2022-10-16 12:37:13 +03:00
2024-04-20 20:32:12 +03:00
<main class="blog">
2022-10-16 14:04:03 +03:00
<Meta property="og:type" content="website" />
<Meta property="og:title" content="Evert's Blog" />
<Meta property="og:url" content="https://lunasqu.ee/blog/index.html" />
<Meta property="og:site_name" content="Evert's Blog" />
<Meta property="og:locale" content="en_US" />
<Meta property="article:author" content="Evert Prants" />
<Meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" />
2022-10-16 15:50:21 +03:00
title="Evert's Blog"
<Title>Evert's Blog | lunasqu.ee</Title>
2022-10-16 14:04:03 +03:00
2022-10-16 12:37:13 +03:00
<header class="blog__header">
2022-10-16 16:28:47 +03:00
<nav class="blog__nav">
<NuxtLink to="/"><span class="icon-home"></span>Home</NuxtLink>
<NuxtLink to="/blog/archive"
><span class="icon-archive"></span>Archive</NuxtLink
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<a href="/blog/atom.xml" target="_blank"
><span class="icon-rss"></span>Atom</a
<h1><NuxtLink to="/blog">Evert's Blog</NuxtLink></h1>
2022-10-16 12:37:13 +03:00
<section class="blog__content">
<div class="blog__main-col">
<div class="blog__sidebar">
<BlogSidebar title="Tags">
2024-04-20 20:32:12 +03:00
<li v-for="postTag of tags">
<NuxtLink :to="'/blog/tags/' + postTag.name">{{
2022-10-16 12:37:13 +03:00
<BlogSidebar title="Tag cloud">
<div class="tag-cloud">
2022-10-16 14:04:03 +03:00
2024-04-20 20:32:12 +03:00
v-for="postTag of tags"
:to="'/blog/tags/' + postTag.name"
:style="{ fontSize: getFontSize(postTag) }"
>{{ postTag.name }}</NuxtLink
2022-10-16 12:37:13 +03:00
<BlogSidebar title="Archive">
<li v-for="archive of monthList">
2022-10-16 14:04:03 +03:00
<NuxtLink :href="archive.href">{{ archive.name }}</NuxtLink>
2022-10-16 12:37:13 +03:00
2022-10-16 16:28:47 +03:00
<BlogSidebar title="Recent posts">
<li v-for="recent of recents">
<NuxtLink :href="'/blog/' + recent.fullSlug">{{
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2024-04-20 20:32:12 +03:00
2022-10-16 12:37:13 +03:00
<script setup lang="ts">
2022-12-04 12:12:29 +02:00
import type { ArchiveDto, BlogPost, BlogPostTag } from '~~/lib/types/post';
2022-10-16 14:04:03 +03:00
2022-12-04 12:12:29 +02:00
const { data: tags } = await useFetch<BlogPostTag[]>('/api/blog/tags');
const { data: archive } = await useFetch<ArchiveDto>('/api/blog/archive');
const { data: recents } = await useFetch<BlogPost[]>('/api/blog', {
2022-10-16 16:28:47 +03:00
key: 'recents',
params: { limit: 6, render: false },
2022-10-16 12:37:13 +03:00
const monthNames = [
const monthList = computed(() => {
let links = [];
const res = archive.value;
2022-12-04 12:12:29 +02:00
if (!res) return [];
2022-10-16 12:37:13 +03:00
for (const year of Object.keys(res).sort((a, b) => Number(b) - Number(a))) {
for (const month of Object.keys(res[year]).sort(
2024-04-20 20:32:12 +03:00
(a, b) => Number(b) - Number(a),
2022-10-16 12:37:13 +03:00
)) {
const monthName = monthNames[new Date(`${year}-${month}-01`).getMonth()];
name: `${monthName} ${year}`,
href: `/blog/archive/${year}/${month}`,
return links;
const minTag = computed(() =>
2022-12-04 12:12:29 +02:00
2022-10-16 12:37:13 +03:00
(min, current) => (min > current.count ? current.count : min),
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2022-10-16 12:37:13 +03:00
const maxTag = computed(() =>
2022-12-04 12:12:29 +02:00
2022-10-16 12:37:13 +03:00
(max, current) => (max < current.count ? current.count : max),
2024-04-20 20:32:12 +03:00
2022-10-16 12:37:13 +03:00
function convertRange(value: number, r1: number[], r2: number[]) {
return ((value - r1[0]) * (r2[1] - r2[0])) / (r1[1] - r1[0]) + r2[0];
2024-04-20 20:32:12 +03:00
const getFontSize = (postTag: BlogPostTag): string => {
2022-12-04 12:12:29 +02:00
return (
2024-04-20 20:32:12 +03:00
[minTag.value ?? 0, maxTag.value ?? 0],
[10, 20],
) + 'px'
2022-12-04 12:12:29 +02:00
2022-10-16 12:37:13 +03:00