local function get_formspec(heat, cold, water, steam) return "size[8,8.5]".. default.gui_bg.. default.gui_bg_img.. default.gui_slots.. ele.formspec.fluid_bar(0, 0, heat).. ele.formspec.fluid_bar(1, 0, cold).. "image[3.5,1;1,1;gui_furnace_arrow_bg.png^[transformR270]".. ele.formspec.fluid_bar(6, 0, water).. ele.formspec.fluid_bar(7, 0, steam).. "list[current_player;main;0,4.25;8,1;]".. "list[current_player;main;0,5.5;8,3;8]".. "listring[current_player;main]".. default.get_hotbar_bg(0, 4.25) end local heat_recipes = { ["elepower_nuclear:hot_coolant_source"] = { out = "elepower_nuclear:coolant_source", factor = 1, }, ["elepower_nuclear:helium_plasma"] = { out = "elepower_nuclear:helium", factor = 8, }, } local function heat_exchanger_timer(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local change = false local heat = fluid_lib.get_buffer_data(pos, "heat") local cold = fluid_lib.get_buffer_data(pos, "cold") local water = fluid_lib.get_buffer_data(pos, "water") local steam = fluid_lib.get_buffer_data(pos, "steam") while true do if heat.amount < 1000 or heat.fluid == "" or not heat_recipes[heat.fluid] then break end -- See if we have enough hot coolant if heat.amount >= 1000 and heat.fluid ~= "" then local damnt = heat_recipes[heat.fluid] local water_convert = math.min(water.amount, 1000 * damnt.factor) if cold.fluid ~= damnt.out and cold.fluid ~= "" then break end if steam.amount + water_convert > steam.capacity then water_convert = steam.capacity - steam.amount end if water_convert > 0 and cold.amount + 1000 < cold.capacity then -- Conversion heat.amount = heat.amount - 1000 cold.amount = cold.amount + 1000 water.amount = water.amount - water_convert steam.amount = steam.amount + water_convert cold.fluid = damnt.out change = true end end break end if change then meta:set_string("cold_fluid", cold.fluid) meta:set_string("steam_fluid", "elepower_dynamics:steam") meta:set_int("heat_fluid_storage", heat.amount) meta:set_int("cold_fluid_storage", cold.amount) meta:set_int("water_fluid_storage", water.amount) meta:set_int("steam_fluid_storage", steam.amount) end meta:set_string("formspec", get_formspec(heat, cold, water, steam)) return change end ele.register_machine("elepower_nuclear:heat_exchanger", { description = "Shielded Heat Exchanger\nFor use in nuclear power plants", tiles = { "elenuclear_machine_top.png", "elepower_lead_block.png", "elenuclear_machine_side.png", "elenuclear_machine_side.png", "elenuclear_machine_side.png", "elenuclear_heat_exchanger.png", }, groups = {cracky = 3, fluid_container = 1}, fluid_buffers = { heat = { capacity = 8000, accepts = {"elepower_nuclear:hot_coolant_source", "elepower_nuclear:helium_plasma"}, drainable = false, }, cold = { capacity = 8000, accepts = {"elepower_nuclear:coolant_source", "elepower_nuclear:helium"}, drainable = true, }, water = { capacity = 16000, accepts = {"default:water_source"}, drainable = false, }, steam = { capacity = 16000, drainable = true, }, }, on_construct = function (pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("formspec", get_formspec()) end, on_timer = heat_exchanger_timer, })