#ifndef STAR_BYTE_ARRAY_H #define STAR_BYTE_ARRAY_H #include "StarHash.hpp" #include "StarException.hpp" #include "StarFormat.hpp" namespace Star { STAR_CLASS(ByteArray); // Class to hold an array of bytes. Contains an internal buffer that may be // larger than what is reported by size(), to avoid repeated allocations when a // ByteArray grows. class ByteArray { public: typedef char value_type; typedef char* iterator; typedef char const* const_iterator; // Constructs a byte array from a given c string WITHOUT including the // trailing '\0' static ByteArray fromCString(char const* str); // Same, but includes the trailing '\0' static ByteArray fromCStringWithNull(char const* str); static ByteArray withReserve(size_t capacity); ByteArray(); ByteArray(size_t dataSize, char c); ByteArray(char const* data, size_t dataSize); ByteArray(ByteArray const& b); ByteArray(ByteArray&& b) noexcept; ~ByteArray(); ByteArray& operator=(ByteArray const& b); ByteArray& operator=(ByteArray&& b) noexcept; char const* ptr() const; char* ptr(); size_t size() const; // Maximum size before realloc size_t capacity() const; // Is zero size bool empty() const; // Sets size to 0. void clear(); // Clears and resets buffer to empty. void reset(); void reserve(size_t capacity); void resize(size_t size); // resize, filling new space with given byte if it exists. void resize(size_t size, char f); // fill array with byte. void fill(char c); // fill array and resize to new size. void fill(size_t size, char c); void append(ByteArray const& b); void append(char const* data, size_t len); void appendByte(char b); void copyTo(char* data, size_t len) const; void copyTo(char* data) const; // Copy from ByteArray starting at pos, to data, with size len. void copyTo(char* data, size_t pos, size_t len) const; // Copy from data pointer to ByteArray at pos with size len. // Resizes if needed. void writeFrom(char const* data, size_t pos, size_t len); ByteArray sub(size_t b, size_t s) const; ByteArray left(size_t s) const; ByteArray right(size_t s) const; void trimLeft(size_t s); void trimRight(size_t s); // returns location of first character that is different than the given // ByteArray. size_t diffChar(ByteArray const& b) const; // returns -1 if this < b, 0 if this == b, 1 if this > b int compare(ByteArray const& b) const; template ByteArray combineWith(Combiner&& combine, ByteArray const& rhs, bool extend = false); ByteArray andWith(ByteArray const& rhs, bool extend = false); ByteArray orWith(ByteArray const& rhs, bool extend = false); ByteArray xorWith(ByteArray const& rhs, bool extend = false); iterator begin(); iterator end(); const_iterator begin() const; const_iterator end() const; void insert(size_t pos, char byte); iterator insert(const_iterator pos, char byte); void push_back(char byte); char& operator[](size_t i); char operator[](size_t i) const; char at(size_t i) const; bool operator<(ByteArray const& b) const; bool operator==(ByteArray const& b) const; bool operator!=(ByteArray const& b) const; private: char* m_data; size_t m_capacity; size_t m_size; }; template <> struct hash { size_t operator()(ByteArray const& b) const; }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, ByteArray const& b); inline void ByteArray::clear() { resize(0); } inline void ByteArray::resize(size_t size) { reserve(size); m_size = size; } inline void ByteArray::append(ByteArray const& b) { append(b.ptr(), b.size()); } inline void ByteArray::append(const char* data, size_t len) { resize(m_size + len); std::memcpy(m_data + m_size - len, data, len); } inline void ByteArray::appendByte(char b) { resize(m_size + 1); m_data[m_size - 1] = b; } inline bool ByteArray::empty() const { return m_size == 0; } inline char const* ByteArray::ptr() const { return m_data; } inline char* ByteArray::ptr() { return m_data; } inline size_t ByteArray::size() const { return m_size; } inline size_t ByteArray::capacity() const { return m_capacity; } inline void ByteArray::copyTo(char* data, size_t len) const { len = min(m_size, len); std::memcpy(data, m_data, len); } inline void ByteArray::copyTo(char* data) const { copyTo(data, m_size); } inline void ByteArray::copyTo(char* data, size_t pos, size_t len) const { if (len == 0 || pos >= m_size) return; len = min(m_size - pos, len); std::memcpy(data, m_data + pos, len); } inline void ByteArray::writeFrom(const char* data, size_t pos, size_t len) { if (pos + len > m_size) resize(pos + len); std::memcpy(m_data + pos, data, len); } template ByteArray ByteArray::combineWith(Combiner&& combine, ByteArray const& rhs, bool extend) { ByteArray const* smallerArray = &rhs; ByteArray const* largerArray = this; if (m_size < rhs.size()) swap(smallerArray, largerArray); ByteArray res; res.resize(smallerArray->size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < smallerArray->size(); ++i) res[i] = combine((*smallerArray)[i], (*largerArray)[i]); if (extend) { res.resize(largerArray->size()); for (size_t i = smallerArray->size(); i < largerArray->size(); ++i) res[i] = (*largerArray)[i]; } return res; } inline ByteArray::iterator ByteArray::begin() { return m_data; } inline ByteArray::iterator ByteArray::end() { return m_data + m_size; } inline ByteArray::const_iterator ByteArray::begin() const { return m_data; } inline ByteArray::const_iterator ByteArray::end() const { return m_data + m_size; } inline char& ByteArray::operator[](size_t i) { starAssert(i < m_size); return m_data[i]; } inline char ByteArray::operator[](size_t i) const { starAssert(i < m_size); return m_data[i]; } inline char ByteArray::at(size_t i) const { if (i >= m_size) throw OutOfRangeException(strf("Out of range in ByteArray::at(%s)", i)); return m_data[i]; } inline size_t hash::operator()(ByteArray const& b) const { PLHasher hash; for (size_t i = 0; i < b.size(); ++i) hash.put(b[i]); return hash.hash(); } } #endif