-------------- -- Alloying -- -------------- elepm.register_craft_type("alloy", { description = "Alloying", inputs = 2, }) elepm.register_craft({ type = "alloy", recipe = { "elepower_dynamics:iron_ingot", "elepower_dynamics:coal_dust 4" }, output = "default:steel_ingot", time = 6, }) elepm.register_crafter("elepower_machines:alloy_furnace", { description = "Alloy Furnace", craft_type = "alloy", ele_active_node = true, tiles = { "elepower_machine_top.png", "elepower_machine_base.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_alloy_furnace.png", }, ele_active_nodedef = { tiles = { "elepower_machine_top.png", "elepower_machine_base.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_alloy_furnace_active.png", }, }, groups = {oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1} }) -------------- -- Grinding -- -------------- elepm.register_craft_type("grind", { description = "Grinding", inputs = 1, }) local keywords = { _ingot = 1, _lump = 2, _block = 9, block = 9 } for mat, data in pairs(elepd.registered_dusts) do local kwfound = nil for keyword,count in pairs(keywords) do local found = ele.helpers.scan_item_list(mat .. keyword) if found then if keyword == "_ingot" and not kwfound then kwfound = found end -- Grind recipe for material elepm.register_craft({ type = "grind", recipe = { found }, output = data.item .. " " .. count, time = count + 4, }) end end -- Add dust -> ingot smelting if kwfound then minetest.register_craft({ type = "cooking", recipe = data.item, output = kwfound }) end end elepm.register_crafter("elepower_machines:pulverizer", { description = "Pulverizer", craft_type = "grind", ele_active_node = true, ele_usage = 32, tiles = { "elepower_machine_top.png", "elepower_machine_base.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_grinder.png", }, ele_active_nodedef = { tiles = { "elepower_machine_top.png", "elepower_machine_base.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_grinder_active.png", }, }, groups = {oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1} }) ------------- -- Furnace -- ------------- elepm.register_crafter("elepower_machines:furnace", { description = "Powered Furnace", craft_type = "cooking", ele_active_node = true, ele_usage = 32, tiles = { "elepower_machine_top.png", "elepower_machine_base.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_furnace.png", }, ele_active_nodedef = { tiles = { "elepower_machine_top.png", "elepower_machine_base.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_furnace_active.png", }, }, groups = {oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1} }) ------------- -- Sawmill -- ------------- elepm.register_craft_type("saw", { description = "Sawmilling", inputs = 1, }) -- Register all logs as sawable, if we can find a planks version minetest.after(0.2, function () local wood_nodes = {} for name in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do if ele.helpers.get_item_group(name, "wood") then wood_nodes[#wood_nodes + 1] = name end end -- Begin making associations -- Get crafting recipe for all woods local assoc = {} for _,wood in ipairs(wood_nodes) do local recipes = minetest.get_all_craft_recipes(wood) for _, recipe in ipairs(recipes) do if recipe.items and #recipe.items == 1 then assoc[recipe.items[1]] = wood end end end -- Register sawmill craft for tree, wood in pairs(assoc) do elepm.register_craft({ type = "saw", recipe = { tree }, output = {wood .. " 6", "elepower_dynamics:wood_dust"}, time = 8, }) end end) elepm.register_crafter("elepower_machines:sawmill", { description = "Sawmill", craft_type = "saw", ele_usage = 32, tiles = { "elepower_machine_top.png", "elepower_machine_base.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_sawmill.png", }, groups = {oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1} }) ---------------------- -- Power Generation -- ---------------------- elepm.register_fuel_generator("elepower_machines:generator", { description = "Coal-fired Generator", ele_active_node = true, ele_capacity = 6400, tiles = { "elepower_machine_top.png", "elepower_machine_base.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_generator.png", }, ele_active_nodedef = { tiles = { "elepower_machine_top.png", "elepower_machine_base.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_generator_active.png", } }, groups = {oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1} }) ------------------- -- Power Storage -- ------------------- elepm.register_storage("elepower_machines:power_cell", { description = "Power Cell", ele_capacity = 16000, tiles = { "elepower_machine_top.png", "elepower_machine_base.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_machine_side.png", "elepower_power_cell.png", }, groups = {oddly_breakable_by_hand = 1} })