!str) { + msg.resolve('Invalid input'); + return true; + } + + const sec = parseTimeToSeconds(str); + msg.resolve(readableTime(sec)); + + return true; + }, + aliases: ['rcvt'] + }); + + cmds.push({ + name: 'eval', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + if (!simplified[0]) { + return true; + } + + const wholeRow =' ').slice(1).join(' '); + + opMath(wholeRow).then((repl) => { + msg.resolve(repl); + }, (e) => { + msg.resolve('Could not evaluate expression:', e.message); + }); + + return true; + }, + aliases: ['evaluate', 'math', 'equation', 'calc'], + usage: '', + description: 'Evaluate a math expression' + }); + + cmds.push({ + name: 'simplify', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + if (!simplified[0]) { + return true; + } + + const wholeRow =' ').slice(1).join(' '); + + opMath(wholeRow, 'simplify').then((repl) => { + msg.resolve(repl); + }, () => { + msg.resolve('Could not evaluate expression!'); + }); + + return true; + }, + aliases: ['mathsimple', 'algebra'], + usage: '', + description: 'Simplify a math expression' + }); + + cmds.push({ + name: 'evaljs', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + if (!simplified[0]) { + return true; + } + const script =' ').slice(1).join(' '); + + // Disallow child_process when shell is disallowed + if ((script.indexOf('child_process') !== -1 || + script.indexOf('cprog') !== -1 || + script.indexOf('fork') !== -1) && + !plugin.config.config.allowShell) { + msg.resolve('Error: child_process is not allowed in evaljs due to security reasons.'); + return true; + } + + try { + const mesh = eval(script); /* eslint no-eval: off */ + if (mesh === undefined) { + return true; + } + msg.resolve(util.format(mesh)); + } catch (e) { + msg.resolve('Error: ' + e.message); + } + + return true; + }, + description: 'Execute JavaScript in a command context', + permissions: ['system_execute'], + hidden: true + }); + + cmds.push({ + name: 'userid', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + msg.resolve('Your userId is %s.', msg.fullSenderID); + return true; + }, + description: 'Display your userId (internal user identification)', + hidden: true + }); + + cmds.push({ + name: 'roomid', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + msg.resolve('Current roomId is %s.', msg.fullRoomID); + return true; + }, + description: 'Display the internal identification of this room', + hidden: true + }); + + cmds.push({ + name: 'serverid', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + if ( && { + msg.resolve('Current server ID is s:%s.',; + return true; + } + + msg.resolve('This protocol does not specify a server. ' + + 'Either the protocol is for a single server only or the server variable is not supported.'); + + return true; + }, + description: 'Display the internal identification of this room', + hidden: true + }); + + cmds.push({ + name: 'rgb2hex', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + if (!simplified[0]) { + return true; + } + + const fullmsg =' ').slice(1).join(' '); + const channels = fullmsg.match(/(rgb)?\(?(\d{1,3}),?\s(\d{1,3}),?\s(\d{1,3})\)?/i); + if (!channels || channels[2] == null) { + msg.resolve('Invalid parameter'); + return true; + } + + const r = parseInt(channels[2], 10); + const g = parseInt(channels[3], 10); + const b = parseInt(channels[4], 10); + + if (r > 255 || g > 255 || b > 255) { + msg.resolve('Invalid colors'); + return true; + } + const hex = rgbToHex(r, g, b); + + msg.resolve(hex); + return true; + }, + description: 'Convert RGB to HEX colors', + usage: '[rgb](, , )| ' + }); + + cmds.push({ + name: 'hex2rgb', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + if (!simplified[0]) { + return true; + } + let hexcode = simplified[0]; + + if (hexcode.indexOf('#') === -1) { + hexcode = '#' + hexcode; + } + + if (hexcode.length !== 4 && hexcode.length !== 7) { + msg.resolve('Invalid length'); + return true; + } + + const rgb = hexToRgb(hexcode); + if (!rgb) { + msg.resolve('Invalid HEX notation'); + return true; + } + + msg.resolve('rgb(%d, %d, %d)', rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b); + return true; + }, + description: 'Convert HEX to RGB colors', + usage: '#|#' + }); + + cmds.push({ + name: 'isup', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + if (!simplified[0]) { + msg.resolve('Please specify host name!'); + return true; + } + if (!simplified[1]) { + msg.resolve('Please specify port!'); + return true; + } + + const host = simplified[0]; + const port = parseInt(simplified[1], 10); + + if (isNaN(port) || port <= 0 || port > 65535) { + msg.resolve('Invalid port number!'); + return true; + } + + let statusString = msg.source.format.format('bold', 'closed'); + let status; + + try { + status = await pingTcpServer(host, port); + statusString = msg.source.format.format('bold', 'open'); + } catch (e) { + status = e.message; + } + + if (!isNaN(parseFloat(status))) { + status = status + ' ms'; + } + + msg.resolve(`Port ${port} on ${host} is ${statusString} (${status})`); + return true; + }, + description: 'Ping a host', + usage: ' ', + aliases: ['tcpup', 'tping'], + hidden: true + }); + + cmds.push({ + name: 'convert', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + const tqnt = parseFloat(simplified[0]); + if (isNaN(tqnt)) { + msg.resolve('Please specify a quantity, either an integer or a float!'); + return true; + } + + const src = simplified[1]; + let dst = simplified[2]; + if (dst && dst.toLowerCase() === 'to') { + dst = simplified[3]; + } + + if (!src) { + msg.resolve('Please specify source unit!'); + return true; + } + + if (!dst) { + msg.resolve('Please specify destination unit!'); + return true; + } + + let res = null; + + try { + res = convert(tqnt).from(src).to(dst); + } catch (e) { + res = null; + } + + if (res) { + const srcdesc = convert().describe(src); + const dstdesc = convert().describe(dst); + + const bsrcdesc = (Math.floor(tqnt) !== 1) ? srcdesc.plural : srcdesc.singular; + const bdstdesc = (Math.floor(res) !== 1) ? dstdesc.plural : dstdesc.singular; + + msg.resolve(` ${tqnt} ${bsrcdesc} => ${res} ${bdstdesc}`); + return true; + } + + msg.resolve('Failed to convert.'); + return true; + }, + description: 'Convert between quantities in different units.', + usage: ' ', + aliases: ['cv', 'unit'] + }); + + cmds.push({ + name: 'currency', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + let ctw: CEXResponse | null = cexCache.cache as CEXResponse; + if (cexCache.expiry < { + let fetched; + try { + const data = await httpGET(''); + fetched = JSON.parse(data); + logger.log('[utility] Fetched currency exchange rates successfully.'); + } catch (e) { + ctw = null; + } + + if (!ctw || !fetched.rates) { + msg.resolve('Could not fetch currency exchange rates at this time. Please try again later.'); + return true; + } + + cexCache.cache = fetched.rates; + =; + cexCache.expiry = + 86400000; // day + ctw = cexCache.cache as CEXResponse; + } + + if (simplified[0] === 'date') { + msg.resolve('Currency exchange rates are as of %s',; + return true; + } else if (simplified[0] === 'list') { + msg.resolve('Currently supported currencies: EUR, %s', Object.keys(cexCache.cache).join(', ')); + return true; + } + + const n = parseFloat(simplified[0]); + let f = simplified[1]; + let t = simplified[2]; + if (isNaN(n) || !f || !t) { + msg.resolve('Invalid parameters.'); + return true; + } + f = f.toUpperCase(); + t = t.toUpperCase(); + + if (f !== 'EUR' && !ctw[f]) { + msg.resolve('This currency is currently not supported.'); + return true; + } + + if (t !== 'EUR' && !ctw[t]) { + msg.resolve('This currency is currently not supported.'); + return true; + } + + if (f === t) { + msg.resolve('%f %s', n, f); + return true; + } + + let ramnt: string; + if (f === 'EUR') { + ramnt = (n * ctw[t]).toFixed(4); + msg.resolve('%f EUR => %f %s', n, ramnt, t); + return true; + } else if (t === 'EUR') { + ramnt = (n / ctw[f]).toFixed(4); + msg.resolve('%f %s => %f EUR', n, f, ramnt); + return true; + } + + const amnt = (ctw[t] * n / ctw[f]).toFixed(4); + msg.resolve('%f %s => %f %s', n, f, amnt, t); + return true; + }, + description: 'Convert between currencies.', + usage: ' | [date | list] [] []', + aliases: ['cex', 'exchange'] + }); + + cmds.push({ + name: 'randomnumber', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + let min = parseInt(simplified[0], 10); + let max = parseInt(simplified[1], 10); + let count = parseInt(simplified[2], 10); + const countMax = plugin.config.config.randomMax || 64; + if (isNaN(min) || isNaN(max)) { + msg.resolve('Invalid numbers.'); + return true; + } + if (min > max) { + const realMax = min + 0; + min = max; + max = realMax; + } + if (isNaN(count)) { count = 1; } + if (String(Math.abs(min)).length > 9 || String(Math.abs(max)).length > 9) { + msg.resolve('The numbers are too large!'); + return true; + } + if (count > countMax) { + msg.resolve('Too many to generate. Maximum: ' + countMax); + return true; + } + const numbers = []; + for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { + numbers.push(Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min); + } + msg.resolve(numbers.join(' ')); + return true; + }, + description: 'Generate a random number between and .', + usage: ' []', + aliases: ['rnum', 'rand'] + }); + + if (plugin.config.config.allowShell) { + logger.warn('WARNING! Shell command execution is enabled! Make absolutely sure that there is proper authentication!'); + if (process.getuid && process.getuid() === 0) { + logger.warn('NEVER run Squeebot as root! Run `useradd squeebot`! We are not responsible for possible security leaks!'); + } + + cmds.push({ + name: 'sh', + execute: async (msg: IMessage, spec: any, prefix: string, ...simplified: any[]): Promise => { + const stripnl = (simplified[0] !== '-n'); + const cmd = simplified.slice(stripnl ? 0 : 1).join(' '); + if (!cmd) { + msg.resolve('Nothing to execute!'); + return true; + } + + cprog.exec(cmd, {shell: '/bin/bash'}, (error, stdout, stderr) => { + if (stdout) { + if (stripnl) { stdout = stdout.replace(/\n/g, ' ;; '); } + + return msg.resolve(stdout); + } + + msg.resolve('Error executing command.'); + logger.error(stderr || error); + }); + + return true; + }, + description: 'Run raw shell command.', + usage: '', + hidden: true, + permissions: ['system_execute'], + }); + } + + commands.registerCommand( any) => { + x.plugin =; + return x; + })); +} + +@Configurable({ + allowShell: false, + googleapikey: null, + ipfsGateway: '', + randomMax: 64 +}) +class UtilityPlugin extends Plugin { + bindEvents(): void { + this.on('message', (msg: IMessage) => { + // Pre-regex check + if ('ipfs://') === -1 &&'Qm') === -1) { + return; + } + + // IPFS urlify + const mmatch =\/\/|\s|^)(Qm[\w\d]{44})(?:\s|$)/); + if (mmatch && mmatch[1]) { + msg.resolve(this.config.config.ipfsGateway + '/ipfs/' + mmatch[1]); + } + }); + } + + @DependencyLoad('simplecommands') + addCommands(cmd: any): void { + addCommands(this, cmd); + } + + @EventListener('pluginUnload') + public unloadEventHandler(plugin: string | Plugin): void { + if (plugin === || plugin === this) { + => + this.emit('pluginUnloaded', this)); + } + } + + initialize(): void { + this.bindEvents(); + this.emit('pluginLoaded', this); + } +} + +module.exports = UtilityPlugin;