import { Plugin, Configurable, EventListener, DependencyLoad, DependencyUnload } from '@squeebot/core/lib/plugin'; import express, { RequestHandler } from 'express'; import http from 'http'; import crypto from 'crypto'; import bcrypt from 'bcrypt'; import * as WebSocket from 'ws'; import { logger } from '@squeebot/core/lib/core'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import { Socket } from 'net'; interface RegisteredUser { username: string; password: string; } interface UserRequest { command: string; arguments?: string[]; state?: string; } interface UserResponse { status: 'OK' | 'ERROR'; list?: any[]; data?: any; command: string; state?: string; time?: number; } class WebSocketServer extends EventEmitter { public app = express(); public server = http.createServer(; public wss = new WebSocket.Server({ noServer: true }); public running = false; constructor( public port: number, public host: string, trustProxy = false, ) { super();'x-powered-by'); if (trustProxy) {'trust proxy', 1); } } public init(): void { this.server.listen(this.port,, () => { logger.log('[webface] WebSocket server listening on %s:%s',, this.port); this.running = true; }); } public destroy(): void { this.running = false; this.wss.close(); this.server.close(); } } class WebfaceServer extends WebSocketServer { private controlPlugin: any; private connections = new Map(); private issuedTokens = new Map(); constructor( public port: number, public host: string, public authorizedURL: string, private users: RegisteredUser[], trustProxy = false, ) { super(port, host, trustProxy); this.initializeWebSocket(); this.initializeAPI(); } /** * Set the loaded control plugin and announce that it has been loaded * @param control Control plugin */ public setControlPlugin(control: any): void { this.controlPlugin = control; this.connections.forEach((ws) => { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ status: 'OK_CONTROL', message: 'Control plugin has loaded again!' })); }); } /** * Notify websocket connections that the control plugin disappeared */ public controlPluginUnloaded(): void { this.controlPlugin = null; this.connections.forEach((ws) => { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ status: 'MISSING_CONTROL', message: 'Control plugin has unloaded!' })); }); } /** * Get the username of a token or throw an error if missing or invalid * @param req HTTP connection * @returns Token owner */ public async authorizeAccessToken(req: http.IncomingMessage): Promise { const authHead = req.headers.authorization; if (!authHead || !authHead.startsWith('Bearer')) { throw new Error('Authorization header missing'); } const owner = this.getTokenOwner(authHead.substring(7)); if (!owner) { throw new Error('Unauthorized'); } return owner; } /** * Shut down */ public destroy(): void { this.connections.forEach((ws, user) => { ws.close(); }); this.connections.clear(); this.issuedTokens.clear(); super.destroy(); } /** * Authorize a token * @returns Middleware */ public tokenOwnerMiddleware(): RequestHandler { return (req, res, next) => { const authHeader = req.get('authorization'); if (!authHeader || !authHeader.startsWith('Bearer')) { return res.status(401).json({ error: 'unauthorized', error_message: 'Unauthorized', }); } const token = authHeader.substring(7); const tokenOwner = this.getTokenOwner(token); if (!tokenOwner) { return res.status(401).json({ error: 'unauthorized', error_message: 'Unauthorized', }); } res.locals.token = token; res.locals.user = tokenOwner; next(); }; } /** * Get a token's owner or undefined if invalid or missing * @param token Token from headers * @returns Token owner or undefined */ private getTokenOwner(token: string): string | undefined { const representative = [...this.issuedTokens.entries()] .filter(({ 1: v }) => v === token) .map(([k]) => k); if (!representative?.length) { return; } return representative[0]; } /** * Send a status message with available commands * @param ws WebSocket client * @param username Client's username */ private sendStatus(ws: WebSocket, username: string): void { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ status: this.controlPlugin ? 'OK' : 'MISSING_CONTROL', commands: this.controlPlugin?.listControlCommands() || [], user: { username, } })); } /** * Handle input from a WebSocket connection * @param raw WebSocket message * @param ws WebSocket client * @param user Client username */ private handleWSLine(raw: WebSocket.RawData, ws: WebSocket, user: string): void { const line = raw.toString('utf8'); let jCmd: UserRequest; try { jCmd = JSON.parse(line); } catch (e: any) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ status: 'ERROR', message: e.message })); return; } const { command, state } = jCmd; if (!command) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ status: 'ERROR', message: 'Unknown or missing command', command: '', state: jCmd.state, })); return; } if (command === 'quit' || command === 'exit') { ws.close(); return; } if (command === 'help' || command === 'status') { this.sendStatus(ws, user); return; } const timeStart =; this.controlPlugin.executeControlCommand(command, jCmd.arguments || []).then( (data: any) => { const response: UserResponse = { status: 'OK', command, state, time: - timeStart, }; if (Array.isArray(data)) { response.list = data; } else { = data; } ws.send(JSON.stringify(response)); }, (error: Error) => { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ status: 'ERROR', message: error.message, command, state, time: - timeStart, })); }); } /** * Start listening for websocket connections */ private initializeWebSocket(): void { this.wss.on('connection', (ws: WebSocket, request: http.IncomingMessage, user: string) => { if (this.connections.has(user)) { ws.close(); return; } logger.log('[webface] User %s connected via WebSocket', user); this.sendStatus(ws, user); this.connections.set(user, ws); ws.on('message', (data) => this.handleWSLine(data, ws, user)); ws.on('close', () => { if (this.connections.has(user)) { this.connections.delete(user); } logger.log('[webface] User %s WebSocket disconnected', user); }); }); this.server.on('upgrade', (req, socket, head) => { this.authorizeAccessToken(req).then((user) => { this.wss.handleUpgrade(req, socket as Socket, head, (ws) => { this.wss.emit('connection', ws, req, user); }); }, () => { socket.write('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized\r\n\r\n'); socket.destroy(); }); }); } /** * Set up the HTTP API */ private initializeAPI(): void { as RequestHandler);, res, next) => { res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', this.authorizedURL); res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'POST, GET, DELETE, OPTIONS'); res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization'); res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true'); next(); }); const router = express.Router(); const authMiddleware = this.tokenOwnerMiddleware(); router.get('/', (req, res) => { res.json({ status: 'OK', uptime: process.uptime(), connections: this.connections.size, }); }); router.get('/squeebot', authMiddleware, (req, res) => { res.json({ status: this.controlPlugin ? 'OK' : 'MISSING_CONTROL', uptime: process.uptime(), connections: this.connections.size, user: { username: res.locals.user, }, commands: this.controlPlugin?.listControlCommands() || [], }); });'/authorize', (req, res) => { const { body: { username, password } } = req; const user = this.users.find( (userEntry) => userEntry.username.toLowerCase() === username.toLowerCase() ); if (!user || !username || !password) { return res.status(401).json({ error: 'invalid_username_password', error_message: 'Invalid username or password', }); }, user.password).then((success) => { if (!success) { return res.status(401).json({ error: 'invalid_username_password', error_message: 'Invalid username or password', }); } const token = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex'); this.issuedTokens.set(username, token); res.json({ username, token, }); }); });'/introspect', authMiddleware, (req, res) => { res.json({ status: 'OK', message: 'Token valid', user: { username: res.locals.user } }); }); router.delete('/token', authMiddleware, (req, res) => { const { user } = res.locals; this.issuedTokens.delete(user); const ws = this.connections.get(user); if (ws) { ws.close(); } res.json({ status: 'OK', message: 'Logged out' }); });'/:command', authMiddleware, (req, res) => { if (!this.controlPlugin) { return res.status(500).json({ error: 'control_plugin_unavailable', error_message: 'Control plugin is currently unavailable' }); } const command = req.params.command; const { body } = req; if (body?.arguments && !Array.isArray(body.arguments)) { return res.status(400).json({ error: 'arguments_invalid', error_message: 'Arguments have to be passed as an array', }); } const timeStart =; this.controlPlugin.executeControlCommand(command, body?.arguments || []).then( (data: any) => { res.json({ status: 'OK', data, time: - timeStart, }); }, (error: Error) => { res.status(400).json({ error: `${command}_fail`, error_message: error.message, time: - timeStart, }); }); });'/api/v1', router); } public announcePluginLoaded(plugin: string): void { this.connections.forEach((ws) => { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ status: 'PLUGIN_LOADED', message: `${plugin} has been loaded`, plugin, })); }); } public announcePluginUnloaded(plugin: string): void { this.connections.forEach((ws) => { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ status: 'PLUGIN_UNLOADED', message: `${plugin} has been unloaded`, plugin, })); }); } } @Configurable({ port: 5511, host: 'localhost', trustedRemote: '*', trustProxy: false, users: [ { username: 'squeeadmin', password: '' } ] }) class WebfacePlugin extends Plugin { private srv?: WebfaceServer; @EventListener('pluginUnload') public unloadEventHandler(plugin: string | Plugin): void { if (plugin === || plugin === this) { this.srv?.destroy(); this.emit('pluginUnloaded', this); } } @EventListener('pluginLoaded') public pluginLoadedEvent(plugin: string | Plugin): void { let pluginName = plugin as string; if (typeof plugin !== 'string') { pluginName =; } this.srv?.announcePluginLoaded(pluginName); } @EventListener('pluginUnloaded') public pluginUnloadedEvent(plugin: string | Plugin): void { let pluginName = plugin as string; if (typeof plugin !== 'string') { pluginName =; } this.srv?.announcePluginUnloaded(pluginName); } @DependencyLoad('control') public controlLoaded(control: any): void { if (this.srv) { this.srv.setControlPlugin(control); } } @DependencyUnload('control') public controlUnloaded(): void { if (this.srv) { this.srv.controlPluginUnloaded(); } } initialize(): void { const users = this.config.get('users', []) as RegisteredUser[]; const defaultUser = users.find( (user) => user.username === 'squeeadmin' ); // Set default user password if (defaultUser && defaultUser.password === '') { const defaultPassword = 'squeeadmin13'; bcrypt.hash(defaultPassword, 10).then((hashed) => { defaultUser.password = hashed; logger.warn('[webface] !!! The default user is "squeeadmin" and the password has been set to "squeeadmin13" !!!'); logger.warn('[webface] !!! Change this password ASAP from the front-end of your choice !!!'); this.config.set('users', users); => logger.error('[webface] Failed to save users:', e.message)); }); } // Create the server this.srv = new WebfaceServer( this.config.get('port') as number, this.config.get('host'), this.config.get('trustedRemote', '*') as string, users, this.config.get('trustProxy', false), ); this.srv.init(); } } module.exports = WebfacePlugin;