These pane bindings are available to scripted interface panes and include functions not specifically related to widgets within the pane. --- #### `EntityId` pane.sourceEntity() Returns the entity id of the pane's source entity. --- #### `void` pane.dismiss() Closes the pane. --- #### `void` pane.playSound(`String` sound, [`int` loops], [`float` volume]) Plays the specified sound asset, optionally looping the specified number of times or at the specified volume. --- #### `bool` pane.stopAllSounds(`String` sound) Stops all instances of the given sound asset, and returns `true` if any sounds were stopped and `false` otherwise. --- #### `void` pane.setTitle(`String` title, `String` subtitle) Sets the window title and subtitle. --- #### `void` pane.setTitleIcon(`String` image) Sets the window icon. --- #### `void` pane.addWidget(`Json` widgetConfig, [`String` widgetName]) Creates a new widget with the specified config and adds it to the pane, optionally with the specified name. --- #### `void` pane.removeWidget(`String` widgetName) Removes the specified widget from the pane.