-- Thermal Evaporation Plant -- Used to extract salt from water elethermal.cache = {} local results = { { input = "default:water_source 1000", output = "elepower_thermal:brine_source 100", heat = 200 }, { input = "elepower_thermal:brine_source 1000", output = "elepower_dynamics:lithium_source 100", heat = 200 } } -- Validate evaporator structure from controller position local function validate_structure(pos, player) local inputs = {} local outputs = {} local all = {} local thermal = 0 local height = 0 local height_cancel = false local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local dir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(node.param2) for y = 0, 18 do if height_cancel then break end y = y - 4 local i = 0 for x = 0, 3 do x = x - 3 for z = 0, 3 do z = z - 2 local rx = x local rz = z if dir.z ~= 0 then rx = z * -dir.z rz = x * -dir.z else rx = rx * -dir.x rz = rz * -dir.x end local p = vector.add(pos, {x = rx, y = y, z = rz}) local n = minetest.get_node(p) if n.name == "elepower_thermal:evaporator_controller" and not vector.equals(pos, p) then height = 0 if player then minetest.chat_send_player(player, "Multiple controllers detected.") end break end if minetest.get_item_group(n.name, "ele_evaporator_node") > 0 then i = i + 1 elseif minetest.get_item_group(n.name, "ele_solar_generator") > 0 then i = i + 1 local m = minetest.get_meta(p) local generation = ele.helpers.get_node_property(m, p, "usage") thermal = thermal + generation height_cancel = true end if n.name == "elepower_thermal:evaporator_output" then table.insert(outputs, p) elseif n.name == "elepower_thermal:evaporator_input" then table.insert(inputs, p) end table.insert(all, p) end end if i == 16 or i == 12 then height = height + 1 elseif height == 0 and y < 0 then -- Continue.. else break end end if height <= 2 then if player then minetest.chat_send_player(player, "Invalid structure surrounding the controller.") end return nil end if player then minetest.chat_send_player(player, "Structure complete.") end elethermal.cache[minetest.pos_to_string(pos)] = { height = height, inputs = inputs, outputs = outputs, thermal = thermal, all = all } return height, inputs, outputs, thermal, all end local function start_timer(pos) local t = minetest.get_node_timer(pos) if not t:is_started() then t:start(1.0) end end local function get_port_controller(pos) for ctrl,t in pairs(elethermal.cache) do local ctrlpos = minetest.string_to_pos(ctrl) local found = false for _,p in pairs(t.all) do if vector.equals(p, pos) then found = true break end end if found then return ctrlpos, minetest.get_meta(ctrlpos) end end return nil end local function get_recipe(i1, heat) local result = nil for _, d in pairs(results) do local i1a = ItemStack(d.input) if i1a:get_name() == i1.fluid then result = d result.output = ItemStack(result.output) result.input = i1a break end end return result end local function controller_formspec (input, output, heat) local bar = "image[1.5,3;6,1;elethermal_gradient_bg.png^[transformR270]" if heat then bar = "image[1.5,3;6,1;elethermal_gradient_bg.png^[lowpart:".. (100 * heat / 1000)..":elethermal_gradient.png^[transformR270]" end return "size[8,4.5]".. default.gui_bg.. default.gui_bg_img.. default.gui_slots.. bar.. "tooltip[1.5,3;6,1;Heat: "..heat.."K]".. ele.formspec.fluid_bar(0, 0, input).. ele.formspec.fluid_bar(7, 0, output) end local function break_structure(pos) local ctrl = get_port_controller(pos) if not ctrl then return end elethermal.cache[minetest.pos_to_string(ctrl)] = nil start_timer(ctrl) end local function controller_timer (pos, elapsed) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local refresh = false if not elethermal.cache[minetest.pos_to_string(pos)] and not validate_structure(pos) then refresh = false meta:set_string("infotext", "Thermal Evaporation Plant Incomplete") meta:set_string("formspec", "") return end local contpos = minetest.pos_to_string(pos) local th = elethermal.cache[contpos] local in_buffer = fluid_lib.get_buffer_data(pos, "input") local out_buffer = fluid_lib.get_buffer_data(pos, "output") local heat = meta:get_int("heat") while true do local recipe = get_recipe(in_buffer, heat) -- TODO: check sunlight for solar panels heat = math.floor(th.thermal + (th.height * 10) + (100 * (minetest.get_heat(pos) + 1))) if heat < 0 then heat = 0 end if not recipe then break end local heat_perc = heat / recipe.heat local take_perc = math.floor(heat_perc * recipe.input:get_count()) local outp_perc = math.floor(heat_perc * recipe.output:get_count()) if in_buffer.amount < take_perc then break end if out_buffer.amount + outp_perc > out_buffer.capacity then break end if out_buffer.fluid ~= "" and out_buffer.fluid ~= recipe.output:get_name() then break end out_buffer.fluid = recipe.output:get_name() out_buffer.amount = out_buffer.amount + outp_perc in_buffer.amount = in_buffer.amount - take_perc refresh = true break end meta:set_int("heat", heat) meta:set_string("input_fluid", in_buffer.fluid) meta:set_int("input_fluid_storage", in_buffer.amount) meta:set_string("output_fluid", out_buffer.fluid) meta:set_int("output_fluid_storage", out_buffer.amount) meta:set_string("infotext", "") meta:set_string("formspec", controller_formspec(in_buffer, out_buffer, heat)) return refresh end minetest.register_node("elepower_thermal:evaporator_controller", { description = "Thermal Evaporation Plant Controller", tiles = { "elepower_heat_casing.png", "elepower_heat_casing.png", "elepower_heat_casing.png", "elepower_heat_casing.png", "elepower_heat_casing.png", "elepower_heat_casing.png^elenuclear_fusion_controller.png", }, paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = { cracky = 3, ele_evaporator_node = 1, }, fluid_buffers = { input = { capacity = 8000, accepts = {"elepower_thermal:brine_source", "default:water_source"}, drainable = false, }, output = { capacity = 8000, accepts = nil, drainable = true, }, }, on_timer = controller_timer, on_punch = function (pos, node, puncher, pointed_thing) if validate_structure(pos, puncher:get_player_name()) then start_timer(pos) end minetest.node_punch(pos, node, puncher, pointed_thing) end, on_destruct = break_structure, }) minetest.register_node("elepower_thermal:evaporator_output", { description = "Thermal Evaporation Plant Output", tiles = { "elepower_heat_casing.png", "elepower_heat_casing.png", "elepower_heat_casing.png", "elepower_heat_casing.png", "elepower_heat_casing.png", "elepower_heat_casing.png^elenuclear_fluid_port_out.png^elepower_power_port.png", }, paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = { cracky = 3, fluid_container = 1, ele_evaporator_node = 1, }, fluid_buffers = {}, node_io_can_put_liquid = function (pos, node, side) return false end, node_io_can_take_liquid = function (pos, node, side) return true end, node_io_accepts_millibuckets = function(pos, node, side) return true end, node_io_take_liquid = function(pos, node, side, taker, want_liquid, want_millibuckets) local ctrl, ctrl_meta = get_port_controller(pos) if not ctrl then return nil end local buffers = fluid_lib.get_node_buffers(ctrl) local buffer = "output" local took = 0 local name = "" local bfdata = fluid_lib.get_buffer_data(ctrl, buffer) local storage = bfdata.amount local fluid = bfdata.fluid if (fluid == want_liquid or want_liquid == "") and storage >= want_millibuckets then name, took = fluid_lib.take_from_buffer(ctrl, buffer, want_millibuckets) end start_timer(ctrl) return {name = name, millibuckets = took} end, node_io_get_liquid_size = function (pos, node, side) return 1 end, node_io_get_liquid_name = function(pos, node, side, index) local ctrl, ctrl_meta = get_port_controller(pos) if not ctrl then return "" end return ctrl_meta:get_string("output_fluid") end, node_io_get_liquid_stack = function(pos, node, side, index) local ctrl, ctrl_meta = get_port_controller(pos) if not ctrl then return ItemStack(nil) end return ItemStack(ctrl_meta:get_string("output_fluid") .. " " .. ctrl_meta:get_int("output_fluid_storage")) end, on_destruct = break_structure, }) minetest.register_node("elepower_thermal:evaporator_input", { description = "Thermal Evaporation Plant Input", tiles = { "elepower_heat_casing.png", "elepower_heat_casing.png", "elepower_heat_casing.png", "elepower_heat_casing.png", "elepower_heat_casing.png", "elepower_heat_casing.png^elenuclear_fluid_port.png^elepower_power_port.png", }, paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = { cracky = 3, fluid_container = 1, ele_evaporator_node = 1, }, fluid_buffers = {}, node_io_can_put_liquid = function (pos, node, side) return true end, node_io_can_take_liquid = function (pos, node, side) return false end, node_io_get_liquid_size = function (pos, node, side) return 1 end, node_io_get_liquid_name = function(pos, node, side, index) local ctrl, ctrl_meta = get_port_controller(pos) if not ctrl then return "" end return ctrl_meta:get_string("input_fluid") end, node_io_get_liquid_stack = function(pos, node, side, index) local ctrl, ctrl_meta = get_port_controller(pos) if not ctrl then return ItemStack(nil) end return ItemStack(ctrl_meta:get_string("input_fluid") .. " " .. ctrl_meta:get_int("input_fluid_storage")) end, node_io_accepts_millibuckets = function(pos, node, side) return true end, node_io_put_liquid = function(pos, node, side, putter, liquid, millibuckets) local ctrl, ctrl_meta = get_port_controller(pos) if not ctrl then return millibuckets end local buffers = fluid_lib.get_node_buffers(ctrl) local leftovers = 0 for buffer,data in pairs(buffers) do if millibuckets == 0 then break end local didnt_fit = fluid_lib.insert_into_buffer(ctrl, buffer, liquid, millibuckets) millibuckets = millibuckets - (millibuckets - didnt_fit) leftovers = leftovers + didnt_fit end start_timer(ctrl) return leftovers end, node_io_room_for_liquid = function(pos, node, side, liquid, millibuckets) local ctrl, ctrl_meta = get_port_controller(pos) if not ctrl then return 0 end local buffers = fluid_lib.get_node_buffers(ctrl) local insertable = 0 for buffer,data in pairs(buffers) do local insert = fluid_lib.can_insert_into_buffer(ctrl, buffer, liquid, millibuckets) if insert > 0 then insertable = insert break end end return insertable end, on_destruct = break_structure, }) minetest.override_item("elepower_machines:heat_casing", { on_destruct = break_structure, }) minetest.register_lbm({ label = "Enable Thermal Evaporators on load", name = "elepower_thermal:evaporator_controllers", nodenames = {"elepower_thermal:evaporator_controller"}, run_at_every_load = true, action = start_timer, })