--------------------------------------------------- -- ___ _ -- -- | __| |___ _ __ _____ __ _____ _ _ -- -- | _|| / -_) '_ \/ _ \ V V / -_) '_| -- -- |___|_\___| .__/\___/\_/\_/\___|_| -- -- |_| -- -- _____ -- -- |_ _|__ _ __ ___ -- -- | |/ _ \ ' \/ -_) -- -- |_|\___/_|_|_\___| -- --------------------------------------------------- -- Functions -- --------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- -- Determine if a text string -- -- is for an image or not -- ---------------------------------- function eletome.is_image(text) local value = false if type(text) == "string" then if string.find(text,".png") then value = true end end return value end ----------------------------------------------------------- -- The below gets all the nodes in a group, additionally -- -- it filters out any "_active" versions of the node and -- -- removes any numerical versions of the node > 0 -- -- additionally it removes any node that is not a -- -- standalone machine as a single node -- -- two returns mach_key and mach_sort -- ----------------------------------------------------------- function eletome.get_nodes_in_group(group_name) local mach_key = {} local mach_sort = {} for name, def in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do if def.groups[group_name] then -- have to remove registered nodes with same name but -- different number versions eg powercells, also remove -- "active" versions if not string.find(name, "active") and (tonumber(string.sub(name, -1))or 0) == 0 then -- this line creates a slight issue were it will remove other legitimate nodes that end in a number - org code tonumber((string.match(name,"%d+"))or 0) local description = def.description if string.find(description,"\n") then description = string.match(description,"(.+)\n") end if group_name == "ele_user" and not def.groups["ele_storage"] then -- Simple one node machines are found in machine and farming mods, remove pump - complex. if name ~= "elepower_machines:pump" and string.find(name,"machines:") or string.find(name,"farming:") then table.insert(mach_sort,description) mach_key[description] = name end else table.insert(mach_sort,description) mach_key[description] = name end end end end return mach_key, mach_sort end ----------------------------------------------------- -- table sorting function which will sort nodes by -- -- any field avaliable on node registration -- -- Output is mach_sort and mach_key -- ----------------------------------------------------- function eletome.sort_by(sort_by,mach_sort,mach_key) local key = {} local sort = {} local unique = 1 -- create new key table using sort_by with -- field to sort_by and node.description for des,name in pairs(mach_key)do local node_value = minetest.registered_nodes[name][sort_by] if type(node_value) == "string" then node_value = node_value..unique elseif type(node_value) == "number" then node_value = node_value + unique end table.insert(sort,node_value) key[node_value] = des unique = unique+1 end -- standard table sort table.sort(sort) -- rebuild mach_sort mach_sort = {} for k,v in pairs(sort) do mach_sort[k] = key[v] end return mach_sort,mach_key end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns content of page, content of page + bwd_fwd nav -- -- or content of specific page num with bwd/fwd nav buttons -- -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Assumed Input Formats ---- page_ref = string - name of main page/how main page identified ---- itemlist = structured table of values pre-formated in formspec format ---- this includes correct x/y positions for pgs 2/3 etc ---- itemlist = {"formspec for item_1","formspec for item_2", etc} ---- max_items_pp = How many items from itemlist to put on each page ---- page_num = Int of the page number user going too ---- button_name = This is the buttons "field" name eg "mach_bwd_fwd" ---- used in on_recieve to identify what formspec to return function eletome.p_nav_bwd_fwd(page_ref,item_list,max_items_pp,page_num,button_name) local recipe_pg = "" local num_recipe = #item_list local i = 1 if page_num > 1 then -- Check if we need another fwd button if page_num*max_items_pp < num_recipe then recipe_pg = recipe_pg .."button[15,0;2.5,0.5;"..button_name..";Page "..(page_num + 1).." >>]" end -- Always need back button recipe_pg = recipe_pg .."button[12.5,0;2.5,0.5;"..button_name..";<< "..(page_num - 1).." Page]" elseif num_recipe > max_items_pp then recipe_pg = recipe_pg .."button[15,0;2.5,0.5;"..button_name..";Page "..(page_num + 1).." >>]" end -- Pass page reference value to player recieve fields when fwd/bwd pressed - not visible on formspec recipe_pg = recipe_pg .."field[10,12;1,0.5;description;;"..page_ref.."]" -- used to add a num/offset so we get correct recipes on pg 1/2/etc local pg_offset = (page_num-1)*max_items_pp i = i+pg_offset -- Create the final output while i <= (max_items_pp + pg_offset) and i <= num_recipe do recipe_pg = recipe_pg ..item_list[i] i=i+1 end return recipe_pg end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Returns a table of items which make up the craft recipe for the registered -- -- node in elepower note max grid recipe is 3x1 output assigned to keys 4/5/6 -- -- Structured as: -- -- recipe_output = {items = {[4] = "item 1", [5] = "item 2", [6] = "item 3"}, -- -- num = {[4 = 2 , [5] = 1 , [6] = 6 }, -- -- craft_name = "elepower craft name" eg can, -- -- craft_des = "elepower craft description" eg canning } -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function eletome.get_craft_recipe(reg_node_name) local recipe_output = {} recipe_output.items = {} recipe_output.num = {} local all_crafts = table.copy(elepm.craft.types) for craft_name,craft_def in pairs(all_crafts) do for k,reg_craft_def in pairs(elepm.craft[craft_name]) do local itemstring = reg_craft_def.output local stack = ItemStack(itemstring) stack = stack:to_table() if stack then if stack.name == reg_node_name then -- get inputs for craft local craft_in = craft_def.inputs local pos = {4,5,6} if craft_in == 1 then pos = {5} elseif craft_in == 2 then pos = {5,6} end recipe_output.craft_name = craft_name recipe_output.craft_des = craft_def.description for item_pos,item in pairs(reg_craft_def.recipe) do for name,num in pairs(item) do recipe_output.items[pos[item_pos]] = name recipe_output.num[pos[item_pos]] = num end end end else -- some not in stack format (saw - catch later) end end end return recipe_output end ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generates the visual craft output grid recipe for the node -- -- nominally this is either a 3x3 grid (std MT Recipe or a -- -- 1x3,1x2,1x1 grid for elepower craft recipes. -- -- Takes into account customisation from additional info -- -- Input list of items for node recipe as a numeric key table -- -- keys 1-9 - note keys can be missing but can't exceed 9 -- -- basically accepts output from "eletome.get_craft_recipe" -- -- Outputs: -- -- formspec formated grid of ingredients -- -- Current y offset - y_off -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ function eletome.gen_craft_grid(recipe,y_off,no_items) local x_cnt = 1 local x_off = 0 local dis_recipe = "" local sty_h3s = eletome.common_styles.style_h3s local sty_h3e = eletome.common_styles.style_h3e while x_cnt <= 9 do -- catch for node with un-handled/non-exsitant recipe if no_items == 1 then -- output nothing as no recipe -- recipe item or image output elseif recipe.items[x_cnt] then -- handle when recipe includes groups if string.find(recipe.items[x_cnt],"group") then local grp_name = string.gsub(recipe.items[x_cnt],"group:","") local node_name = "UNKNOWN" for name,def in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do if def.groups[grp_name] and not def.groups["wall"] then node_name = name break end end dis_recipe = dis_recipe.."item_image_button["..(12+x_off)..","..(1+y_off)..";0.75,0.75;"..node_name..";"..node_name..";G]".. "tooltip["..node_name..";"..recipe.items[x_cnt]..";"..eletome.tooltip_color.."]" -- handle a custom png image elseif string.find(recipe.items[x_cnt],".png") then dis_recipe = dis_recipe.."image["..(12+x_off)..","..(1+y_off)..";0.75,0.75;"..recipe.items[x_cnt].."]" dis_recipe = dis_recipe.."tooltip["..(12+x_off)..","..(1+y_off)..";0.75,0.75;"..recipe.craft_des..";"..eletome.tooltip_color.."]" else dis_recipe = dis_recipe.."item_image_button["..(12+x_off)..","..(1+y_off)..";0.75,0.75;"..recipe.items[x_cnt]..";"..recipe.items[x_cnt]..";]" end -- Special case to insert elepower craft name in grid pos[1] or -- Custom additional info "craft name" eg "Right Click" elseif recipe.craft_name and x_cnt == 1 then -- only provide a link if a elepower craft name if elepm.craft[recipe.craft_name] then dis_recipe = dis_recipe.."hypertext["..(11.5+x_off)..","..(1.2+y_off).. ";2.5,1;craft_click;"..sty_h3s..""..recipe.craft_des..""..sty_h3e.."]" else dis_recipe = dis_recipe.."hypertext["..(11.5+x_off)..","..(1.2+y_off).. ";2.5,1;craft_click;"..sty_h3s..recipe.craft_des..sty_h3e.."]" end -- Custom craft but no ingredient/need for craft slot elseif recipe.craft_name then -- output nothing as no slot on custom craft -- Normal MT craft output empty craft slot. else dis_recipe = dis_recipe.."image["..(12+x_off)..","..(1+y_off)..";0.75,0.75;elepower_tome_bgimg_2.png]" end -- counters and offsets if x_cnt == 3 or x_cnt == 6 then x_off = 0 y_off = y_off + 0.8 else x_off = x_off + 0.8 end x_cnt = x_cnt+1 end return dis_recipe, y_off end