const express = require('express') const socketio = require('') const http = require('http') const path = require('path') let app = express() let server = http.createServer(app) let io = socketio(server) app.enable('trust proxy') app.disable('x-powered-by') app.use('/', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/client/'))) function playerNameValidation (name) { if (/^([A-Z0-9_\-@]{3,20})$/i.test(name)) { return true } return false } let clients = {} let games = {} let totalGames = 0 // Generate a random int betweem two ints function getRandomInt(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min } // Generate random string of characters function nuid(len) { let buf = [], chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789', charlen = chars.length for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) { buf.push(chars[getRandomInt(0, charlen - 1)]) } return buf.join('') } function clientsBySocketID (id) { let result = null for (let uid in clients) { let client = clients[uid] if (client.sockID === id) { result = uid } } return result } function determineOpponent (myIndex) { let opponent = 'red' if (myIndex === 'red') { opponent = 'blue' } return opponent } function killGamesClientIsIn (uid) { for (let gameId in games) { let game = games[gameId] if ( && === uid) { if (!game.isWaiting && { clients[].socket.emit('game_end', {win: true, result: 0}) } } else if ( && === uid) { if (clients[]) { clients[].socket.emit('game_end', {win: true, result: 0}) } } else { continue } delete games[gameId] console.log(gameId + ' was ended abruptly on ' + uid + '\'s demand.') } } function createNewGame (uid) { let client = clients[uid] let gameId = nuid(16) client.socket.emit('game_new_done', {gameId: gameId}) console.log( + ' has started a new game. ID: ' + gameId) games[gameId] = { blue: uid, red: null, isWaiting: true, turn: 1, places: [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]], created: new Date(), started: null } } function joinGame (uid, gameId) { let me = clients[uid] if (!games[gameId]) { return me.socket.emit('game_error', {message: 'That game has ended!'}) } if (games[gameId].red != null) { return me.socket.emit('game_error', {message: 'That game has already started!'}) } if (!clients[games[gameId].blue]) { return me.socket.emit('game_error', {message: 'That game has ended!'}) } let game = games[gameId] = uid game.isWaiting = false game.started = new Date() let opponent = clients[] if (!opponent) { return me.socket.emit('game_error', {message: 'Your opponent abruptly dissappeared, what?'}) } opponent.socket.emit('game_start', {gameId: gameId, opponentId: uid, opponentName:, color: 'blue'}) me.socket.emit('game_start', {gameId: gameId, opponentId: opponent.uid, opponentName:, color: 'red'}) game.turn = 'blue' clients[].socket.emit('turn', true) clients[uid].socket.emit('turn', false) totalGames += 1 } function endGame (gameId, victoryId, loserId, status) { if (clients[victoryId]) { clients[victoryId].socket.emit('game_end', {win: true, result: status}) } if (clients[loserId]) { clients[loserId].socket.emit('game_end', {win: false, result: status}) } delete games[gameId] console.log(gameId + ' ended with ' + victoryId + '\'s victory.') } function waitingGamesList (uid) { let result = [] let cap = 0 let gamesInSession = 0 for (let i in games) { let game = games[i] if (!game.isWaiting) { gamesInSession += 1 } } for (let gameId in games) { if (cap >= 20) break let game = games[gameId] if (game.isWaiting) { let userName = clients[].name if (uid && === uid) continue result.push({ gameId: gameId, name: userName, started: game.started }) cap += 1 } } return { sessions: gamesInSession, totalGames: totalGames, list: result } } function determinePlayerById (gameId, uid) { let game = games[gameId] if (!game) return null if ( && === uid) { return 'blue' } else if ( && === uid) { return 'red' } return null } function getPiece (game, col, index) { if (col > 8 || index > 8) return col = game.places[col] if (!col) return if (!col.length) { return } let match = null for (let i in col) { if (col[i].y === index) { match = col[i] break } } return match } function detectWin (color, game) { let win = false for (let c in game.places) { let col = game.places[c] for (let p in col) { let piece = col[p] let matches = 0 for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let pAt = getPiece(game, parseInt(c) + i, piece.y) if (pAt && pAt.color === color) { matches += 1 } else { matches = 0 } } if (matches >= 4) { win = true console.log('horizontal win') break } matches = 0 for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let pAt = getPiece(game, parseInt(c), piece.y + i) if (pAt && pAt.color === color) { matches += 1 } else { matches = 0 } } if (matches >= 4) { console.log('vertical win') win = true break } matches = 0 for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let pAt = getPiece(game, parseInt(c) + i, piece.y - i) if (pAt && pAt.color === color) { matches += 1 } else { matches = 0 } } if (matches >= 4) { console.log('diagonal right win') win = true break } matches = 0 for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let pAt = getPiece(game, parseInt(c) - i, piece.y - i) if (pAt && pAt.color === color) { matches += 1 } else { matches = 0 } } if (matches >= 4) { console.log('diagonal left win') win = true break } } } return win } function detectTie (game) { let tie = true for (let c in game.places) { let col = game.places[c] if (col.length !== 9) { tie = false break } } return tie } io.on('connection', (socket) => { socket.on('session_create', (data) => { if (! { return socket.emit('login_status', {success: false, message: 'Invalid name.'}) } if (!playerNameValidation( { return socket.emit('login_status', {success: false, message: 'Invalid name.'}) } let playerUid = nuid(32) socket.emit('login_status', {success: true, uid: playerUid, name:}) clients[playerUid] = { socket: socket, name:, sockID: } console.log('New player: "' + + '" with uid ' + playerUid) }) socket.on('poll_games', () => { let client = clientsBySocketID( socket.emit('poll_games_res', waitingGamesList(client)) }) socket.on('game_attempt_join', (data) => { let client = clientsBySocketID( if (!client) { socket.emit('game_error', {message: 'You are not logged in properly!'}) socket.emit('force_relog') return } if (!data.gameId) return joinGame(client, data.gameId) }) socket.on('leave_game', (data) => { let client = clientsBySocketID( if (!client) return killGamesClientIsIn(client) socket.emit('left_success') }) socket.on('new_game', () => { let client = clientsBySocketID( if (!client) { socket.emit('game_error', {message: 'You are not logged in properly!'}) socket.emit('force_relog') return } createNewGame(client) }) socket.on('chat_send', (data) => { let client = clientsBySocketID( if (!client) { socket.emit('game_error', {message: 'You are not logged in properly!'}) socket.emit('force_relog') return } let game = games[data.gameId] let playerInGame = determinePlayerById(data.gameId, client) if (!playerInGame) { socket.emit('game_error', {message: 'unexpected error. code: 763'}) return } let opponent = determineOpponent(playerInGame) let opponentObj = game[opponent] let me = game[playerInGame] clients[opponentObj].socket.emit('chat', {name: clients[me].name, message: data.message}) }) socket.on('place_at', (data) => { let client = clientsBySocketID( if (!client) { socket.emit('game_error', {message: 'You are not logged in properly!'}) socket.emit('force_relog') return } let game = games[data.gameId] let playerInGame = determinePlayerById(data.gameId, client) if (!playerInGame) { socket.emit('game_error', {message: 'unexpected error. code: 763'}) return } if (data.column == null || data.column > 9) { socket.emit('game_error', {message: 'Unexpected column'}) return } let opponent = determineOpponent(playerInGame) opponent = game[opponent] let me = game[playerInGame] clients[me].socket.emit('place', {column: data.column, color: playerInGame}) clients[opponent].socket.emit('place', {column: data.column, color: playerInGame}) game.places[data.column].push({color: playerInGame, y: 8 - game.places[data.column].length}) clients[me].socket.emit('turn', false) clients[opponent].socket.emit('turn', true) if (detectWin(playerInGame, game)) { endGame(data.gameId, me, opponent, 1) return } if (detectTie(game)) { endGame(data.gameId, me, opponent, 2) return } }) socket.on('disconnect', () => { let client = clientsBySocketID( if (!client) return killGamesClientIsIn(client) console.log('Player uid ' + client + ' left.') delete clients[client] }) }) server.listen(8245)