# send metadata to server and print the response def send_metadata(m) data = json_of(m) # print("Sending metadata: "^data) ignore(http.post( data = data, headers = [("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")], timeout = 10.0, "http://#{confstr('api.host', 'localhost')}:#{confstr('api.port', '7005')}#{confstr('api.mount', 'api')}/internal/meta" )) end def update_nowplaying(m) # Encode all text in UTF-8 recode = string.recode(out_enc="UTF-8") def f(x) (recode(fst(x)),recode(snd(x))) end m = list.map(f,m) # Remove pictures from metadata m = list.remove_assoc("cover", m) m = list.remove_assoc("picture", m) # Append start time to metadata m = if m != [] then list.append( [("start", string_of(time()))] , m) else m end # Publish to API send_metadata(m) end