local page_cache = {} local recipe_cache = {} local group_cache = {} local function resolve_group(group) if group_cache[group] then return group_cache[group] end local remove_group = group:sub(7) local found for v in pairs(minetest.registered_items) do if minetest.get_item_group(v, remove_group) > 0 then found = v break end end if not found then return "" end group_cache[group] = found return found end local function fromtable_output(tbl, out) local res for _,v in pairs(tbl) do if v.output == out then res = v break end end return res end local function generate_recipe_hypertext(item, recipe_type) if recipe_cache[recipe_type .. "/" .. item] then return recipe_cache[recipe_type .. "/" .. item] end local lines = {} if recipe_type == 'cauldron' then local x = fromtable_output(magicalities.cauldron.recipes, item) if not x then return "" end local rec = x.requirements local y = {} for _,v in pairs(x.items) do table.insert(y, "") end table.insert(lines, "
" .. table.concat(y, "") .. "
") table.insert(lines, "
") table.insert(lines, "
") if rec then local p = {} for rec,v in pairs(rec) do table.insert(p, v .. " " .. magicalities.elements[rec].description) end table.insert(lines, "
" .. table.concat(p, " | ") .. "
") end end if #lines > 0 then local ht = table.concat(lines, "\n") recipe_cache[recipe_type .. "/" .. item] = ht return ht end end local function line_special (line) local types = {"cauldron"} local matched = false for _,v in pairs(types) do matched = line:match("^<"..v) ~= nil if matched then break end end if not matched then return line end local tyt = line:match("^<([%w]*)") local itm = line:match("name=([^>]*)") if not tyt or not itm then return "" end return generate_recipe_hypertext(itm, tyt) end local function book_formspec(user, page, scrollindex) if page then return "size[8,8]".. "button[0,0;2,1;back;Back to index]".. "hypertext[0.1,0.5;7.9,7.5;text;"..page_cache[page].."]".. default.gui_bg.. default.gui_bg_img.. default.gui_slots end local avail_list = magicalities.available_to_player(user, true) return "size[6,5.7]".. default.gui_bg.. default.gui_bg_img.. default.gui_slots.. magicalities.researching.generate_formspec_list(avail_list, 0, 0, 5, 5.25, scrollindex, false, true) end local function first_key(list) local ekey for key,_ in pairs(list) do ekey = key break end return ekey end local function book_read_page(book, user, page, ptype) local uname = user:get_player_name() local check = magicalities.player_has_ability if ptype == 2 then check = magicalities.player_has_recipe end if not check(uname, page) then return false end local chapter = "#"..ptype..""..page if not page_cache[chapter] then return false end minetest.show_formspec(uname, "magicalities:book", book_formspec(uname, chapter, 0)) return true end local function book_read(book, user, pointed_thing) local uname = user:get_player_name() if pointed_thing and pointed_thing.type == "node" then local pos = pointed_thing.under local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local ptype = 2 local page = node.name -- Special case for crystals if minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "crystal_cluster") > 0 then ptype = 1 page = "magicalities:crystal" end -- Open a page instead if page_cache["#"..ptype..""..page] then local read = book_read_page(book, user, page, ptype) if read then return book end end end local meta = book:get_meta() minetest.show_formspec(uname, "magicalities:book", book_formspec(uname, nil, meta:get_int("scrolli"))) return book end local function cache_book_pages() recipe_cache = {} local file = io.open(minetest.get_modpath("magicalities").."/book.txt") local all = {} local previous = "" local since = 0 for line in file:lines() do if line:sub(0,1) == "#" then all[line] = "" previous = line since = 0 elseif previous ~= "" then line = line_special(line) if since > 0 then line = '\n'..line end all[previous] = all[previous] .. line since = since + 1 end end page_cache = all end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname ~= "magicalities:book" then return false end local book = player:get_wielded_item() if book:get_name() ~= "magicalities:book" then return true end local bmeta = book:get_meta() local scrolled = false local findex = bmeta:get_int("scrolli") local page local page_type local fkey = first_key(fields) if fields["text"] and fields["text"]:sub(0,6) == "action" then local pact = fields["text"]:sub(8):gsub("\"", "") if pact then fkey = pact end end if fields["dn"] then scrolled = true findex = findex + 1 elseif fields["up"] then scrolled = true findex = findex - 1 if findex < 0 then findex = 0 end elseif fkey and fkey:sub(0,1) == "#" then page_type = tonumber(fkey:sub(2,2)) page = fkey:sub(3) elseif fields["back"] then book_read(book, player) return true end if scrolled then bmeta:set_int("scrolli", findex) player:set_wielded_item(book) book_read(book, player) return true end if not page or not page_type then return true end -- Handle page --print("Open page on topic " .. page .. ", which is of type " .. page_type) book_read_page(book, player, page, page_type) return true end) minetest.register_craftitem("magicalities:book", { description = "Magicalities' Guide for Witches and Wizards", inventory_image = "magicalities_book.png", on_use = book_read, on_place = book_read, on_secondary_use = book_read, _wand_created = function (itemstack, wand, user, pos) itemstack:get_meta():set_string("player", user:get_player_name()) return itemstack end, stack_max = 1 }) minetest.register_chatcommand("mgcbookcache", { privs = {basic_privs = 1}, func = function () cache_book_pages() return true, "Reloaded book cache successfully." end }) local initial = true minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function () if not initial then return end initial = false cache_book_pages() end)