-- see elepower_papi >> external_nodes_items.lua for explanation -- shorten table ref local epr = ele.external.ref -- How many seconds there are between runs local SPAWNER_TICK = 10 local function can_dig(pos, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() return inv:is_empty("src") end local function spawn(pos, mob) -- get meta and command local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) -- TODO: ways to configure local mlig = 0 -- min light local xlig = 15 -- max light local num = 4 -- max number local pla = 24 -- player radius local yof = 0 -- Y offset to spawn mob -- if amount is 0 then do nothing if num == 0 then return end -- are we spawning a registered mob? if not mobs.spawning_mobs[mob] then return end -- check objects inside 9x9 area around spawner local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 9) local count = 0 local ent = nil -- count mob objects of same type in area for k, obj in ipairs(objs) do ent = obj:get_luaentity() if ent and ent.name and ent.name == mob then count = count + 1 end end -- is there too many of same type? if count >= num then return end -- spawn mob if player detected and in range if pla > 0 then local in_range = 0 local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, pla) for _,oir in pairs(objs) do if oir:is_player() then in_range = 1 break end end -- player not found if in_range == 0 then return end end -- find air blocks within 5 nodes of spawner local air = minetest.find_nodes_in_area( {x = pos.x - 5, y = pos.y + yof, z = pos.z - 5}, {x = pos.x + 5, y = pos.y + yof, z = pos.z + 5}, {"air"}) -- spawn in random air block if air and #air > 0 then local pos2 = air[math.random(#air)] local lig = minetest.get_node_light(pos2) or 0 pos2.y = pos2.y + 0.5 -- only if light levels are within range if lig >= mlig and lig <= xlig and minetest.registered_entities[mob] then minetest.add_entity(pos2, mob) return true end end return end local function get_formspec(timer, power, state) return "size[8,8.5]".. epr.gui_bg.. epr.gui_bg_img.. epr.gui_slots.. ele.formspec.power_meter(power).. ele.formspec.state_switcher(7, 0, state).. ele.formspec.create_bar(1, 0, 100 - timer, "#00ff11", true).. "list[context;src;3.5,1.5;1,1;]".. "image[3.5,1.5;1,1;elefarming_egg_silhouette.png]".. "list[current_player;main;0,4.25;8,1;]".. "list[current_player;main;0,5.5;8,3;8]".. "listring[current_player;main]".. "listring[context;src]".. "listring[current_player;main]".. epr.get_hotbar_bg(0, 4.25) end local function on_timer(pos, elapsed) local refresh = false local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() local capacity = ele.helpers.get_node_property(meta, pos, "capacity") local usage = ele.helpers.get_node_property(meta, pos, "usage") local storage = ele.helpers.get_node_property(meta, pos, "storage") local work = meta:get_int("src_time") local state = meta:get_int("state") local is_enabled = ele.helpers.state_enabled(meta, pos, state) local egg_slot = inv:get_stack("src", 1) local egg_name = egg_slot:get_name() local mob_desc = "None" local active = "Active" local pow_buffer = {capacity = capacity, storage = storage, usage = 0} if pow_buffer.storage > usage and not egg_slot:is_empty() and ele.helpers.get_item_group(egg_name, "spawn_egg") and is_enabled then local mob_name = egg_name:gsub("_set", "") if work == SPAWNER_TICK then local spawned = 0 -- Spawn if spawn(pos, mob_name) then spawned = spawned + 1 end work = 0 if spawned > 0 then pow_buffer.storage = pow_buffer.storage - usage end else work = work + 1 end refresh = true mob_desc = minetest.registered_items[mob_name].description pow_buffer.usage = usage elseif not is_enabled then active = "Off" else work = 0 active = "Inactive" end meta:set_string("infotext", ("Powered Mob Spawner %s\nMob: %s\n%s"):format( active, mob_desc, ele.capacity_text(capacity, pow_buffer.storage))) local work_percent = math.floor((work / SPAWNER_TICK)*100) meta:set_string("formspec", get_formspec(work_percent, pow_buffer, state)) meta:set_int("storage", pow_buffer.storage) meta:set_int("src_time", work) return refresh end ele.register_machine("elepower_farming:spawner", { description = "Powered Mob Spawner", ele_capacity = 64000, ele_inrush = 800, ele_usage = 800, ele_no_automatic_ports = true, tiles = { "elefarming_machine_spawner_top.png", "elefarming_machine_base.png", "elefarming_machine_side.png", "elefarming_machine_side.png", "elefarming_machine_side.png", "elefarming_machine_side.png", }, groups = { oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1, ele_machine = 1, ele_user = 1, cracky = 1, tubedevice = 1, tubedevice_receiver = 1, }, on_construct = function (pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() inv:set_size("src", 1) meta:set_int("src_time", 0) local capacity = ele.helpers.get_node_property(meta, pos, "capacity") meta:set_string("formspec", get_formspec(0, {capacity = capacity, storage = 0})) end, can_dig = can_dig, on_timer = on_timer, })