elepm.craft = {} elepm.craft.types = {} function elepm.register_craft_type(name, def) elepm.craft.types[name] = { inputs = def.inputs or 2, description = def.description or name, time = def.time or 0 } elepm.craft[name] = {} end function elepm.register_craft(craftdef) if not craftdef.type or not elepm.craft.types[craftdef.type] then return nil end local inputs = craftdef.recipe local outputs = craftdef.output local ctype = craftdef.type local time = (craftdef.time or craftdef.cooktime or 5) + (elepm.craft.types[ctype].time or 0) local craftrecipe = {} for _,input in ipairs(inputs) do local stack = ItemStack(input) if stack and not stack:is_empty() then craftrecipe[stack:get_name()] = stack:get_count() end end local craftresult = {} if type(outputs) == "table" then for _,output in ipairs(output) do local stack = ItemStack(output) if stack and not stack:is_empty() then craftresult[stack:get_name()] = stack:get_count() end end else craftresult = ItemStack(outputs) end local recipe = { recipe = craftrecipe, output = craftresult, time = time } table.insert(elepm.craft[ctype], recipe) end function elepm.get_recipe(type, inputs) if not elepm.craft[type] then return nil end -- Minetest's cooking builtin type if type == "cooking" then local result, new_input = minetest.get_craft_result({ method = "cooking", width = 1, items = inputs }) if not result or result.time == 0 then return nil else return { time = result.time, new_input = new_input.items, output = result.item } end end -- Custom types local result = nil for _,recipe in ipairs(elepm.craft[type]) do local recip_match = true local inputs_full = {} local new_input = {} for _,input in ipairs(inputs) do local in_name = input:get_name() if not recipe.recipe[in_name] then recip_match = false elseif recipe.recipe[in_name] > input:get_count() then recip_match = false end if not recip_match then break end table.insert(inputs_full, in_name) local istack = ItemStack(in_name) istack:set_count(input:get_count() - recipe.recipe[in_name]) new_input[#new_input + 1] = istack end if recip_match then for _,ingredient in ipairs(recipe.recipe) do local its = ItemStack(ingredient) if not inputs_full[its:get_name()] then recip_match = false break end end end if recip_match then result = recipe result.new_input = new_input break end end return result end -- Cooking craft type built-in. elepm.register_craft_type("cooking", { description = "Cooking", inputs = 1, })