# entity The *entity* table contains functions that are common among all entities. Every function refers to the entity the script context is running on. Accessible in: * companion system scripts * quests * tech * primary status script * status effects * monsters * npcs * objects * active items --- #### `EntityId` entity.id() Returns the id number of the entity. --- #### `LuaTable` entity.damageTeam() Returns a table of the entity's damage team type and team number. Ex: {type = "enemy", team = 0} --- #### `bool` entity.isValidTarget(`EntityId` entityId) Returns whether the provided entity is a valid target of the current entity. An entity is a valid target if they can be damaged, and in the case of monsters and NPCs if they are aggressive. --- #### `Vec2F` entity.distanceToEntity(`EntityId` entityId) Returns the vector distance from the current entity to the provided entity. --- #### `bool` entity.entityInSight(`EntityId` entityId) Returns whether the provided entity is in line of sight of the current entity. --- #### `Vec2F` entity.position() Returns the position of the current entity. --- #### `String` entity.entityType() Returns the type of the current entity. --- #### `String` entity.uniqueId() Returns the unique ID of the entity. Returns nil if there is no unique ID. --- #### `bool` entity.persistent() Returns `true` if the entity is persistent (will be saved to disk on sector unload) or `false` otherwise.