#ifndef STAR_TEXTURE_ATLAS_HPP #define STAR_TEXTURE_ATLAS_HPP #include "StarRect.hpp" #include "StarImage.hpp" #include "StarCasting.hpp" namespace Star { STAR_EXCEPTION(TextureAtlasException, StarException); // Implements a set of "texture atlases" or, sets of smaller textures grouped // as a larger texture. template class TextureAtlasSet { public: struct Texture { virtual Vec2U imageSize() const = 0; virtual AtlasTextureHandle const& atlasTexture() const = 0; virtual RectU atlasTextureCoordinates() const = 0; // A locked texture will never be moved during compression, so its // atlasTexture and textureCoordinates will not change. virtual void setLocked(bool locked) = 0; // Returns true if this texture has been freed or the parent // TextureAtlasSet has been destructed. virtual bool expired() const = 0; }; typedef shared_ptr TextureHandle; TextureAtlasSet(unsigned cellSize, unsigned atlasNumCells); // The constant square size of all atlas textures Vec2U atlasTextureSize() const; // Removes all existing textures and destroys all texture atlases. void reset(); // Adds texture to some TextureAtlas. Texture must fit in a single atlas // texture, otherwise an exception is thrown. Returns a pointer to the new // texture. If borderPixels is true, then fills a 1px border around the // given image in the atlas with the nearest color value, to prevent // bleeding. TextureHandle addTexture(Image const& image, bool borderPixels = true); // Removes the given texture from the TextureAtlasSet and invalidates the // pointer. void freeTexture(TextureHandle const& texture); unsigned totalAtlases() const; unsigned totalTextures() const; float averageFillLevel() const; // Takes images from sparsely filled atlases and moves them to less sparsely // filled atlases in an effort to free up room. This method tages the atlas // with the lowest fill level and picks a texture from it, removes it, and // re-adds it to the AtlasSet. It does this up to textureCount textures, // until it finds a texture where re-adding it to the texture atlas simply // moves the texture into the same atlas, at which point it stops. void compressionPass(size_t textureCount = NPos); // The number of atlases that the AtlasSet will attempt to fit a texture in // before giving up and creating a new atlas. Tries in order of least full // to most full. Defaults to 3. unsigned textureFitTries() const; void setTextureFitTries(unsigned textureFitTries); protected: virtual AtlasTextureHandle createAtlasTexture(Vec2U const& size, PixelFormat pixelFormat) = 0; virtual void destroyAtlasTexture(AtlasTextureHandle const& atlasTexture) = 0; virtual void copyAtlasPixels(AtlasTextureHandle const& atlasTexture, Vec2U const& bottomLeft, Image const& image) = 0; private: struct TextureAtlas { AtlasTextureHandle atlasTexture; unique_ptr usedCells; unsigned usedCellCount; }; struct AtlasPlacement { TextureAtlas* atlas; bool borderPixels = false; RectU occupiedCells; RectU textureCoords; }; struct TextureEntry : Texture { Vec2U imageSize() const override; AtlasTextureHandle const& atlasTexture() const override; RectU atlasTextureCoordinates() const override; // A locked texture will never be moved during compression, so its // atlasTexture and textureCoordinates will not change. void setLocked(bool locked) override; bool expired() const override; Image textureImage; AtlasPlacement atlasPlacement; bool placementLocked = false; bool textureExpired = false; }; void setAtlasRegionUsed(TextureAtlas* extureAtlas, RectU const& region, bool used) const; Maybe addTextureToAtlas(TextureAtlas* atlas, Image const& image, bool borderPixels); void sortAtlases(); unsigned m_atlasCellSize; unsigned m_atlasNumCells; unsigned m_textureFitTries; List> m_atlases; HashSet> m_textures; }; template TextureAtlasSet::TextureAtlasSet(unsigned cellSize, unsigned atlasNumCells) : m_atlasCellSize(cellSize), m_atlasNumCells(atlasNumCells), m_textureFitTries(3) {} template Vec2U TextureAtlasSet::atlasTextureSize() const { return Vec2U::filled(m_atlasCellSize * m_atlasNumCells); } template void TextureAtlasSet::reset() { for (auto const& texture : m_textures) texture->textureExpired = true; for (auto const& atlas : m_atlases) destroyAtlasTexture(atlas->atlasTexture); m_atlases.clear(); m_textures.clear(); } template auto TextureAtlasSet::addTexture(Image const& image, bool borderPixels) -> TextureHandle { if (image.empty()) throw TextureAtlasException("Empty image given in TextureAtlasSet::addTexture"); Image finalImage; if (borderPixels) { Vec2U imageSize = image.size(); Vec2U finalImageSize = imageSize + Vec2U(2, 2); finalImage = Image(finalImageSize, PixelFormat::RGBA32); // Fill 1px border on all sides of the image for (unsigned y = 0; y < finalImageSize[1]; ++y) { for (unsigned x = 0; x < finalImageSize[0]; ++x) { unsigned xind = clamp(x, 1, imageSize[0]) - 1; unsigned yind = clamp(y, 1, imageSize[1]) - 1; finalImage.set32(x, y, image.getrgb(xind, yind)); } } } else { finalImage = image; } auto tryAtlas = [&](TextureAtlas* atlas) -> TextureHandle { auto placement = addTextureToAtlas(atlas, finalImage, borderPixels); if (!placement) return nullptr; auto textureEntry = make_shared(); textureEntry->textureImage = move(finalImage); textureEntry->atlasPlacement = *placement; m_textures.add(textureEntry); sortAtlases(); return textureEntry; }; // Try the first 'm_textureFitTries' atlases to see if we can fit a given // texture in an existing atlas. Do this from the most full to the least // full atlas to maximize compression. size_t startAtlas = m_atlases.size() - min(m_atlases.size(), m_textureFitTries); for (size_t i = startAtlas; i < m_atlases.size(); ++i) { if (auto texturePtr = tryAtlas(m_atlases[i].get())) return texturePtr; } // If we have not found an existing atlas to put the texture, need to create // a new atlas m_atlases.append(make_shared(TextureAtlas{ createAtlasTexture(Vec2U::filled(m_atlasCellSize * m_atlasNumCells), PixelFormat::RGBA32), unique_ptr(new bool[m_atlasNumCells * m_atlasNumCells]()), 0 })); if (auto texturePtr = tryAtlas(m_atlases.last().get())) return texturePtr; // If it can't fit in a brand new empty atlas, it will not fit in any atlas destroyAtlasTexture(m_atlases.last()->atlasTexture); m_atlases.removeLast(); throw TextureAtlasException("Could not add texture to new atlas in TextureAtlasSet::addTexture, too large"); } template void TextureAtlasSet::freeTexture(TextureHandle const& texture) { auto textureEntry = convert(texture); setAtlasRegionUsed(textureEntry->atlasPlacement.atlas, textureEntry->atlasPlacement.occupiedCells, false); sortAtlases(); textureEntry->textureExpired = true; m_textures.remove(textureEntry); } template unsigned TextureAtlasSet::totalAtlases() const { return m_atlases.size(); } template unsigned TextureAtlasSet::totalTextures() const { return m_textures.size(); } template float TextureAtlasSet::averageFillLevel() const { if (m_atlases.empty()) return 0.0f; float atlasFillLevelSum = 0.0f; for (auto const& atlas : m_atlases) atlasFillLevelSum += atlas->usedCellCount / (float)square(m_atlasNumCells); return atlasFillLevelSum / m_atlases.size(); } template void TextureAtlasSet::compressionPass(size_t textureCount) { while (m_atlases.size() > 1 && textureCount > 0) { // Find the least full atlas, If it is empty, remove it and start at the // next atlas. auto const& smallestAtlas = m_atlases.last(); if (smallestAtlas->usedCellCount == 0) { destroyAtlasTexture(smallestAtlas->atlasTexture); m_atlases.removeLast(); continue; } // Loop over the currently loaded textures to find the smallest texture in // the smallest atlas that is not locked. TextureEntry* smallestTexture = nullptr; for (auto const& texture : m_textures) { if (texture->atlasPlacement.atlas == m_atlases.last().get()) { if (!texture->placementLocked) { if (!smallestTexture || texture->atlasPlacement.occupiedCells.volume() < smallestTexture->atlasPlacement.occupiedCells.volume()) smallestTexture = texture.get(); } } } // If we were not able to find a smallest texture because the texture is // locked, then simply stop. TODO: This could be done better, this will // prevent compressing textures that are not from the smallest atlas if the // smallest atlas has only locked textures. if (!smallestTexture) break; // Try to add the texture to any atlas that isn't the last (most empty) one size_t startAtlas = m_atlases.size() - 1 - min(m_atlases.size() - 1, m_textureFitTries); for (size_t i = startAtlas; i < m_atlases.size() - 1; ++i) { if (auto placement = addTextureToAtlas(m_atlases[i].get(), smallestTexture->textureImage, smallestTexture->atlasPlacement.borderPixels)) { setAtlasRegionUsed(smallestTexture->atlasPlacement.atlas, smallestTexture->atlasPlacement.occupiedCells, false); smallestTexture->atlasPlacement = *placement; smallestTexture = nullptr; sortAtlases(); break; } } // If we have not managed to move the smallest texture into any other // atlas, assume the atlas set is compressed enough and quit. if (smallestTexture) break; --textureCount; } } template unsigned TextureAtlasSet::textureFitTries() const { return m_textureFitTries; } template void TextureAtlasSet::setTextureFitTries(unsigned textureFitTries) { m_textureFitTries = textureFitTries; } template Vec2U TextureAtlasSet::TextureEntry::imageSize() const { if (atlasPlacement.borderPixels) return textureImage.size() - Vec2U(2, 2); else return textureImage.size(); } template AtlasTextureHandle const& TextureAtlasSet::TextureEntry::atlasTexture() const { return atlasPlacement.atlas->atlasTexture; } template RectU TextureAtlasSet::TextureEntry::atlasTextureCoordinates() const { return atlasPlacement.textureCoords; } template void TextureAtlasSet::TextureEntry::setLocked(bool locked) { placementLocked = locked; } template bool TextureAtlasSet::TextureEntry::expired() const { return textureExpired; } template void TextureAtlasSet::setAtlasRegionUsed(TextureAtlas* textureAtlas, RectU const& region, bool used) const { for (unsigned y = region.yMin(); y < region.yMax(); ++y) { for (unsigned x = region.xMin(); x < region.xMax(); ++x) { auto& val = textureAtlas->usedCells[y * m_atlasNumCells + x]; bool oldVal = val; val = used; if (oldVal && !val) { starAssert(textureAtlas->usedCellCount != 0); textureAtlas->usedCellCount -= 1; } else if (!oldVal && used) { textureAtlas->usedCellCount += 1; starAssert(textureAtlas->usedCellCount <= square(m_atlasNumCells)); } } } } template void TextureAtlasSet::sortAtlases() { sort(m_atlases, [](auto const& a1, auto const& a2) { return a1->usedCellCount > a2->usedCellCount; }); } template auto TextureAtlasSet::addTextureToAtlas(TextureAtlas* atlas, Image const& image, bool borderPixels) -> Maybe { bool found = false; // Minimum cell indexes where this texture fits in this atlas. unsigned fitCellX = 0; unsigned fitCellY = 0; Vec2U imageSize = image.size(); // Number of cells this image will take. size_t numCellsX = (imageSize[0] + m_atlasCellSize - 1) / m_atlasCellSize; size_t numCellsY = (imageSize[1] + m_atlasCellSize - 1) / m_atlasCellSize; if (numCellsX > m_atlasNumCells || numCellsY > m_atlasNumCells) return {}; for (size_t cellY = 0; cellY <= m_atlasNumCells - numCellsY; ++cellY) { for (size_t cellX = 0; cellX <= m_atlasNumCells - numCellsX; ++cellX) { // Check this box of numCellsX x numCellsY for fit. found = true; size_t fx; size_t fy; for (fy = cellY; fy < cellY + numCellsY; ++fy) { for (fx = cellX; fx < cellX + numCellsX; ++fx) { if (atlas->usedCells[fy * m_atlasNumCells + fx]) { found = false; break; } } if (!found) break; } if (!found) { // If it does not fit, then we can skip to the block past the first // horizontal used block; cellX = fx; } else { fitCellX = cellX; fitCellY = cellY; break; } } if (found) break; } if (!found) return {}; setAtlasRegionUsed(atlas, RectU::withSize({fitCellX, fitCellY}, {(unsigned)numCellsX, (unsigned)numCellsY}), true); copyAtlasPixels(atlas->atlasTexture, Vec2U(fitCellX * m_atlasCellSize, fitCellY * m_atlasCellSize), image); AtlasPlacement atlasPlacement; atlasPlacement.atlas = atlas; atlasPlacement.borderPixels = borderPixels; atlasPlacement.occupiedCells = RectU::withSize(Vec2U(fitCellX, fitCellY), Vec2U(numCellsX, numCellsY)); if (borderPixels) atlasPlacement.textureCoords = RectU::withSize(Vec2U(fitCellX * m_atlasCellSize + 1, fitCellY * m_atlasCellSize + 1), imageSize - Vec2U(2, 2)); else atlasPlacement.textureCoords = RectU::withSize(Vec2U(fitCellX * m_atlasCellSize, fitCellY * m_atlasCellSize), imageSize); return atlasPlacement; } } #endif