-- Remove entire trees -- This code is taken from TreeCapitator by HybridDog (WTFPL) -- https://github.com/HybridDog/treecapitator -- see elepower_papi >> external_nodes_items.lua for explanation -- shorten table ref local epi = ele.external.ing local load_time_start = minetest.get_us_time() ------------------------------------- Settings --------------------------------- -- default settings elefarm.tc = { stem_height_min = 3, default_tree = { trees = {epi.tree}, leaves = {epi.leaves}, range = 2, fruits = {}, type = "default", }, after_register = {}, } -------------------------- Common functions ------------------------------------ local poshash = minetest.hash_node_position local function hash2(x, y) return y * 0x10000 + x end -- don't use minetest.get_node more times for the same position (caching) local known_nodes local function clean_cache() known_nodes = {} setmetatable(known_nodes, {__mode = "kv"}) end clean_cache() local function remove_node(pos) known_nodes[poshash(pos)] = {name="air", param2=0} minetest.remove_node(pos) minetest.check_for_falling(pos) end local function get_node(pos) local vi = poshash(pos) local node = known_nodes[vi] if node then return node end node = minetest.get_node(pos) known_nodes[vi] = node return node end --definitions of functions for the destruction of nodes local creative = minetest.settings:get_bool"creative_mode" destroy_node = function(pos, node, digger, drops) known_nodes[poshash(pos)] = {name="air", param2=0} if not digger and drops then drops[#drops + 1] = node.name minetest.set_node(pos, {name="air", param2=0}) return end minetest.node_dig(pos, node, digger) end function remove_leaf(pos, node, drops) local leaves_drops = minetest.get_node_drops(node.name) for _, itemname in pairs(leaves_drops) do if itemname ~= node.name then drops[#drops + 1] = itemname end end remove_node(pos) end table_contains = function(t, v) for i = 1,#t do if t[i] == v then return true end end return false end -- the functions for the available types local capitate_funcs = {} ------------------------ Function for regular trees ---------------------------- -- tests if the node is a trunk which could belong to the same tree sort local function is_trunk_of_tree(trees, node) -- param2 is not longer tested to be 0 but smaller than 4 -- because sometimes the trunk is a bit rotated return node.param2 < 4 and trees ^ node.name end -- test if the trunk node there is the top trunk node of a neighbour tree -- if so, constrain the possible leaves positions local function get_a_tree(pos, tab, tr, xo,yo,zo) local p = {x=pos.x + xo, y=pos.y + yo, z=pos.z + zo} -- tests if a trunk is at the current pos local nd = get_node(p) if not is_trunk_of_tree(tr.trees, nd) then return false end -- search for a leaves or fruit node next to the trunk local leaf = get_node{x=p.x, y=p.y+1, z=p.z}.name if not tr.leaves ^ leaf and not tr.fruits ^ leaf then local leaf = get_node{x=p.x, y=p.y, z=p.z+1}.name if not tr.leaves ^ leaf and not tr.fruits ^ leaf then return false end end -- search for the requisite amount of stem trunk nodes for _ = 1, tr.stem_height_min-1 do p.y = p.y-1 if not is_trunk_of_tree(tr.trees, get_node(p)) then return false end end p.y = p.y + tr.stem_height_min-1 local r = tr.range local r_up = tr.range_up or r local r_down = tr.range_down or r -- reduce x and z avoidance range for thick stem neighbour trees if tr.stem_type == "2x2" then r = r - 1 elseif tr.stem_type == "+" then r = r - 2 end -- tag places which should not be removed local z1 = math.max(-r + zo, -r) local z2 = math.min(r + zo, r) local y1 = math.max(-r_down + yo, -r_down) local y2 = math.min(r_up + yo, r_up) local x1 = math.max(-r + xo, -r) local x2 = math.min(r + xo, r) for z = z1,z2 do for y = y1,y2 do local i = poshash{x=x1, y=y, z=z} for _ = x1,x2 do tab[i] = true i = i+1 end end end return true end -- returns positions for leaves allowed to be dug local function find_valid_head_ps(pos, head_ps, trunktop_ps, tr) -- exclude the stem nodes local before_stems = {} for i = 1,#trunktop_ps do local p = vector.subtract(trunktop_ps[i], pos) before_stems[hash2(p.x, p.z)] = p.y+1 end local r = tr.range local r_up = tr.range_up or r local r_down = tr.range_down or r -- firstly, detect neighbour trees of the same sort to not hurt them local tab = {} local rx2 = 2 * r local rupdown = r_up + r_down for z = -rx2, rx2 do for x = -rx2, rx2 do local bot = before_stems[hash2(x, z)] or -rupdown for y = rupdown, bot, -1 do if get_a_tree(pos, tab, tr, x,y,z) then break end end end end -- now, get the head positions without the neighbouring trees local n = #head_ps for z = -r,r do for x = -r,r do local bot = before_stems[hash2(x, z)] or -r_down for y = bot,r_up do local p = {x=x, y=y, z=z} if not tab[poshash(p)] then n = n+1 head_ps[n] = vector.add(pos, p) end end end end return n end -- adds the stem to the trunks local function get_stem(trunktop_ps, trunks, tr, head_ps) if tr.cutting_leaves then elefarm.tc.moretrees34(trunktop_ps, trunks, tr, head_ps, get_node, is_trunk_of_tree) return end for i = 1,#trunktop_ps do local pos = trunktop_ps[i] local node = get_node(pos) while is_trunk_of_tree(tr.trees, node) do trunks[#trunks+1] = {pos, node} pos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z} node = get_node(pos) end -- renew trunk top position pos.y = pos.y-1 trunktop_ps[i] = pos end end -- part of healthy stem searching local function here_neat_stemps(p, tr) local ps = {} for i = 1,#tr.stem_offsets do local o = tr.stem_offsets[i] local p = {x = p.x + o[1], y = p.y, z = p.z + o[2]} -- air test is too simple (makeshift solution) if get_node(p).name ~= "air" then return end p.y = p.y+1 if not is_trunk_of_tree(tr.trees, get_node(p)) then return end ps[#ps+1] = p end return ps end -- gives stem positions of a healthy tree local function find_neat_stemps(pos, tr) for i = 1,#tr.stem_offsets do local o = tr.stem_offsets[i] local p = {x = pos.x - o[1], y = pos.y, z = pos.z - o[2]} local ps = here_neat_stemps(p, tr) if ps then return ps end end -- nothing found end -- part of incomplete stem searching local function here_incomplete_stemps(p, tr) local ps = {} for i = 1,#tr.stem_offsets do local o = tr.stem_offsets[i] local p = {x = p.x + o[1], y = p.y+1, z = p.z + o[2]} if is_trunk_of_tree(tr.trees, get_node(p)) then p.y = p.y-1 local node = get_node(p) if is_trunk_of_tree(tr.trees, node) then -- stem wasn't chopped enough return {} end -- air test is too simple (makeshift solution) if node.name == "air" then p.y = p.y+1 ps[#ps+1] = p end end end -- #ps ∈ [3] return ps end -- gives stem positions of an eroded tree local function find_incomplete_stemps(pos, tr) local ps local stemcount = 0 for i = 1,#tr.stem_offsets do local o = tr.stem_offsets[i] local p = {x = pos.x - o[1], y = pos.y, z = pos.z - o[2]} local cps = here_incomplete_stemps(p, tr) local cnt = #cps if cnt == 0 then -- player needs to chop more return end if stemcount < cnt then stemcount = #cps ps = cps end end return ps end -- returns the lowest trunk node positions local function get_stem_ps(pos, tr) if not tr.stem_type then -- 1x1 stem return {{x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z}} end return find_neat_stemps(pos, tr) or find_incomplete_stemps(pos, tr) end -- gets the middle position of the tree head local function get_head_center(trunktop_ps, stem_type) if stem_type == "2x2" then -- return the highest position local pos = trunktop_ps[1] for i = 2,#trunktop_ps do local p = trunktop_ps[i] if p.y > pos.y then pos = p end end return pos elseif stem_type == "+" then -- return the middle position local mid = vector.new() for i = 1,#trunktop_ps do mid = vector.add(mid, trunktop_ps[i]) end return vector.round(vector.divide(mid, #trunktop_ps)) else return trunktop_ps[1] end end function capitate_funcs.default(pos, tr, _, digger) local drops = {} local trees = tr.trees -- get the stem trunks local trunks = {} local trunktop_ps = get_stem_ps(pos, tr) if not trunktop_ps then return end local head_ps = {} get_stem(trunktop_ps, trunks, tr, head_ps) local leaves = tr.leaves local fruits = tr.fruits local hcp = get_head_center(trunktop_ps, tr.stem_type) -- abort if the tree lacks leaves/fruits local ln = get_node{x=hcp.x, y=hcp.y+1, z=hcp.z} if not leaves ^ ln.name and not fruits ^ ln.name then local leaf = get_node{x=hcp.x, y=hcp.y, z=hcp.z+1}.name if not leaves ^ leaf and not fruits ^ leaf then return end end -- get leaves, fruits and stem fruits local leaves_found = {} local n = find_valid_head_ps(hcp, head_ps, trunktop_ps, tr) local leaves_toremove = {} local fruits_toremove = {} for i = 1,n do local p = head_ps[i] local node = get_node(p) local nodename = node.name if not is_trunk_of_tree(trees, node) then if leaves ^ nodename then leaves_found[nodename] = true leaves_toremove[#leaves_toremove+1] = {p, node} elseif fruits ^ nodename then fruits_toremove[#fruits_toremove+1] = {p, node} end elseif tr.trunk_fruit_vertical and fruits ^ nodename then trunks[#trunks+1] = {p, node} end end if tr.requisite_leaves then -- abort if specific leaves weren't found for i = 1,#tr.requisite_leaves do if not leaves_found[tr.requisite_leaves[i]] then return nil end end end -- remove fruits at first due to attachment -- and disable nodeupdate temporarily local nodeupdate = minetest.check_for_falling minetest.check_for_falling = function() end for i = 1,#fruits_toremove do destroy_node(fruits_toremove[i][1], fruits_toremove[i][2], digger, drops) end minetest.check_for_falling = nodeupdate for i = 1,#leaves_toremove do remove_leaf(leaves_toremove[i][1], leaves_toremove[i][2], drops, digger) end for i = 1,#trunks do destroy_node(trunks[i][1], trunks[i][2], digger, drops) end return drops end -- metatable for shorter code: trees ^ name ≙ name ∈ trees local mt_default = { __pow = table_contains } elefarm.tc.after_register.default = function(tr) setmetatable(tr.trees, mt_default) setmetatable(tr.leaves, mt_default) setmetatable(tr.fruits, mt_default) tr.range_up = tr.range_up or tr.range tr.range_down = tr.range_down or tr.range tr.stem_height_min = tr.stem_height_min or elefarm.tc.stem_height_min if tr.stem_type == "2x2" then tr.stem_offsets = { {0,0}, {1,0}, {0,1}, {1,1}, } elseif tr.stem_type == "+" then tr.stem_offsets = { {0,0}, {0,1}, {-1,0}, {1,0}, {0,-1}, } end end --------------------- Acacia tree function ------------------------------------- function capitate_funcs.acacia(pos, tr, node_above, digger) local drops = {} local trunk = tr.trees[1] -- fill tab with the stem trunks local tab, n = {{{x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z}, node_above}}, 2 local np = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y+2, z=pos.z} local nd = get_node(np) while trunk == nd.name and nd.param2 < 4 do tab[n] = {vector.new(np), nd} n = n+1 np.y = np.y+1 nd = get_node(np) end np.y = np.y-1 for z = -1,1,2 do for x = -1,1,2 do -- add the other trunks to tab local p = vector.new(np) p.x = p.x+x p.z = p.z+z local nd = get_node(p) if nd.name ~= trunk then p.y = p.y+1 nd = get_node(p) if nd.name ~= trunk then return end end tab[n] = {vector.new(p), nd} p.x = p.x+x p.z = p.z+z p.y = p.y+1 if get_node(p).name ~= trunk then return end tab[n+1] = {vector.new(p), nd} n = n+2 -- get neighbouring acacia trunks for delimiting local no_rms = {} for z = -4,4 do for x = -4,4 do if math.abs(x+z) ~= 8 and (x ~= 0 or z ~= 0) then if get_node{x=p.x+x, y=p.y, z=p.z+z}.name == trunk and get_node{x=p.x+x, y=p.y+1, z=p.z+z}.name == tr.leaf then for z = math.max(-4, z-2), math.min(4, z+2) do for x = math.max(-4, x-2), math.min(4, x+2) do no_rms[(z+4)*9 + x+4] = true end end end end end end -- remove leaves p.y = p.y+1 local i = 0 for z = -4,4 do for x = -4,4 do if not no_rms[i] then local p = {x=p.x+x, y=p.y, z=p.z+z} local node = get_node(p) if node.name == tr.leaf then remove_leaf(p, node, drops, digger) end end i = i+1 end end end end -- dig the stem for i = 1,n-1 do local pos,node = unpack(tab[i]) destroy_node(pos, node, digger, drops) end return drops end ----------------------- Palm tree function ------------------------------------- -- the 17 vectors used for walking the stem local palm_stem_dirs = { {0,1,0} } local n = 2 for i = -1,1,2 do palm_stem_dirs[n] = {i,0,0} palm_stem_dirs[n+1] = {0,0,i} n = n+2 end for i = -1,1,2 do palm_stem_dirs[n] = {i,0,i} palm_stem_dirs[n+1] = {i,0,-i} n = n+2 end for i = -1,1,2 do palm_stem_dirs[n] = {i,1,0} palm_stem_dirs[n+1] = {0,1,i} n = n+2 end for i = -1,1,2 do palm_stem_dirs[n] = {i,1,i} palm_stem_dirs[n+1] = {i,1,-i} n = n+2 end for i = 1,17 do local p = palm_stem_dirs[i] palm_stem_dirs[i] = vector.new(unpack(p)) end local pos_from_hash = minetest.get_position_from_hash -- gets a list of leaves positions local function get_palm_head(hcp, tr, max_forbi) local pos = {x=hcp.x, y=hcp.y+1, z=hcp.z} local leaves = {} if get_node(pos).name ~= tr.leaves then -- search hub position for xo = -1,1 do for zo = -1,1 do local p = {x=pos.x+xo, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+zo} if get_node(p).name == tr.leaves then pos = p end end end end -- collect leaves leaves[poshash(pos)] = true for i = -1,1 do for j = -1,1 do -- don't search around the corner except max_forbi time(s) local dirs = {{0,0}, {i,0}, {0,j}, {i,j}, {-i,0}, {0,-j}} local avoids = {} local todo = {pos} local sp = 1 while sp > 0 do local p = todo[sp] sp = sp-1 -- only walk the "forbidden" dir if still allowed local forbic = avoids[poshash(p)] or 0 local dirc = 6 if forbic == max_forbi then dirc = dirc - 2 end -- walk the directions for i = 1,dirc do -- increase forbidden when needed local forbinc = forbic if i > 4 then forbinc = forbinc+1 end local xz = dirs[i] for y = -1,2 do local p = {x=p.x+xz[1], y=p.y+y, z=p.z+xz[2]} local ph = poshash(p) local forbi = avoids[ph] if not forbi or forbi > forbinc then avoids[ph] = forbinc local dif = vector.subtract(p, pos) if get_node(p).name == tr.leaves and math.abs(dif.x) <= tr.range and math.abs(dif.z) <= tr.range and dif.y <= tr.range_up and dif.y >= -tr.range_down then sp = sp+1 todo[sp] = p leaves[ph] = true end end end end end end end local ps = {} local n = 0 for ph in pairs(leaves) do n = n+1 ps[n] = pos_from_hash(ph) end return ps,n end -- returns positions for palm leaves allowed to be dug local function palm_find_valid_head_ps(pos, head_ps, tr) local r = tr.range local r_up = tr.range_up or r local r_down = tr.range_down or r -- firstly, detect neighbour palms' leaves to not hurt them local tab = {} local rx2 = 2 * r local rupdown = r_up + r_down for z = -rx2, rx2 do for y = -rupdown, rupdown do for x = -rx2, rx2 do local hcp = {x=pos.x+x, y=pos.y+y, z=pos.z+z} if not vector.equals(hcp, pos) and get_node(hcp).name == tr.trunk_top then local leaves,n = get_palm_head(hcp, tr, 0) for i = 1,n do tab[poshash(leaves[i])] = true end end end end end -- now, get the leaves positions without the neighbouring leaves local leaves,lc = get_palm_head(pos, tr, tr.max_forbi) local n = #head_ps for i = 1,lc do local p = leaves[i] if not tab[poshash(p)] then n = n+1 head_ps[n] = p end end return n end function capitate_funcs.palm(pos, tr, node_above, digger) local drops = {} local trunk = tr.trees[1] -- walk the stem up to the fruit carrier pos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z} local trunks = {{pos, node_above}} local trunk_found = true local nohori = false local hcp while trunk_found and not hcp do trunk_found = false for i = 1,17 do local hori = i > 1 and i < 10 if not hori or not nohori then local p = vector.add(pos, palm_stem_dirs[i]) local node = get_node(p) if node.name == trunk then trunk_found = true trunks[#trunks+1] = {p, node} pos = p nohori = hori break end if node.name == tr.trunk_top then hcp = p trunks[#trunks+1] = {p, node} break end end end end if not hcp then return nil end -- collect coconuts local fruits = {} for zo = -1,1 do for xo = -1,1 do local p = {x=hcp.x+xo, y=hcp.y, z=hcp.z+zo} local node = get_node(p) if node.name:sub(1, #tr.fruit) == tr.fruit then fruits[#fruits+1] = {p, node} end end end -- find the leaves of the palm local leaves_ps = {} local lc = palm_find_valid_head_ps(hcp, leaves_ps, tr) local nodeupdate = minetest.check_for_falling minetest.check_for_falling = function() end for i = 1,#fruits do local pos,node = unpack(fruits[i]) destroy_node(pos, node, digger, drops) end minetest.check_for_falling = nodeupdate for i = 1,#trunks do local pos,node = unpack(trunks[i]) destroy_node(pos, node, digger, drops) end for i = 1,lc do local pos = leaves_ps[i] remove_leaf(pos, get_node(pos), drops, digger) end return drops end ---------------------- A moretrees capitation function ------------------------- -- table iteration instead of recursion local function get_tab(pos, func, max) local todo = {pos} local n = 1 local tab_avoid = {[poshash(pos)] = true} local tab_done,num = {pos},2 while n ~= 0 do local p = todo[n] n = n-1 --[[ for i = -1,1,2 do for _,p2 in pairs{ {x=p.x+i, y=p.y, z=p.z}, {x=p.x, y=p.y+i, z=p.z}, {x=p.x, y=p.y, z=p.z+i}, } do]] for i = -1,1 do for j = -1,1 do for k = -1,1 do local p2 = {x=p.x+i, y=p.y+j, z=p.z+k} local vi = poshash(p2) if not tab_avoid[vi] and func(p2) then n = n+1 todo[n] = p2 tab_avoid[vi] = true tab_done[num] = p2 num = num+1 if max and num > max then return false end end end end end end return tab_done end function capitate_funcs.moretrees(pos, tr, _, digger) local drops = {} local trees = tr.trees local leaves = tr.leaves local fruits = tr.fruits local minx = pos.x-tr.range local maxx = pos.x+tr.range local minz = pos.z-tr.range local maxz = pos.z+tr.range local maxy = pos.y+tr.height local num_trunks = 0 local num_leaves = 0 local ps = get_tab({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z}, function(pos) if pos.x < minx or pos.x > maxx or pos.z < minz or pos.z > maxz or pos.y > maxy then return nil end local nam = get_node(pos).name if table_contains(trees, nam) then num_trunks = num_trunks+1 elseif table_contains(leaves, nam) then num_leaves = num_leaves+1 elseif not table_contains(fruits, nam) then return nil end return drops end, tr.max_nodes) if not ps then print"no ps found" return end if num_trunks < tr.num_trunks_min or num_trunks > tr.num_trunks_max then print("wrong trunks num: "..num_trunks) return end if num_leaves < tr.num_leaves_min or num_leaves > tr.num_leaves_max then print("wrong leaves num: "..num_leaves) return end for _,p in pairs(ps) do local node = get_node(p) local nodename = node.name if table_contains(leaves, nodename) then remove_leaf(p, node, drops, digger) else destroy_node(p, node, digger, drops) end end return drops end function elefarm.tc.moretrees34(trunktop_ps, trunks, tr, head_ps, get_node, is_trunk_of_tree) local trees = tr.trees for i = 1,#trunktop_ps do -- add the usual trunks local pos = trunktop_ps[i] local node = get_node(pos) while is_trunk_of_tree(trees, node) do trunks[#trunks+1] = {pos, node} pos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z} node = get_node(pos) end -- meddle with the lacunarity local ys = pos.y local ye local detected_trunks = {} -- search upwards until the gap is big enough or the tree ended local foundleaves = 0 while true do if is_trunk_of_tree(trees, node) then foundleaves = 0 detected_trunks[pos.y] = node pos.y = pos.y+1 node = get_node(pos) elseif tr.leaves ^ node.name or tr.fruits ^ node.name then foundleaves = foundleaves+1 if foundleaves > tr.cutting_leaves then -- cutting leaves count exceeded ye = pos.y-foundleaves break end pos.y = pos.y+1 node = get_node(pos) else -- above the tree ye = pos.y-1 break end end -- search downwards until enough trunks are found above each other -- or no such trunks are found local ytop = ys-1 local y = ye local last_test = ys + tr.stem_height_min while y >= last_test do if detected_trunks[y] then local too_short for ty = y - tr.stem_height_min + 1, y-1 do if not detected_trunks[y] then too_short = true y = ty-1 break end end if not too_short then -- upper end found ytop = y break end end y = y-1 end if ytop >= ys then -- add trunks and leaves/fruits for y = ys, ytop do local p = {x=pos.x, y=y, z=pos.z} if detected_trunks[y] then trunks[#trunks+1] = {p, detected_trunks[y]} else head_ps[#head_ps+1] = p end end end -- renew trunk top position pos.y = ytop trunktop_ps[i] = pos end end --------------------------- api interface -------------------------------------- -- the function which is used for capitating local capitating = false function elefarm.tc.capitate_tree(pos, player) if capitating then return end capitating = true local t1 = minetest.get_us_time() local node_above = get_node{x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z} local capitated = nil for i = 1,#elefarm.tc.trees do local tr = elefarm.tc.trees[i] if table_contains(tr.trees, node_above.name) and node_above.param2 < 4 then local pd = capitate_funcs[tr.type](pos, tr, node_above, player) if pd and #pd > 0 then capitated = pd break end end end capitating = false if capitated then clean_cache() minetest.log("info", "[elefarming tc] tree capitated at (" .. pos.x .. "|" .. pos.y .. "|" .. pos.z .. ") after ca. " .. (minetest.get_us_time() - t1) / 1000000 .. " s") end return capitated end --------- -- API -- --------- -- the table containing the tree definitions elefarm.tc.trees = {} local after_dig_wrap local after_dig_nodes = {} function elefarm.tc.register_tree(tr) for name,value in pairs(elefarm.tc.default_tree) do if tr[name] == nil then tr[name] = value --replaces not defined stuff end end elefarm.tc.trees[#elefarm.tc.trees+1] = tr if elefarm.tc.after_register[tr.type] then elefarm.tc.after_register[tr.type](tr) end end -- Mods can set elefarm.tc.capitation_usually_disallowed to true and -- override this function, with params pos and digger, to make capitation -- transpire only under certain contitions. function elefarm.tc.capitation_allowed() return not elefarm.tc.capitation_usually_disallowed end -- test if trunk nodes were redefined minetest.after(2, function() for nodename in pairs(after_dig_nodes) do if not minetest.registered_nodes[nodename].after_dig_node then error(nodename .. " didn't keep after_dig_node.") end end after_dig_nodes = nil end) -- wrapping is necessary, someone may overwrite elefarm.tc.capitate_tree function after_dig_wrap(pos, _,_, digger) elefarm.tc.capitate_tree(pos, digger) end ------------------ -- Registration -- ------------------ -- Please try to match the tree definition close to the real tree for a more -- fitting usage of neighbour detection and similar mechanisms. local mgname = minetest.get_mapgen_setting"mg_name" if mgname == "v6" then elefarm.tc.register_tree{ trees = {epi.tree}, leaves = {epi.leaves}, range = 2, fruits = {epi.apple} } elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {epi.jungle_tree}, leaves = {epi.jungle_leaves}, range = 3 }) else elefarm.tc.register_tree{ trees = {epi.tree}, leaves = {epi.leaves}, range = 2, range_up = 4, range_down = 0, fruits = {epi.apple, epi.tree}, trunk_fruit_vertical = true } elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {epi.jungle_tree}, leaves = {epi.jungle_leaves}, fruits = {epi.jungle_tree}, range = 4, range_up = 14, range_down = 5, trunk_fruit_vertical = true, stem_height_min = 12, }) elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {epi.jungle_tree}, leaves = {epi.jungle_leaves}, fruits = {epi.jungle_tree}, range = 4, range_up = 14, range_down = 3, trunk_fruit_vertical = true, stem_type = "2x2", stem_height_min = 12, }) end elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {epi.pine_tree}, leaves = {epi.pine_needles}, -- the +2 height is used to also support the coned pine trees range_up = 2 +2, range_down = 6, range = 3, }) elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {epi.acacia_tree}, leaf = epi.acacia_leaves, no_param2test = true, --leavesrange = 4, type = "acacia" }) elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {epi.aspen_tree}, leaves = {epi.aspen_leaves}, range = 4, }) if minetest.get_modpath("farming_plus") then elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {epi.tree}, leaves = {"farming_plus:banana_leaves"}, range = 2, fruits = {"farming_plus:banana"} }) elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {epi.tree}, leaves = {"farming_plus:cocoa_leaves"}, range = 2, fruits = {"farming_plus:cocoa"} }) end if minetest.get_modpath("moretrees") then elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {"moretrees:acacia_trunk"}, leaves = {"moretrees:acacia_leaves"}, range = 10, }) elefarm.tc.register_tree{ trees = {"moretrees:poplar_trunk"}, leaves = {"moretrees:poplar_leaves"}, range_up = 5, range_down = 17, range = 2, } local dates = {"moretrees:dates_fn", "moretrees:dates_m0", "moretrees:dates_n"} for i = 0, 4 do dates[#dates+1] = "moretrees:dates_f" .. i end dates[#dates+1] = "moretrees:date_palm_trunk" elefarm.tc.register_tree{ trees = { "moretrees:date_palm_trunk", "moretrees:date_palm_mfruit_trunk", "moretrees:date_palm_ffruit_trunk" }, leaves = {"moretrees:date_palm_leaves"}, fruits = dates, trunk_fruit_vertical = true, range = 11, range_up = 15, range_down = 0, } elefarm.tc.register_tree{ trees = {"moretrees:apple_tree_trunk"}, leaves = {"moretrees:apple_tree_leaves"}, fruits = {epi.apple, "moretrees:apple_tree_trunk"}, trunk_fruit_vertical = true, range = 9, range_up = 3, range_down = 4, } elefarm.tc.register_tree{ trees = {"moretrees:beech_trunk"}, leaves = {"moretrees:beech_leaves"}, range = 4, range_down = 2, range_up = 3, fruits = {"moretrees:beech_trunk"}, trunk_fruit_vertical = true } elefarm.tc.register_tree{ trees = {"moretrees:birch_trunk"}, leaves = {"moretrees:birch_leaves"}, fruits = {"moretrees:birch_trunk"}, trunk_fruit_vertical = true, cutting_leaves = 3, stem_height_min = 4, range = 8, range_down = 13, range_up = 10, } elefarm.tc.register_tree{ trees = {"moretrees:fir_trunk"}, leaves = {"moretrees:fir_leaves", "moretrees:fir_leaves_bright"}, range_up = 2, range_down = 21, range = 7, fruits = {"moretrees:fir_cone", "moretrees:fir_trunk"}, trunk_fruit_vertical = true } elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {"moretrees:jungletree_trunk"}, leaves = {"moretrees:jungletree_leaves_green", "jungletree_leaves_yellow", "jungletree_leaves_red"}, range = 8, }) elefarm.tc.register_tree{ trees = {"moretrees:oak_trunk"}, leaves = {"moretrees:oak_leaves"}, fruits = {"moretrees:acorn", "moretrees:oak_trunk"}, trunk_fruit_vertical = true, stem_type = "+", range = 11, range_up = 11, range_down = 1, } -- needs special type elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {"moretrees:cedar_trunk"}, leaves = {"moretrees:cedar_leaves"}, range = 10, range_up = 1, range_down = 19, trunk_fruit_vertical = true, fruits = {"moretrees:cedar_cone", "moretrees:cedar_trunk"} }) elefarm.tc.register_tree{ trees = {"moretrees:rubber_tree_trunk", "moretrees:rubber_tree_trunk_empty"}, leaves = {"moretrees:rubber_tree_leaves"}, fruits = {"moretrees:rubber_tree_trunk", "moretrees:rubber_tree_trunk_empty"}, trunk_fruit_vertical = true, stem_type = "2x2", range = 8, range_down = 1, range_up = 8, } elefarm.tc.register_tree{ trees = {"moretrees:sequoia_trunk"}, leaves = {"moretrees:sequoia_leaves"}, fruits = {"moretrees:sequoia_trunk"}, trunk_fruit_vertical = true, stem_type = "+", range = 10, range_up = 3, range_down = 33, cutting_leaves = 6, stem_height_min = 6, } elefarm.tc.register_tree{ trees = {"moretrees:spruce_trunk"}, leaves = {"moretrees:spruce_leaves"}, fruits = {"moretrees:spruce_cone", "moretrees:spruce_trunk"}, trunk_fruit_vertical = true, cutting_leaves = 1, stem_type = "+", range = 10, range_down = 25, range_up = 5, } elefarm.tc.register_tree{ trees = {"moretrees:willow_trunk"}, leaves = {"moretrees:willow_leaves"}, fruits = {"moretrees:willow_trunk"}, trunk_fruit_vertical = true, stem_type = "+", range = 13, range_up = 6, range_down = 6, } elefarm.tc.register_tree{ -- small and 2x2 jungletree at once trees = {"moretrees:jungletree_trunk"}, leaves = {epi.jungle_leaves, "moretrees:jungletree_leaves_red"}, fruits = {"moretrees:jungletree_trunk"}, requisite_leaves = {"moretrees:jungletree_leaves_red"}, trunk_fruit_vertical = true, stem_height_min = 4, cutting_leaves = 5, stem_type = "2x2", range = 8, -- 5 small range_up = 2, -- 1 small range_down = 17, -- 6 small } elefarm.tc.register_tree{ trees = {"moretrees:jungletree_trunk"}, leaves = {epi.jungle_leaves, "moretrees:jungletree_leaves_yellow", "moretrees:jungletree_leaves_red"}, fruits = {"moretrees:jungletree_trunk"}, requisite_leaves = {"moretrees:jungletree_leaves_yellow"}, trunk_fruit_vertical = true, cutting_leaves = 5, stem_type = "+", range = 8, range_up = 4, range_down = 16, } elefarm.tc.register_tree{ trees = {"moretrees:palm_trunk"}, trunk_top = "moretrees:palm_fruit_trunk", leaves = "moretrees:palm_leaves", fruit = "moretrees:coconut", range = 10, range_up = 7, range_down = 4, max_forbi = 2, type = "palm", } --~ elefarm.tc.register_tree({ --~ trees = {"moretrees:sequoia_trunk"}, --~ leaves = {"moretrees:sequoia_leaves"}, --~ range = 8, --~ height = 17, --~ max_nodes = 8000, --~ num_trunks_min = 5, --~ num_trunks_max = 400, --~ num_leaves_min = 10, --~ num_leaves_max = 4000, --~ type = "moretrees", --~ }) --~ elefarm.tc.register_tree({ --~ trees = {"moretrees:willow_trunk"}, --~ leaves = {"moretrees:willow_leaves"}, --~ range = 11, --~ height = 17, --~ max_nodes = 8000, --~ num_trunks_min = 5, --~ num_trunks_max = 400, --~ num_leaves_min = 10, --~ num_leaves_max = 4000, --~ type = "moretrees", --~ }) end -- code from amadin and narrnika if minetest.get_modpath("ethereal") then elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {epi.jungle_tree}, leaves = {epi.jungle_leaves}, range = 3, height = 20, max_nodes = 145, num_trunks_min = 0, num_trunks_max = 35, num_leaves_min = 0, num_leaves_max = 110, type = "moretrees", }) elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {"default:pinetree"}, -- this may need to be changed to pine_tree leaves = {"ethereal:pineleaves"}, range = 6, type = "default", }) elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {epi.tree}, leaves = {epi.leaves, "ethereal:orange_leaves"}, fruits = {epi.apple, "ethereal:orange"}, range = 2, type = "default", }) elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {"ethereal:acacia_trunk"}, leaves = {"ethereal:acacia_leaves"}, range = 10, height = 10, max_nodes = 122, num_trunks_min = 0, num_trunks_max = 22, num_leaves_min = 0, num_leaves_max = 100, type = "moretrees", }) elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {"ethereal:banana_trunk"}, leaves = {"ethereal:bananaleaves"}, fruits = {"ethereal:banana"}, range = 3, height = 7, max_nodes = 28, num_trunks_min = 0, num_trunks_max = 4, num_leaves_min = 0, num_leaves_max = 20, type = "moretrees", }) elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {"ethereal:palm_trunk"}, leaves = {"ethereal:palmleaves"}, fruits = {"ethereal:coconut"}, range = 3, height = 9, max_nodes = 37, num_trunks_min = 0, num_trunks_max = 8, num_leaves_min = 0, num_leaves_max = 25, type = "moretrees", }) elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {"ethereal:willow_trunk"}, leaves = {"ethereal:willow_twig"}, range = 10, height = 13, max_nodes = 540, num_trunks_min = 0, num_trunks_max = 90, num_leaves_min = 0, num_leaves_max = 450, type = "moretrees", }) elefarm.tc.register_tree({ trees = {"ethereal:mushroom_trunk"}, leaves = {"ethereal:mushroom", "ethereal:mushroom_porew"}, range = 4, height = 10, max_nodes = 100, num_trunks_min = 0, num_trunks_max = 32, num_leaves_min = 0, num_leaves_max = 80, type = "moretrees", }) end