#include "StarFontTextureGroup.hpp" #include "StarTime.hpp" #include "StarImageProcessing.hpp" #include "StarLogging.hpp" namespace Star { FontTextureGroup::FontTextureGroup(TextureGroupPtr textureGroup) : m_textureGroup(std::move(textureGroup)) {} void FontTextureGroup::cleanup(int64_t timeout) { int64_t currentTime = Time::monotonicMilliseconds(); eraseWhere(m_glyphs, [&](auto const& p) { return currentTime - p.second.time > timeout; }); } void FontTextureGroup::switchFont(String const& font) { if (font.empty()) { m_activeFont = m_defaultFont; m_fontName.clear(); } else if (m_fontName != font) { m_fontName = font; auto find = m_fonts.find(font); m_activeFont = find != m_fonts.end() ? find->second : m_defaultFont; } } String const& FontTextureGroup::activeFont() { return m_fontName; } void FontTextureGroup::addFont(FontPtr const& font, String const& name) { m_fonts[name] = font; } void FontTextureGroup::clearFonts() { m_fonts.clear(); m_activeFont = m_defaultFont; } void FontTextureGroup::setFixedFonts(String const& defaultFontName, String const& fallbackFontName, String const& emojiFontName) { if (auto defaultFont = m_fonts.ptr(defaultFontName)) m_defaultFont = m_activeFont = *defaultFont; if (auto fallbackFont = m_fonts.ptr(fallbackFontName)) m_fallbackFont = *fallbackFont; if (auto emojiFont = m_fonts.ptr(emojiFontName)) m_emojiFont = *emojiFont; } const FontTextureGroup::GlyphTexture& FontTextureGroup::glyphTexture(String::Char c, unsigned size, Directives const* processingDirectives) { Font* font = getFontForCharacter(c); if (font == m_emojiFont.get()) processingDirectives = nullptr; auto res = m_glyphs.insert(GlyphDescriptor{c, size, processingDirectives ? processingDirectives->hash() : 0, font}, GlyphTexture()); auto& glyphTexture = res.first->second; if (res.second) { font->setPixelSize(size); auto renderResult = font->render(c); Image& image = get<0>(renderResult); if (processingDirectives) { Directives const& directives = *processingDirectives; Vec2F preSize = Vec2F(image.size()); bool broken = false; for (auto& entry : directives->entries) { if (auto error = entry.operation.ptr<ErrorImageOperation>()) { if (auto string = error->cause.ptr<std::string>()) { if (!string->empty()) { Logger::error("Error in parsed font directives: {}", *string); string->clear(); } } else if (auto& exception = error->cause.get<std::exception_ptr>()) { try { std::rethrow_exception(error->cause.get<std::exception_ptr>()); } catch (std::exception const& e) { Logger::error("Exception in parsed font directives: {}", e.what()); }; exception = {}; } broken |= true; } else { try { processImageOperation(entry.operation, image); } catch (StarException const& e) { broken |= true; Logger::error("Exception processing font directives for {}px '{}': {}", size, String(c), e.what()); } } } if (broken) { glyphTexture.colored = true; image.forEachPixel([](unsigned x, unsigned y, Vec4B& pixel) { pixel = ((x + y) % 2 == 0) ? Vec4B(255, 0, 255, pixel[3]) : Vec4B(0, 0, 0, pixel[3]); }); } glyphTexture.offset = (preSize - Vec2F(image.size())) / 2; } glyphTexture.colored |= get<2>(renderResult); glyphTexture.offset += Vec2F(get<1>(renderResult)); glyphTexture.texture = m_textureGroup->create(image); } glyphTexture.time = Time::monotonicMilliseconds(); return glyphTexture; } TexturePtr FontTextureGroup::glyphTexturePtr(String::Char c, unsigned size) { return glyphTexture(c, size, nullptr).texture; } TexturePtr FontTextureGroup::glyphTexturePtr(String::Char c, unsigned size, Directives const* processingDirectives) { return glyphTexture(c, size, processingDirectives).texture; } unsigned FontTextureGroup::glyphWidth(String::Char c, unsigned fontSize) { Font* font = getFontForCharacter(c); font->setPixelSize(fontSize); return font->width(c); } Font* FontTextureGroup::getFontForCharacter(String::Char c) { if (((c >= 0x1F600 && c <= 0x1F64F) || // Emoticons (c >= 0x1F300 && c <= 0x1F5FF) || // Misc Symbols and Pictographs (c >= 0x1F680 && c <= 0x1F6FF) || // Transport and Map (c >= 0x1F1E6 && c <= 0x1F1FF) || // Regional country flags (c >= 0x2600 && c <= 0x26FF ) || // Misc symbols 9728 - 9983 (c >= 0x2700 && c <= 0x27BF ) || // Dingbats (c >= 0xFE00 && c <= 0xFE0F ) || // Variation Selectors (c >= 0x1F900 && c <= 0x1F9FF) || // Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs (c >= 0x1F018 && c <= 0x1F270) || // Various asian characters (c >= 65024 && c <= 65039 ) || // Variation selector (c >= 9100 && c <= 9300 ) || // Misc items (c >= 8400 && c <= 8447 ))&& // Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols m_emojiFont->exists(c) ) return m_emojiFont.get(); else if (m_activeFont->exists(c) || !m_fallbackFont) return m_activeFont.get(); else return m_fallbackFont.get(); } }