#include "StarWireProcessor.hpp" #include "StarWorldStorage.hpp" #include "StarEntityMap.hpp" #include "StarWireEntity.hpp" #include "StarLogging.hpp" namespace Star { WireProcessor::WireProcessor(WorldStoragePtr worldStorage) { m_worldStorage = worldStorage; } void WireProcessor::process() { // First, populate all the working entities that are already live m_worldStorage->entityMap()->forAllEntities([&](EntityPtr const& entity) { if (auto wireEntity = as(entity.get())) populateWorking(wireEntity); }); // Then, scan the network of each entity in the working set. This may, as a // side effect, load further unconnected wire entities. Because our policy is // to try as hard as possible to make sure that the entire wire entity // network to be loaded at once or not at all, we need to make sure that each // new disconnected entity also has its network loaded and so on. Thus, if // the working entities size changes during scanning, simply scan the whole // thing again until the size stops changing. while (true) { size_t oldWorkingSize = m_workingWireEntities.size(); for (auto const& p : m_workingWireEntities.keys()) { if (!m_workingWireEntities.get(p).networkLoaded) loadNetwork(p); } if (m_workingWireEntities.size() == oldWorkingSize) break; } for (auto const& p : m_workingWireEntities) p.second.wireEntity->evaluate(this); m_workingWireEntities.clear(); } bool WireProcessor::readInputConnection(WireConnection const& connection) { if (auto wes = m_workingWireEntities.ptr(connection.entityLocation)) return wes->outputStates.get(connection.nodeIndex); return false; } void WireProcessor::populateWorking(WireEntity* wireEntity) { auto p = m_workingWireEntities.insert(wireEntity->tilePosition(), WireEntityState{nullptr, {}, false}); if (!p.second) { if (p.first->second.wireEntity != wireEntity) Logger::debug("Multiple wire entities share tile position: %s", wireEntity->position()); return; } auto& wes = p.first->second; wes.wireEntity = wireEntity; size_t outputNodeCount = wes.wireEntity->nodeCount(WireDirection::Output); wes.outputStates.resize(outputNodeCount); for (size_t i = 0; i < outputNodeCount; ++i) wes.outputStates[i] = wes.wireEntity->nodeState({WireDirection::Output, i}); } void WireProcessor::loadNetwork(Vec2I tilePosition) { HashSet networkSectors; Maybe highestTtl; // Recursively load a given WireEntity at the given position. Returns true // if that wire entity was found. // TODO: This is depth first recursive, because that is the simplest thing, // but if this causes issues with recursion depth it can be changed. function doLoad; doLoad = [&](Vec2I const& pos) { auto sector = m_worldStorage->sectorForPosition(pos); if (!sector) return false; if (m_worldStorage->sectorLoadLevel(*sector) == SectorLoadLevel::Loaded) { auto ttl = *m_worldStorage->sectorTimeToLive(*sector); if (highestTtl) highestTtl = max(*highestTtl, ttl); else highestTtl = ttl; } else { m_worldStorage->loadSector(*sector); m_worldStorage->entityMap()->forEachEntity(RectF(*m_worldStorage->regionForSector(*sector)), [&](EntityPtr const& entity) { if (auto wireEntity = as(entity.get())) populateWorking(wireEntity); }); } auto wes = m_workingWireEntities.ptr(pos); if (!wes) return false; if (wes->networkLoaded) return true; wes->networkLoaded = true; networkSectors.add(*sector); // Recursively descend into all the inbound and outbound nodes, and if we // ever cannot load the wire entity for a connection, go ahead and remove // the connection. size_t inboundNodeCount = wes->wireEntity->nodeCount(WireDirection::Input); for (size_t i = 0; i < inboundNodeCount; ++i) { for (auto const& connection : wes->wireEntity->connectionsForNode({WireDirection::Input, i})) { if (!doLoad(connection.entityLocation)) wes->wireEntity->removeNodeConnection({WireDirection::Input, i}, connection); } } size_t outboundNodeCount = wes->wireEntity->nodeCount(WireDirection::Output); for (size_t i = 0; i < outboundNodeCount; ++i) { for (auto const& connection : wes->wireEntity->connectionsForNode({WireDirection::Output, i})) { if (!doLoad(connection.entityLocation)) wes->wireEntity->removeNodeConnection({WireDirection::Output, i}, connection); } } return true; }; doLoad(tilePosition); // Set the sector ttl for the entire network to be equal to the highest // entry, so that the entire network either lives or dies together, but // without artificially extending the lifetime of the network. if (highestTtl) { for (auto const& sector : networkSectors) m_worldStorage->setSectorTimeToLive(sector, *highestTtl); } } }