local tools = { pick = { name = "Pickaxe", groups = {"cracky"}, fleshy_decrement = 1, components = { main = "pickaxe_head", binding = "tool_binding", rod = "tool_rod" }, textures = { main = "tinkering_pickaxe_head.png", second = "tinkering_overlay_handle_pickaxe.png", offset = "1,-1" } }, axe = { name = "Axe", groups = {"choppy"}, fleshy_increment = 1, components = { main = "axe_head", binding = "tool_binding", rod = "tool_rod" }, textures = { main = "tinkering_axe_head.png", second = "tinkering_overlay_handle_axe.png", offset = "1,-3" } }, sword = { name = "Sword", groups = {"snappy"}, fleshy_decrement = 0, components = { main = "sword_blade", binding = "tool_binding", rod = "tool_rod" }, textures = { main = "tinkering_sword_blade.png", second = "tinkering_overlay_handle_sword.png", offset = "0,0" } }, shovel = { name = "Shovel", groups = {"crumbly"}, fleshy_decrement = 1, components = { main = "shovel_head", binding = "tool_binding", rod = "tool_rod" }, textures = { main = "tinkering_shovel_head.png", second = "tinkering_overlay_handle_shovel.png", offset = "3,-3" } }, } local components = { pickaxe_head = {description = "%s Pickaxe Head", materials = 1, image = tools.pick.textures.main}, axe_head = {description = "%s Axe Head", materials = 1, image = tools.axe.textures.main}, sword_blade = {description = "%s Sword Blade", materials = 1, image = tools.sword.textures.main}, shovel_head = {description = "%s Shovel Head", materials = 1, image = tools.shovel.textures.main}, tool_rod = {description = "%s Tool Rod", materials = 1, image = "tinkering_tool_rod.png"}, tool_binding = {description = "%s Tool Binding", materials = 1, image = "tinkering_tool_binding.png"} } -- Register a tool component function tinkering.register_component(data) local desc = data.description local name = data.name local mod = data.mod_name or "tinkering" minetest.register_craftitem(mod..":"..name, { description = desc, groups = {tinker_component = 1}, inventory_image = data.image }) end -- Register a tool type -- -- name = "Pickaxe", -- Name (description) of the tool -- groups = {"cracky"}, -- Group caps that apply -- mod = "tinkering", -- The mod you're registering this tool from -- fleshy_decrement = 1, -- Amount removed from base damage group "fleshy". Negative value adds. -- components = { -- main = "pickaxe_head", -- Name of the primary component -- binding = "tool_binding", -- Second component -- rod = "tool_rod" -- Mandatory rod component -- }, -- textures = { -- main = "tinkering_pickaxe_head.png", -- Head (main) Texture -- second = "tinkering_overlay_handle_pickaxe.png", -- Overlay (typically a handle) -- offset = "1,-1" -- Head's offset on the texture -- } -- function tinkering.register_tool_type(name, data) tools[name] = data end -- Create groups based on materials local function apply_modifiers(materials, basegroup, dgroup) local tags = {} local groups = {} local incr = 0.00 local uses = 0 local dmg = {} -- Apply material modifiers for m, v in pairs(materials) do local material = tinkering.materials[v] local mod = material.modifier if m ~= "main" then if mod[m] then local mp = mod[m] if mp.increase then incr = incr + mp.increase end if mp.uses then uses = uses + mp.uses end if mp.damage then for g,mod in pairs(mp.damage) do if dmg[g] == nil or dmg[g] < mod then dmg[g] = mod end end end end end -- Apply tags if mod.tags then for _,t in pairs(mod.tags) do if tags[t.name] == nil then tags[t.name] = t.description end end end end -- Apply modified to base groups for grp, d in pairs(basegroup) do groups[grp] = d for id,val in pairs(d.times) do groups[grp].times[id] = val + (incr / id) end groups[grp].uses = d.uses + uses end -- Apply damage group modifications for g,l in pairs(dgroup) do if dmg[g] == nil or dmg[g] < l then dmg[g] = l end end return groups, dmg, tags end -- Generate a tool texture based on tool type, main material (head) and rod material (handle). function tinkering.compose_tool_texture(tooltype, main, rod) local mat_main = tinkering.materials[main] local mat_rod = tinkering.materials[rod] local tool_data = tools[tooltype] local main_tex = tool_data.textures.main .."\\^[multiply\\:".. mat_main.color local rod_tex = tool_data.textures.second .."\\^[multiply\\:".. mat_rod.color local align = tool_data.textures.offset return "[combine:16x16:"..align.."="..main_tex..":0,0="..rod_tex end local function quickcopy(t) local res = {} for i, v in pairs(t) do res[i] = v end return res end -- Generate tool capabilities based on tool type and materials function tinkering.get_tool_capabilities(tool_type, materials) if not materials["main"] or not materials["rod"] then return nil end -- Get main material local main = tinkering.materials[materials.main] if not main then return nil end -- Tool data local tool_data = tools[tool_type] -- Name of the tool local name = tool_data.name or "Tool" -- Group copies local groups = {} local dgroups = {} -- Copy the groups for g,v in pairs(main.modifier.damagegroups) do -- Decrement/increment damage group if tool wants it if tool_data[g.."_decrement"] then dgroups[g] = v - tool_data[g.."_decrement"] elseif tool_data[g.."_increment"] then dgroups[g] = v + tool_data[g.."_increment"] else dgroups[g] = v end end -- Type specific groups and modifiers for _,v in pairs(tool_data.groups) do if main.modifier[v] then groups[v] = quickcopy(main.modifier[v]) end end -- Apply all modifiers local fg, fd, tags = apply_modifiers(materials, groups, dgroups) local tool_caps = { full_punch_interval = 1.0, max_drop_level = 0, groupcaps = fg, damagegroups = fd, } -- Construct the name name = main.name.." "..name return tool_caps, name, tags end -- Return tool definition function tinkering.tool_definition(tool_type, materials) if not materials["main"] or not materials["rod"] then return nil end local capabilities, name, tags = tinkering.get_tool_capabilities(tool_type, materials) if not capabilities then return nil end local tool_tree = { description = name, tool_capabilities = capabilities, groups = {tinker_tool = 1}, inventory_image = tinkering.compose_tool_texture(tool_type, materials.main, materials.rod) } -- Store materials to use in metadata local tink_mats = "" for _,m in pairs(materials) do tink_mats = tink_mats..","..m end return tool_tree, tink_mats, tags end -- Compare provided components to the required components of this tool local function compare_components_required(tool_spec, materials) local all_match = true for i, v in pairs(tool_spec) do if not materials[i] then all_match = false end end return all_match end -- Create a new tool based on parameters specified. function tinkering.create_tool(tool_type, materials, want_tool, custom_name, overrides) -- TODO: Apply tags -- TODO: Add texture as metadata (https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/5686) -- Not a valid tool type if not tools[tool_type] then return false end local tool_data = tools[tool_type] -- Check if the components are correct if not compare_components_required(tool_data.components, materials) then return false end -- Get tool definition and other metadata local tool_def, mat_names, tags = tinkering.tool_definition(tool_type, materials) if not tool_def then return false end local mod_name = tool_data.mod or "tinkering" -- Apply overrides if overrides then for i, v in pairs(overrides) do tool_def[i] = v end end -- Use custom name if custom_name ~= nil and custom_name ~= "" then tool_def.description = custom_name end -- Create internal name local internal_name = mod_name..":"..materials.main.."_"..tool_type -- Register base tool if it doesnt exist already if not minetest.registered_items[internal_name] then minetest.register_tool(internal_name, tool_def) end if not want_tool then return true end -- Create a new tool instance and apply metadata local tool = ItemStack(internal_name) local meta = tool:get_meta() meta:set_string("description", tool_def.description) meta:set_string("texture_string", tool_def.inventory_image) -- NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! meta:set_tool_capabilities(tool_def.tool_capabilities) meta:set_string("materials", mat_names) return tool end -- Register components and base tools local start_load = os.clock() local tools = {"pick", "axe", "shovel", "sword"} local num_components = 0 local num_tools = 0 for m, s in pairs(tinkering.materials) do for i, v in pairs(components) do if v.materials == 1 then tinkering.register_component({ name = m.."_"..i, description = v.description:format(s.name), image = tinkering.color_filter(v.image, s.color) }) num_components = num_components + 1 end end for _,t in pairs(tools) do tinkering.create_tool(t, {main=m,binding="wood",rod="wood"}, false, nil, {groups={not_in_creative_inventory=1}}) num_tools = num_tools + 1 end end -- Add casts to metal_melter for i,v in pairs(components) do metal_caster.register_cast(i.."_cast", { name = v.description:sub(4).." Cast", mod = "tinkering", result = "%s:%s_"..i, cost = metal_caster.spec.cast }) end print(("[tinkering] Added %d components and %d base tools in %f seconds."):format(num_components, num_tools, os.clock() - start_load))