diff --git a/doc/lua/openstarbound.md b/doc/lua/openstarbound.md index b5ceef0..d520705 100644 --- a/doc/lua/openstarbound.md +++ b/doc/lua/openstarbound.md @@ -114,6 +114,63 @@ Sets a configuration value in `/storage/starbound.config` by path. Returns all recipes. +--- +# Interface + +The interface table contains bindings which allow scripts to display a message at the bottom of the screen, among other things. + +#### `void` interface.queueMessage(`String` message, [`float` cooldown, [`float` springState]]) + +Queues a message popup at the bottom of the screen with an optional **cooldown** and **springState**. + +#### `void` interface.setHudVisible(`bool` visible) + +Sets the HUD's visibility. + +#### `bool` interface.hudVisible() + +Returns the HUD's visibility. + +#### `PaneId` interface.bindRegisteredPane(`string` paneName) +Binds a registered pane (defined in `/source/frontend/StarMainInterfaceTypes`) to a Lua value, which can then call functions on that pane. +
Panes +EscapeDialog
+ +#### `void` interface.displayRegisteredPane(`string` paneName) +Displays a registered pane. + + +#### `?` interface.bindCanvas() +TODO + + +#### `int` interface.scale() +Returns the scale used for interfaces. + + --- # Player