Re-optimize text splitting while maintaining vanilla behavior
This commit is contained in:
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ Color Color::gray(uint8_t g) {
Color::Color() {}
Color::Color(StringView name) {
if (name.beginsWith("#"))
if (name.beginsWith('#'))
*this = fromHex(name.substr(1));
else {
auto i = NamedColors.find(String(name).toLower());
@ -76,10 +76,15 @@ StringView::Char StringView::operator[](size_t index) const {
return *it;
StringView::Char StringView::at(size_t i) const {
if (i > size())
throw OutOfRangeException(strf("Out of range in StringView::at({})", i));
return operator[](i);
StringView::Char StringView::at(size_t index) const {
auto it = begin();
auto itEnd = end();
for (size_t i = 0; i < index; ++i) {
if (it == itEnd)
throw OutOfRangeException(strf("Out of range in StringView::at({})", i));
return *it;
bool StringView::endsWith(StringView end, CaseSensitivity cs) const {
@ -94,26 +99,28 @@ bool StringView::endsWith(StringView end, CaseSensitivity cs) const {
return compare(mysize - endsize, NPos, end, 0, NPos, cs) == 0;
bool StringView::endsWith(Char end, CaseSensitivity cs) const {
if (size() == 0)
if (m_view.empty())
return false;
return String::charEqual(end, operator[](size() - 1), cs);
bool StringView::beginsWith(StringView beg, CaseSensitivity cs) const {
auto begSize = beg.size();
if (begSize == 0)
if (beg.m_view.empty())
return true;
auto mysize = size();
if (begSize > mysize)
return false;
size_t begSize = beg.size();
auto it = begin();
auto itEnd = end();
for (size_t i = 0; i != begSize; ++i)
if (it++ == itEnd)
return false;
return compare(0, begSize, beg, 0, NPos, cs) == 0;
bool StringView::beginsWith(Char beg, CaseSensitivity cs) const {
if (size() == 0)
if (m_view.empty())
return false;
return String::charEqual(beg, operator[](0), cs);
@ -288,8 +295,9 @@ size_t StringView::findFirstNotOf(StringView pattern, size_t beg) const {
size_t StringView::findNextBoundary(size_t index, bool backwards) const {
starAssert(index <= size());
if (!backwards && (index == size()))
size_t mySize = size();
starAssert(index <= mySize);
if (!backwards && (index == mySize))
return index;
if (backwards) {
if (index == 0)
@ -301,19 +309,19 @@ size_t StringView::findNextBoundary(size_t index, bool backwards) const {
if (backwards && (index == 0))
return 0;
index += backwards ? -1 : 1;
if (index == size())
return size();
if (index == mySize)
return mySize;
c = this->at(index);
while (String::isSpace(c)) {
if (backwards && (index == 0))
return 0;
index += backwards ? -1 : 1;
if (index == size())
return size();
if (index == mySize)
return mySize;
c = this->at(index);
if (backwards && !(index == size()))
if (backwards && !(index == mySize))
return index + 1;
return index;
@ -339,17 +347,18 @@ bool StringView::equalsIgnoreCase(StringView s) const {
StringView StringView::substr(size_t position, size_t n) const {
StringView ret;
auto it_end = end();
auto itEnd = end();
auto it = begin();
for (size_t i = 0; i != position; ++i) {
if (++it == it_end)
if (it++ == itEnd)
throw OutOfRangeException(strf("out of range in StringView::substr({}, {})", position, n));
const char* start = &*it.base();
for (size_t i = 0; i != n; ++i) {
if (it++ == it_end)
if (it++ == itEnd)
return StringView(start, &*it.base() - start - 1);
@ -209,79 +209,88 @@ int TextPainter::stringWidth(StringView s) {
return width;
void TextPainter::processWrapText(StringView text, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth, WrapTextCallback textFunc, WrapCommandsCallback commandsFunc, bool includeCommandSides) {
bool TextPainter::processWrapText(StringView text, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth, WrapTextCallback textFunc) {
String font = m_renderSettings.font, setFont = font;
unsigned linePixelWidth = 0; // How wide is this line so far
unsigned lineCharSize = 0; // how many characters in this line ?
unsigned lineStart = 0; // Where does this line start ?
unsigned splitPos = 0; // Where did we last see a place to split the string ?
unsigned splitWidth = 0; // How wide was the string there ?
int lines = 0;
StringView splitIgnore(m_splitIgnore);
StringView splitForce(m_splitForce);
Text::CommandsCallback splitCommandsCallback = [&](StringView commands) {
StringView inner = commands.utf8().substr(1, commands.utf8Size() - 1);
inner.forEachSplitView(",", [&](StringView command, size_t, size_t) {
if (command == "reset")
m_fontTextureGroup.switchFont(font = setFont);
else if (command == "set")
setFont = font;
else if (command.beginsWith("font="))
m_fontTextureGroup.switchFont(font = command.substr(5));
if (commandsFunc)
if (!commandsFunc(includeCommandSides ? commands : inner, lines))
return false;
size_t i = 0;
auto it = text.begin();
auto end = text.end();
auto prevIt = it;
return true;
unsigned lineStart = 0; // Where does this line start ?
unsigned linePixelWidth = 0; // How wide is this line so far
unsigned lineCharSize = 0; // how many characters in this line ?
auto escIt = end;
unsigned splitPos = 0; // Where did we last see a place to split the string ?
unsigned splitWidth = 0; // How wide was the string there ?
auto lineStartIt = it; // Where does this line start ?
auto splitIt = end;
auto slice = [](StringView::const_iterator a, StringView::const_iterator b) -> StringView {
const char* aPtr = &*a.base();
return StringView(aPtr, &*b.base() - aPtr);
Text::TextCallback splitTextCallback = [&](StringView sub) {
return textFunc(sub, lines);
while (it != end) {
auto character = *it;
Text::CommandsCallback commandsCallback = [&](StringView commands) {
lineCharSize += commands.size();
return true;
if (Text::isEscapeCode(character))
escIt = it;
Text::TextCallback textCallback = [&](StringView sub) {
for (auto character : sub) {
if (escIt != end) {
if (character == Text::EndEsc) {
StringView inner = slice(escIt, it);
inner.forEachSplitView(",", [&](StringView command, size_t, size_t) {
if (command == "reset")
m_fontTextureGroup.switchFont(font = setFont);
else if (command == "set")
setFont = font;
else if (command.beginsWith("font="))
m_fontTextureGroup.switchFont(font = command.substr(5));
escIt = end;
} else {
lineCharSize++; // assume at least one character if we get here.
// is this a linefeed / cr / whatever that forces a line split ?
if (splitForce.find(character) != NPos) {
// knock one off the end because we don't render the CR
if (!Text::processText(text.substr(lineStart, lineCharSize - 1), splitTextCallback, splitCommandsCallback, true))
if (!textFunc(slice(lineStartIt, it), lines++))
return false;
lineStart += lineCharSize; // next line starts after the CR
lineCharSize = 0; // with no characters in it.
linePixelWidth = 0; // No width
splitPos = 0; // and no known splits.
lineStart += lineCharSize;
lineStartIt = it;
++lineStartIt; // next line starts after the CR...
lineCharSize = linePixelWidth = splitPos = 0; // ...with no characters in it and no known splits.
} else {
int charWidth = glyphWidth(character);
// is it a place where we might want to split the line ?
if (splitIgnore.find(character) != NPos) {
splitPos = lineStart + lineCharSize; // this is the character after the space.
splitPos = lineStart + lineCharSize;
splitWidth = linePixelWidth + charWidth; // the width of the string at
splitIt = it;
// the split point, i.e. after the space.
// would the line be too long if we render this next character ?
if (wrapWidth && (linePixelWidth + charWidth) > *wrapWidth) {
// did we find somewhere to split the line ?
if (splitPos) {
if (!Text::processText(text.substr(lineStart, (splitPos - lineStart) - 1), splitTextCallback, splitCommandsCallback, true))
if (splitIt != end) {
if (!textFunc(slice(lineStartIt, splitIt), lines++))
return false;
unsigned stringEnd = lineStart + lineCharSize;
lineCharSize = stringEnd - splitPos; // next line has the characters after the space.
@ -289,15 +298,19 @@ void TextPainter::processWrapText(StringView text, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth, Wr
unsigned stringWidth = (linePixelWidth - splitWidth);
linePixelWidth = stringWidth + charWidth; // and is as wide as the bit after the space.
lineStart = splitPos; // next line starts after the space
splitPos = 0; // split is used up.
lineStart = splitPos;
lineStartIt = splitIt;
splitIt = end;
splitPos = 0;
} else {
if (!Text::processText(text.substr(lineStart, lineCharSize - 1), splitTextCallback, splitCommandsCallback, true))
if (!textFunc(slice(lineStartIt, it), lines++))
return false;
lineStart += lineCharSize - 1; // skip back by one to include that
// character on the next line.
// character on the next line.
lineStartIt = it;
lineCharSize = 1; // next line has that character in
linePixelWidth = charWidth; // and is as wide as that character
@ -307,15 +320,14 @@ void TextPainter::processWrapText(StringView text, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth, Wr
return true;
prevIt = it++;
if (!Text::processText(text, textCallback, commandsCallback, true))
// if we hit the end of the string before hitting the end of the line.
if (lineCharSize > 0)
Text::processText(text.substr(lineStart, lineCharSize), splitTextCallback, splitCommandsCallback, true);
return textFunc(slice(lineStartIt, end), lines);
return true;
List<StringView> TextPainter::wrapTextViews(StringView s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth) {
@ -345,18 +357,7 @@ List<StringView> TextPainter::wrapTextViews(StringView s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWi
return true;
TextPainter::WrapCommandsCallback commandsCallback = [&](StringView commands, int line) {
if (lastLine != line) {
lastLine = line;
active = false;
return true;
processWrapText(s, wrapWidth, textCallback, commandsCallback, true);
processWrapText(s, wrapWidth, textCallback);
if (active)
@ -379,17 +380,7 @@ StringList TextPainter::wrapText(StringView s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth) {
return true;
TextPainter::WrapCommandsCallback commandsCallback = [&](StringView commands, int line) {
if (lastLine != line) {
lastLine = line;
current += commands;
return true;
processWrapText(s, wrapWidth, textCallback, commandsCallback, true);
processWrapText(s, wrapWidth, textCallback);
if (!current.empty())
@ -68,8 +68,7 @@ public:
typedef function<bool(StringView, int)> WrapTextCallback;
typedef function<bool(StringView, int)> WrapCommandsCallback;
void processWrapText(StringView s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth, WrapTextCallback textFunc, WrapCommandsCallback commandFunc = WrapCommandsCallback(), bool includeCommandSides = false);
bool processWrapText(StringView s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth, WrapTextCallback textFunc);
List<StringView> wrapTextViews(StringView s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth);
StringList wrapText(StringView s, Maybe<unsigned> wrapWidth);
Reference in New Issue
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