-- see elepower_papi >> external_nodes_items.lua for explanation -- shorten table ref local epr = ele.external.ref local myname = "elepower_nuclear:fission_controller" local function check(pos) local reactpos = vector.add(pos, {x = 0, y = -1, z = 0}) local reactnode = minetest.get_node_or_nil(reactpos) local coolpos = vector.add(pos, {x = 0, y = -2, z = 0}) local coolnode = minetest.get_node_or_nil(coolpos) if not reactnode or reactnode.name ~= "elepower_nuclear:fission_core" then return nil end if not coolnode or coolnode.name ~= "elepower_nuclear:reactor_fluid_port" then return nil end return { control_meta = minetest.get_meta(pos), core = reactpos, core_meta = minetest.get_meta(reactpos), coolant = coolpos, coolant_meta = minetest.get_meta(coolpos) } end local function get_controller_formspec(meta) local ctrls = {} local rods = 4 local selected = meta:get_int("selected") for i = 1, rods do local setting = meta:get_int("c" .. i) local xoffset = ((i / rods) * 4) + 3.75 local sel = "" if i == selected then sel = " <- " end local fspc = ("label[%f,0;%s]"):format(xoffset - 1.25, setting .. " %" .. sel) fspc = fspc .. ele.formspec.create_bar(xoffset - 1, 0.5, 100 - setting, "#252625", true) table.insert(ctrls, fspc) end return table.concat( ctrls, "" ).. "button[1,3.2;1.5,0.5;next;Next]".. "button[2.5,3.2;1.5,0.5;prev;Previous]".. "button[4.25,3.2;1.5,0.5;stop;SCRAM]".. "button[6,3.2;1.5,0.5;up;Raise]".. "button[7.5,3.2;1.5,0.5;down;Lower]".. "tooltip[next;Select the next control rod]".. "tooltip[prev;Select the previous control rod]".. "tooltip[stop;Drops all the rods into the reactor core, instantly stopping it]".. "tooltip[up;Raise selected control rod]".. "tooltip[down;Lower selected control rod]" end local function get_formspec(pos, power, station, station_meta) local width = 8 local fspec = "list[context;card;1,0;1,1;]" local metas = check(pos) --local comps = station_meta:get_string("components") --local seeitems = comps:match("elepower_wireless:upgrade_item_transfer") ~= nil if metas then fspec = "list[context;card;2,0;1,1;]" width = 10 -- Reactor Core local power = metas.core_meta:get_int("setting") local heat = metas.core_meta:get_int("heat") local status = "Activate by extracting the control rods" if heat > 80 then status = "!!! TEMPERATURE CRITICAL !!!" elseif heat > 90 then status = "!!! REACTOR CRITICAL !!!" elseif heat > 95 then status = "!!! REACTOR MELTDOWN IMMINENT !!!" elseif power > 0 then status = "Active reaction chain" end fspec = fspec.. ele.formspec.create_bar(1, 0, power, "#ff0000", true).. ele.formspec.create_bar(1.5, 0, heat, "#ffdd11", true).. "tooltip[1,0;0.25,2.5;Power: "..power.."%]".. "tooltip[1.5,0;0.25,2.5;Heat: "..heat.."%]".. "label[1,3.75;".. status .."]" -- Rods fspec = fspec .. get_controller_formspec(metas.control_meta) -- Coolant port local cool = fluid_lib.get_buffer_data(metas.coolant, "cool") local hot = fluid_lib.get_buffer_data(metas.coolant, "hot") fspec = fspec .. ele.formspec.fluid_bar(8, 0, cool).. ele.formspec.fluid_bar(9, 0, hot) --if seeitems then -- fspec = fspec .. -- "button[2,1;1,1;inv;Items]" --end end local centered = (width - 8) / 2 return "size["..width..",8.5]".. epr.gui_bg.. epr.gui_bg_img.. epr.gui_slots.. ele.formspec.power_meter(power).. "list[current_player;main;"..centered..",4.25;8,1;]".. "list[current_player;main;"..centered..",5.5;8,3;8]".. fspec.. "listring[current_player;main]".. "listring[context;card]".. "listring[current_player;main]".. epr.get_hotbar_bg(centered, 4.25) end local function on_receive_fields(pos, fields, sender, station, station_meta) --if fields["inv"] then -- return --end return minetest.registered_nodes[myname].on_receive_fields(pos, myname, fields, sender) end elewi.register_handler(myname, { get_formspec = get_formspec, on_receive_fields = on_receive_fields })