TextPainter now uses StringView
This commit is contained in:
@ -213,11 +213,11 @@ Color Color::gray(uint8_t g) {
Color::Color() {}
Color::Color(const String& name) {
Color::Color(StringView name) {
if (name.beginsWith("#"))
*this = fromHex(name.substr(1));
else {
auto i = NamedColors.find(name.toLower());
auto i = NamedColors.find(String(name).toLower());
if (i != NamedColors.end())
*this = i->second;
@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ Vec4B Color::hexToVec4B(StringView s) {
} else if (s.utf8Size() == 8) {
hexDecode(s.utf8Ptr(), 8, (char*)cbytes.data(), 4);
} else {
throw ColorException(strf("Improper size for hex string '{}' in Color::hexToVec4B", s), false);
throw ColorException(strf("Improper size {} for hex string '{}' in Color::hexToVec4B", s.utf8Size(), s), false);
return Vec4B(move(cbytes));
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public:
// Black
explicit Color(String const& name);
explicit Color(StringView name);
uint8_t red() const;
uint8_t green() const;
@ -11,14 +11,55 @@ namespace Text {
return std::regex_replace(s.utf8(), stripEscapeRegex, "");
inline bool isEscapeCode(char c) {
return c == CmdEsc || c == StartEsc;
static std::string escapeChars = strf("{:c}{:c}", CmdEsc, StartEsc);
typedef function<bool(StringView text)> TextCallback;
typedef function<bool(StringView commands)> CommandsCallback;
void processText(StringView text, TextCallback textFunc, CommandsCallback commandsFunc = CommandsCallback(), bool includeCommandSides = false) {
std::string_view escChars(escapeChars);
std::string_view str = text.utf8();
while (true) {
size_t escape = str.find_first_of(escChars);
if (escape != NPos) {
escape = str.find_first_not_of(escChars, escape) - 1; // jump to the last ^
size_t end = str.find_first_of(EndEsc, escape);
if (end != NPos) {
if (escape != end && !textFunc(str.substr(0, escape)))
if (commandsFunc) {
StringView commands = includeCommandSides
? str.substr(escape, end - escape + 1)
: str.substr(escape + 1, end - escape - 1);
if (!commands.empty() && !commandsFunc(commands))
str = str.substr(end + 1);
if (!str.empty())
// The below two functions aren't used anymore, not bothering with StringView for them
String preprocessEscapeCodes(String const& s) {
bool escape = false;
auto result = s.utf8();
std::string result = s.utf8();
size_t escapeStartIdx = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
auto& c = result[i];
if (c == CmdEsc || c == StartEsc) {
if (isEscapeCode(c)) {
escape = true;
escapeStartIdx = i;
@ -97,7 +138,7 @@ TextPainter::TextPainter(RendererPtr renderer, TextureGroupPtr textureGroup)
RectF TextPainter::renderText(String const& s, TextPositioning const& position) {
RectF TextPainter::renderText(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position) {
if (position.charLimit) {
unsigned charLimit = *position.charLimit;
return doRenderText(s, position, true, &charLimit);
@ -106,7 +147,7 @@ RectF TextPainter::renderText(String const& s, TextPositioning const& position)
RectF TextPainter::renderLine(String const& s, TextPositioning const& position) {
RectF TextPainter::renderLine(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position) {
if (position.charLimit) {
unsigned charLimit = *position.charLimit;
return doRenderLine(s, position, true, &charLimit);
@ -119,11 +160,11 @@ RectF TextPainter::renderGlyph(String::Char c, TextPositioning const& position)
return doRenderGlyph(c, position, true);
RectF TextPainter::determineTextSize(String const& s, TextPositioning const& position) {
RectF TextPainter::determineTextSize(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position) {
return doRenderText(s, position, false, nullptr);
RectF TextPainter::determineLineSize(String const& s, TextPositioning const& position) {
RectF TextPainter::determineLineSize(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position) {
return doRenderLine(s, position, false, nullptr);
@ -135,88 +176,81 @@ int TextPainter::glyphWidth(String::Char c) {
return m_fontTextureGroup.glyphWidth(c, m_fontSize);
int TextPainter::stringWidth(String const& s) {
int TextPainter::stringWidth(StringView s) {
if (s.empty())
return 0;
String font = m_renderSettings.font, setFont = font;
int width = 0;
bool escape = false;
String escapeCode;
for (String::Char c : Text::preprocessEscapeCodes(s)) {
if (c == Text::StartEsc)
escape = true;
Text::CommandsCallback commandsCallback = [&](StringView commands) {
commands.forEachSplitView(",", [&](StringView command, size_t, size_t) {
if (command == "reset")
m_fontTextureGroup.switchFont(font = setFont);
else if (command == "set")
setFont = font;
else if (command.beginsWith("font="))
m_fontTextureGroup.switchFont(font = command.substr(5));
return true;
if (!escape)
Text::TextCallback textCallback = [&](StringView text) {
for (String::Char c : text)
width += glyphWidth(c);
else if (c == Text::EndEsc) {
auto commands = escapeCode.split(',');
for (auto& command : commands) {
if (command == "reset")
m_fontTextureGroup.switchFont(font = setFont);
else if (command == "set")
setFont = font;
else if (command.beginsWith("font="))
m_fontTextureGroup.switchFont(font = command.substr(5));
escape = false;
escapeCode = "";
if (escape && (c != Text::StartEsc))
return true;
Text::processText(s, textCallback, commandsCallback);
return width;
StringList TextPainter::wrapText(String const& s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth) {
void TextPainter::processWrapText(StringView s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth, WrapTextCallback textFunc, WrapCommandsCallback commandsFunc, bool includeCommandSides) {
String font = m_renderSettings.font, setFont = font;
String text = Text::preprocessEscapeCodes(s);
unsigned lineStart = 0; // Where does this line start ?
unsigned lineCharSize = 0; // how many characters in this line ?
unsigned linePixelWidth = 0; // How wide is this line so far
bool inEscapeSequence = false;
String escapeCode;
int lines = 0;
unsigned splitPos = 0; // Where did we last see a place to split the string ?
unsigned splitWidth = 0; // How wide was the string there ?
StringView splitIgnore(m_splitIgnore);
StringView splitForce(m_splitForce);
StringList lines; // list of renderable string lines
Text::CommandsCallback commandsCallback = [&](StringView commands) {
StringView inner = commands.utf8().substr(1, commands.utf8Size() - 1);
inner.forEachSplitView(",", [&](StringView command, size_t, size_t) {
if (command == "reset")
m_fontTextureGroup.switchFont(font = setFont);
else if (command == "set")
setFont = font;
else if (command.beginsWith("font="))
m_fontTextureGroup.switchFont(font = command.substr(5));
if (commandsFunc)
if (!commandsFunc(includeCommandSides ? commands : inner))
return false;
// loop through every character in the string
return true;
for (auto character : text) {
// this up here to deal with the (common) occurance that the first charcter
// is an escape initiator
if (character == Text::StartEsc)
inEscapeSequence = true;
if (inEscapeSequence) {
lineCharSize++; // just jump straight to the next character, we don't care what it is.
if (character == Text::EndEsc) {
auto commands = escapeCode.split(',');
for (auto& command : commands) {
if (command == "reset")
m_fontTextureGroup.switchFont(font = setFont);
else if (command == "set")
setFont = font;
else if (command.beginsWith("font="))
m_fontTextureGroup.switchFont(font = command.substr(5));
inEscapeSequence = false;
escapeCode = "";
if (character != Text::StartEsc)
} else {
Text::TextCallback textCallback = [&](StringView text) {
unsigned lineCharSize = 0; // how many characters in this line ?
unsigned lineStart = 0; // Where does this line start ?
unsigned splitPos = 0; // Where did we last see a place to split the string ?
unsigned splitWidth = 0; // How wide was the string there ?
for (auto character : text) {
lineCharSize++; // assume at least one character if we get here.
// is this a linefeed / cr / whatever that forces a line split ?
if (m_splitForce.find(String(character)) != NPos) {
if (splitForce.find(character) != NPos) {
// knock one off the end because we don't render the CR
lines.push_back(text.substr(lineStart, lineCharSize - 1));
if (!textFunc(text.substr(lineStart, lineCharSize - 1), lines++))
return false;
lineStart += lineCharSize; // next line starts after the CR
lineCharSize = 0; // with no characters in it.
@ -226,7 +260,7 @@ StringList TextPainter::wrapText(String const& s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth) {
int charWidth = glyphWidth(character);
// is it a place where we might want to split the line ?
if (m_splitIgnore.find(String(character)) != NPos) {
if (splitIgnore.find(character) != NPos) {
splitPos = lineStart + lineCharSize; // this is the character after the space.
splitWidth = linePixelWidth + charWidth; // the width of the string at
// the split point, i.e. after the space.
@ -236,7 +270,8 @@ StringList TextPainter::wrapText(String const& s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth) {
if (wrapWidth && (linePixelWidth + charWidth) > *wrapWidth) {
// did we find somewhere to split the line ?
if (splitPos) {
lines.push_back(text.substr(lineStart, (splitPos - lineStart) - 1));
if (!textFunc(text.substr(lineStart, (splitPos - lineStart) - 1), lines++))
return false;
unsigned stringEnd = lineStart + lineCharSize;
lineCharSize = stringEnd - splitPos; // next line has the characters after the space.
@ -247,12 +282,12 @@ StringList TextPainter::wrapText(String const& s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth) {
lineStart = splitPos; // next line starts after the space
splitPos = 0; // split is used up.
} else {
// don't draw the last character that puts us over the edge
lines.push_back(text.substr(lineStart, lineCharSize - 1));
if (!textFunc(text.substr(lineStart, lineCharSize - 1), lines++))
return false;
lineStart += lineCharSize - 1; // skip back by one to include that
// character on the next line.
lineCharSize = 1; // next line has that character in
// character on the next line.
lineCharSize = 1; // next line has that character in
linePixelWidth = charWidth; // and is as wide as that character
} else {
@ -260,15 +295,85 @@ StringList TextPainter::wrapText(String const& s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth) {
// if we hit the end of the string before hitting the end of the line.
if (lineCharSize > 0)
lines.push_back(text.substr(lineStart, lineCharSize));
// if we hit the end of the string before hitting the end of the line.
if (lineCharSize > 0 && !textFunc(text.substr(lineStart, lineCharSize), lines))
return false;
return lines;
return true;
Text::processText(s, textCallback, commandsCallback, true);
List<StringView> TextPainter::wrapTextViews(StringView s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth) {
List<StringView> views = {};
bool active = false;
StringView current;
int lastLine = 0;
auto addText = [&active, ¤t](StringView text) {
// Merge views if they are adjacent
if (active && current.utf8Ptr() + current.utf8Size() == text.utf8Ptr())
current = StringView(current.utf8Ptr(), current.utf8Size() + text.utf8Size());
current = text;
active = true;
TextPainter::WrapTextCallback textCallback = [&](StringView text, int line) {
if (lastLine != line) {
lastLine = line;
active = false;
return true;
TextPainter::WrapCommandsCallback commandsCallback = [&](StringView commands) {
return true;
processWrapText(s, wrapWidth, textCallback, commandsCallback, true);
if (active)
return views;
StringList TextPainter::wrapText(StringView s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth) {
StringList result;
String current;
int lastLine = 0;
TextPainter::WrapTextCallback textCallback = [&](StringView text, int line) {
if (lastLine != line) {
lastLine = line;
current += text;
return true;
TextPainter::WrapCommandsCallback commandsCallback = [&](StringView commands) {
current += commands;
return true;
processWrapText(s, wrapWidth, textCallback, commandsCallback, true);
if (!current.empty())
return result;
unsigned TextPainter::fontSize() const {
return m_fontSize;
@ -325,9 +430,8 @@ void TextPainter::cleanup(int64_t timeout) {
void TextPainter::applyCommands(String const& unsplitCommands) {
auto commands = unsplitCommands.split(',');
for (auto& command : commands) {
void TextPainter::applyCommands(StringView unsplitCommands) {
unsplitCommands.forEachSplitView(",", [&](StringView command, size_t, size_t) {
try {
if (command == "reset") {
m_renderSettings = m_savedRenderSettings;
@ -345,19 +449,22 @@ void TextPainter::applyCommands(String const& unsplitCommands) {
m_renderSettings.directives = command.substr(11);
} else {
// expects both #... sequences and plain old color names.
Color c = jsonToColor(command);
Color c = Color(command);
c.setAlphaF(c.alphaF() * ((float)m_savedRenderSettings.color[3]) / 255);
m_renderSettings.color = c.toRgba();
} catch (JsonException&) {
} catch (ColorException&) {
RectF TextPainter::doRenderText(String const& s, TextPositioning const& position, bool reallyRender, unsigned* charLimit) {
RectF TextPainter::doRenderText(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position, bool reallyRender, unsigned* charLimit) {
Vec2F pos = position.pos;
StringList lines = wrapText(s, position.wrapWidth);
if (s.empty())
return RectF(pos, pos);
List<StringView> lines = wrapTextViews(s, position.wrapWidth);
int height = (lines.size() - 1) * m_lineSpacing * m_fontSize + m_fontSize;
@ -370,7 +477,7 @@ RectF TextPainter::doRenderText(String const& s, TextPositioning const& position
pos[1] += (height - m_fontSize) / 2;
RectF bounds = RectF::withSize(pos, Vec2F());
for (auto i : lines) {
for (auto& i : lines) {
bounds.combine(doRenderLine(i, { pos, position.hAnchor, position.vAnchor }, reallyRender, charLimit));
pos[1] -= m_fontSize * m_lineSpacing;
@ -383,53 +490,47 @@ RectF TextPainter::doRenderText(String const& s, TextPositioning const& position
return bounds;
RectF TextPainter::doRenderLine(String const& s, TextPositioning const& position, bool reallyRender, unsigned* charLimit) {
RectF TextPainter::doRenderLine(StringView text, TextPositioning const& position, bool reallyRender, unsigned* charLimit) {
if (m_reloadTracker->pullTriggered())
String text = s;
TextPositioning pos = position;
if (pos.hAnchor == HorizontalAnchor::RightAnchor) {
auto trimmedString = s;
if (charLimit)
trimmedString = s.slice(0, *charLimit);
StringView trimmedString = charLimit ? text.substr(0, *charLimit) : text;
pos.pos[0] -= stringWidth(trimmedString);
pos.hAnchor = HorizontalAnchor::LeftAnchor;
} else if (pos.hAnchor == HorizontalAnchor::HMidAnchor) {
auto trimmedString = s;
if (charLimit)
trimmedString = s.slice(0, *charLimit);
unsigned width = stringWidth(trimmedString);
pos.pos[0] -= std::floor(width / 2);
StringView trimmedString = charLimit ? text.substr(0, *charLimit) : text;
pos.pos[0] -= std::floorf((float)stringWidth(trimmedString) / 2);
pos.hAnchor = HorizontalAnchor::LeftAnchor;
bool escape = false;
String escapeCode;
RectF bounds = RectF::withSize(pos.pos, Vec2F());
for (String::Char c : text) {
if (c == Text::StartEsc)
escape = true;
if (!escape) {
Text::TextCallback textCallback = [&](StringView text) {
for (String::Char c : text) {
if (charLimit) {
if (*charLimit == 0)
return false;
--* charLimit;
RectF glyphBounds = doRenderGlyph(c, pos, reallyRender);
pos.pos[0] += glyphBounds.width();
} else if (c == Text::EndEsc) {
escape = false;
escapeCode = "";
if (escape && (c != Text::StartEsc))
return true;
Text::CommandsCallback commandsCallback = [&](StringView commands) {
return true;
Text::processText(text, textCallback, commandsCallback);
return bounds;
@ -444,11 +545,11 @@ RectF TextPainter::doRenderGlyph(String::Char c, TextPositioning const& position
if (position.hAnchor == HorizontalAnchor::RightAnchor)
hOffset = -width;
else if (position.hAnchor == HorizontalAnchor::HMidAnchor)
hOffset = -std::floor(width / 2);
hOffset = -std::floorf((float)width / 2);
float vOffset = 0;
if (position.vAnchor == VerticalAnchor::VMidAnchor)
vOffset = -std::floor((float)m_fontSize / 2);
vOffset = -std::floorf((float)m_fontSize / 2);
else if (position.vAnchor == VerticalAnchor::TopAnchor)
vOffset = -(float)m_fontSize;
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "StarFontTextureGroup.hpp"
#include "StarAnchorTypes.hpp"
#include "StarRoot.hpp"
#include "StarStringView.hpp"
namespace Star {
@ -54,18 +55,24 @@ class TextPainter {
TextPainter(RendererPtr renderer, TextureGroupPtr textureGroup);
RectF renderText(String const& s, TextPositioning const& position);
RectF renderLine(String const& s, TextPositioning const& position);
RectF renderText(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position);
RectF renderLine(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position);
RectF renderGlyph(String::Char c, TextPositioning const& position);
RectF determineTextSize(String const& s, TextPositioning const& position);
RectF determineLineSize(String const& s, TextPositioning const& position);
RectF determineTextSize(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position);
RectF determineLineSize(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position);
RectF determineGlyphSize(String::Char c, TextPositioning const& position);
int glyphWidth(String::Char c);
int stringWidth(String const& s);
int stringWidth(StringView s);
StringList wrapText(String const& s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth);
typedef function<bool(StringView text, int line)> WrapTextCallback;
typedef function<bool(StringView command)> WrapCommandsCallback;
void processWrapText(StringView s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth, WrapTextCallback textFunc, WrapCommandsCallback commandFunc = WrapCommandsCallback(), bool includeCommandSides = false);
List<StringView> wrapTextViews(StringView s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth);
StringList wrapText(StringView s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth);
unsigned fontSize() const;
void setFontSize(unsigned size);
@ -79,7 +86,7 @@ public:
void reloadFonts();
void cleanup(int64_t textureTimeout);
void applyCommands(String const& unsplitCommands);
void applyCommands(StringView unsplitCommands);
struct RenderSettings {
FontMode mode;
@ -88,8 +95,8 @@ private:
String directives;
RectF doRenderText(String const& s, TextPositioning const& position, bool reallyRender, unsigned* charLimit);
RectF doRenderLine(String const& s, TextPositioning const& position, bool reallyRender, unsigned* charLimit);
RectF doRenderText(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position, bool reallyRender, unsigned* charLimit);
RectF doRenderLine(StringView s, TextPositioning const& position, bool reallyRender, unsigned* charLimit);
RectF doRenderGlyph(String::Char c, TextPositioning const& position, bool reallyRender);
void renderGlyph(String::Char c, Vec2F const& screenPos, unsigned fontSize, float scale, Vec4B const& color, String const& processingDirectives);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user