-- NPCBuildQueue -- Copyright (c) 2018 Evert "Diamond" Prants local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("npcbuildqueue") local ZERO_POS = {x = 0, y = 0, z = 0} nbq = {} nbq.modpath = modpath -- Ensure correct mobs mod if not rawget(_G, "mobs") then error("Mobs missing!") elseif not mobs.mod or mobs.mod ~= "redo" then error("You have the wrong mobs mod installed. NBQ requires Mobs Redo by Tenplus1!") end -- Used to keep track of building tasks nbq.queues = {} -- Convert VoxelManip to a table of layers. function nbq.schematic_build_data_tree(qid) local sdata = nbq.queues[qid] if not sdata then return nil end if nbq.queues[qid]["dt"] then nbq.queues[qid].vm = nil return nbq.queues[qid]["dt"] end local vm = sdata.vm local size = sdata.size local origin = sdata.origin local data = vm:get_data() local param2 = vm:get_param2_data() local e1, e2 = vm:read_from_map(ZERO_POS, sdata.size) local area = VoxelArea:new{MinEdge=e1, MaxEdge=e2} local node_list = {} for y = 0, size.y do node_list[y + 1] = {} for x = 0, size.x do for z = 0, size.z do local npid = area:index(x, y, z) local node = minetest.get_name_from_content_id(data[npid]) local p2 = param2[npid] node_list[y + 1][#node_list[y + 1] + 1] = { node, p2, vector.add(origin, {x = x, y = y - (sdata.floor + 1), z = z}) } end end end -- Save the generated data structure nbq.queues[qid].vm = nil nbq.queues[qid]["dt"] = node_list return node_list end -- Instruct mob `self` to start building `schematic`. -- `schematic` MUST be a path to a metadata file! (See `metafile.lua` for help) -- `rotation` can equal `"0"`, `"90"`, `"180"`, `"270"`, or `"random"`. -- `speed` is build delay in seconds. function nbq.build_schematic(self, schematic, pos, rot, speed) if self.state == "building" then return nil end local schematic_data = nbq.get_schematic_data(schematic) local vm = VoxelManip(ZERO_POS, schematic_data.size) local loaded = minetest.place_schematic_on_vmanip( vm, -- VoxelManip ZERO_POS, -- Position in the VM schematic_data.path, -- Schematic path rot or "0", -- Rotation nil, -- Replacements true, -- Force Replacement {} -- Flags ) if not loaded then return nil end -- Generate an unique Queue ID. local qpid = (math.random(1, 1000) * math.random(1, 10000)) .. self.name .. (math.random(1, 1000) ^ 2) -- Add to queue. nbq.queues[qpid] = { vm = vm, schematic = schematic, speed = speed, origin = pos, size = schematic_data.size, floor = schematic_data.floor, } -- Build the NPC-readable data tree. local dtree = nbq.schematic_build_data_tree(qpid) -- Instruct the NPC to start building the next time it ticks. self.build_queue_id = qpid self.build_height = #dtree -- Set NPC's variables. if self.build_in_layer == nil then self.build_in_height = 1 self.build_in_layer = 1 end -- Instructs the NPC to resume building if the world was reloaded. self.build_queue_resume = { schematic = schematic, speed = speed, origin = pos, rot = rot, } return qpid end -- Remove all build related data from the mob local function clear_build_state(self, wipe_cache) self.state = "stand" -- Remove from queue if wipe_cache then if nbq.queues[self.build_queue_id] then nbq.queues[self.build_queue_id] = nil end end self.build_queue_resume = nil self.build_queue_id = nil self.build_in_layer = nil end -- Call this from `do_custom` function nbq.build_process(self, dtime) -- Build queue present but no order, order to build if self.build_queue_id and not self.state == "building" then self.state = "building" print("Build queue present but no order, ordering NPC to build..") end -- No build queue, abort if self.state == "building" and not self.build_queue_id then self.state = "stand" print("No build queue, abort") return end if not self.build_queue_id then return end -- Resume building in case the world was reloaded. if not nbq.queues[self.build_queue_id] then if self.build_queue_resume then local resume = self.build_queue_resume nbq.build_schematic(self, resume.schematic, resume.origin, resume.rot, resume.speed) return end clear_build_state(self) print("Invalid build queue") return end -- Layered node data object if not nbq.queues[self.build_queue_id]["dt"] then clear_build_state(self) print("No layered data object in queued build") return end -- Build queue variables local bq = nbq.queues[self.build_queue_id] local dt = bq.dt local layer = dt[self.build_in_height] -- Timer self.build_tick = (self.build_tick or 0) + dtime if self.build_tick < bq.speed then return end self.build_tick = 0 ---------------------- -- Proceed to build -- ---------------------- -- Skip queue if layer is invalid if not layer then clear_build_state(self, true) return end local caret = layer[self.build_in_layer] -- Determine the position we're building at if not caret then if self.build_in_height < self.build_height then -- Proceed to next layer self.build_in_height = self.build_in_height + 1 self.build_in_layer = 1 return else -- Finished print("Build finished") clear_build_state(self, true) return end end -- Node parameters at caret local caret_pos = caret[3] local caret_node = caret[1] local caret_param2 = caret[2] -- Determine if the NPC needs to move to the location or not local pos = self.object:get_pos() local dist_bld = vector.distance(caret[3], pos) -- Make the NPC look towards the node they're interacting with -- TODO: Make NPC movements more realistic local dir = vector.direction(pos, caret_pos) mobs:yaw(self, math.atan2(-dir.x, dir.z)) -- Get the node at the caret local node_at_caret = minetest.get_node(caret_pos).name -- Check if we need to break or place local place = true if (caret_node == "air" and node_at_caret ~= "air") or (caret_node ~= "air" and node_at_caret ~= "air") then place = false end -- Skip air/existing node -- Don't replace grass with dirt if ((caret_node == "air" and node_at_caret == "air") or (caret_node == node_at_caret)) or (caret_node:match("dirt") ~= nil and node_at_caret:match("dirt") ~= nil) then self.build_in_layer = self.build_in_layer + 1 self.build_tick = bq.speed return end -- Punch animation mobs:set_animation(self, "punch") -- "Break" if not place then minetest.set_node(caret_pos, {name = "air"}) return end -- Place minetest.set_node(caret_pos, {name = caret_node, param2 = caret_param2}) -- Go to next position in the next tick :) self.build_in_layer = self.build_in_layer + 1 end -- Metadata file dofile(modpath.."/metafile.lua") -- Example code --dofile(modpath.."/example.lua")