local function get_formspec(power, input, state, active, percent) local t = "image[3.5,1.75;1,1;elepower_uv_bulb.png]" if active then t = "image[3.5,1.75;1,1;elepower_uv_bulb_lit.png]" end if not percent then percent = 0 end return "size[8,8.5]".. default.gui_bg.. default.gui_bg_img.. default.gui_slots.. ele.formspec.power_meter(power).. ele.formspec.state_switcher(7, 0, state).. ele.formspec.fluid_bar(1, 0, input).. "image[3.5,1;1,1;gui_furnace_arrow_bg.png^[lowpart:".. (percent)..":gui_furnace_arrow_fg.png^[transformR270]".. t.. "list[context;src;2.5,1;1,1;]".. "list[context;dst;4.5,1;1,1;]".. "list[current_player;main;0,4.25;8,1;]".. "list[current_player;main;0,5.5;8,3;8]".. "listring[current_player;main]".. "listring[context;src]".. "listring[current_player;main]".. "listring[context;dst]".. "listring[current_player;main]".. default.get_hotbar_bg(0, 4.25) end local function on_timer(pos, elapsed) local refresh = false local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() local input = fluid_lib.get_buffer_data(pos, "acid") local src = inv:get_stack("src", 1) local dst = inv:get_stack("dst", 1) local state = meta:get_int("state") local time = meta:get_int("time") local is_enabled = ele.helpers.state_enabled(meta, pos, state) local capacity = ele.helpers.get_node_property(meta, pos, "capacity") local usage = ele.helpers.get_node_property(meta, pos, "usage") local storage = ele.helpers.get_node_property(meta, pos, "storage") local pow_buffer = {capacity = capacity, storage = storage, usage = 0} local status = "Idle" while true do if not is_enabled then status = "Off" break end if pow_buffer.storage < usage then status = "Out of Power!" break end if src:is_empty() or src:get_name() ~= "elepower_dynamics:pcb_blank" then time = 0 break end if input.fluid == "" or input.amount < 10 then status = "Out of Acid!" time = 0 break end status = "Active" pow_buffer.usage = usage pow_buffer.storage = pow_buffer.storage - usage input.amount = input.amount - 10 refresh = true if input.amount == 0 then input.fluid = "" end if time < 4 then time = time + 1 break end if not inv:room_for_item("dst", ItemStack("elepower_dynamics:pcb")) then status = "Output full!" break end src:take_item(1) inv:add_item("dst", "elepower_dynamics:pcb") inv:set_list("src", {src}) time = 0 break end local active = status == "Active" if active then ele.helpers.swap_node(pos, "elepower_machines:pcb_plant_active") else ele.helpers.swap_node(pos, "elepower_machines:pcb_plant") end meta:set_int("acid_fluid_storage", input.amount) meta:set_string("acid_fluid", input.fluid) meta:set_int("storage", pow_buffer.storage) meta:set_int("time", time) meta:set_string("infotext", ("PCB Plant %s\n%s"):format(status, ele.capacity_text(pow_buffer.capacity, pow_buffer.storage))) meta:set_string("formspec", get_formspec(pow_buffer, input, state, active, math.floor((time / 4) * 100))) return refresh end local function allow_metadata_inventory_put(pos, listname, index, stack, player) if minetest.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then return 0 end if listname == "dst" or (listname == "src" and stack:get_name() ~= "elepower_dynamics:pcb_blank") then return 0 end return stack:get_count() end local function allow_metadata_inventory_move(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack(from_list, from_index) return allow_metadata_inventory_put(pos, to_list, to_index, stack, player) end ele.register_machine("elepower_machines:pcb_plant", { description = "Printed Circuit Board Plant", groups = { fluid_container = 1, cracky = 1, ele_user = 1, tubedevice = 1, tubedevice_receiver = 1, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1, }, fluid_buffers = { acid = { capacity = 8000, accepts = {"elepower_dynamics:etching_acid_source"}, drainable = false, }, }, on_timer = on_timer, on_construct = function (pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() inv:set_size("src", 1) inv:set_size("dst", 1) meta:set_string("formspec", get_formspec()) end, tiles = { "elepower_machine_top.png", "elepower_machine_base.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png^elepower_pcb_plant.png", }, ele_active_node = true, ele_active_nodedef = { tiles = { "elepower_machine_top.png", "elepower_machine_base.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png^elepower_pcb_plant_active.png", }, }, ele_usage = 32, allow_metadata_inventory_put = allow_metadata_inventory_put, allow_metadata_inventory_move = allow_metadata_inventory_move, })