Breaking Update: ~ elepower lighting added ~ light bulbs ~ flood lights ~ led panels ~ decorative shades ~ added to tome ~ improvements to dynamics inventory images ~ improvements to machine recipe storage ~ tome support for new recipes ~ additional elepower conduit types added with lighting and base ~ changes to compressing from 1 recipe slot to 2 slots (potential breaking change)
A new powerful modpack for Minetest 5.0.0+!
I do not recommend using this modpack with technic, as this modpack aims to become an all new technology mod. However, compatibility might be added at a later date.
Depends on fluid_lib!
Universal Electric Power API
How is this any different from technic I hear you asking? Well, first of all, I have eliminated the concept of "tiers" in the technic sense, as all types of machines will now be accepting any conduit. Machines can be upgraded for speed and efficiency.
Universal Fluid Transfer API
Exactly what it sounds like. Pipeworks failed to do this. Works with melterns!
Machines for doubling your ore output and helping you create more powerful materials.
Powered tools that you can simply recharge instead of crafting them again.
Farming automation machines: automatic planting and harvesting of crops.
Nuclear power. Both fission and fusion will (soon) be presented!