#include "StarAssets.hpp" #include "StarFile.hpp" #include "StarTime.hpp" #include "StarDirectoryAssetSource.hpp" #include "StarPackedAssetSource.hpp" #include "StarJsonBuilder.hpp" #include "StarJsonExtra.hpp" #include "StarJsonPatch.hpp" #include "StarIterator.hpp" #include "StarImageProcessing.hpp" #include "StarLogging.hpp" #include "StarRandom.hpp" #include "StarFont.hpp" #include "StarAudio.hpp" #include "StarCasting.hpp" #include "StarLexicalCast.hpp" #include "StarSha256.hpp" #include "StarDataStreamDevices.hpp" namespace Star { static void validatePath(AssetPath const& components, bool canContainSubPath, bool canContainDirectives) { if (components.basePath.empty() || components.basePath[0] != '/') throw AssetException(strf("Path '%s' must be absolute", components.basePath)); bool first = true; bool slashed = true; bool dotted = false; for (auto c : components.basePath) { if (c == '/') { if (!first) { if (slashed) throw AssetException(strf("Path '%s' contains consecutive //, not allowed", components.basePath)); else if (dotted) throw AssetException(strf("Path '%s' '.' and '..' not allowed", components.basePath)); } slashed = true; dotted = false; } else if (c == ':') { if (slashed) throw AssetException(strf("Path '%s' has ':' after directory", components.basePath)); break; } else if (c == '?') { if (slashed) throw AssetException(strf("Path '%s' has '?' after directory", components.basePath)); break; } else { slashed = false; dotted = c == '.'; } first = false; } if (slashed) throw AssetException(strf("Path '%s' cannot be a file", components.basePath)); if (!canContainSubPath && components.subPath) throw AssetException::format("Path '%s' cannot contain sub-path", components); if (!canContainDirectives && !components.directives.empty()) throw AssetException::format("Path '%s' cannot contain directives", components); } // The filename is everything after the last slash (excluding directives) and // up to the first directive marker. static Maybe> findFilenameRange(std::string const& pathUtf8) { size_t firstDirectiveOrSubPath = pathUtf8.find_first_of(":?"); size_t filenameStart = 0; while (true) { size_t find = pathUtf8.find('/', filenameStart); if (find >= firstDirectiveOrSubPath) break; filenameStart = find + 1; } if (filenameStart == NPos) { return {}; } else if (firstDirectiveOrSubPath == NPos) { return {{filenameStart, pathUtf8.size()}}; } else { return {{filenameStart, firstDirectiveOrSubPath}}; } } AssetPath AssetPath::split(String const& path) { auto i = path.begin(); auto end = path.end(); AssetPath components; // base paths cannot have any ':' or '?' characters, stop at the first one. while (i != end) { String::Char c = *i; if (c == ':' || c == '?') break; components.basePath += c; ++i; } // Sub-paths must immediately follow base paths and must start with a ':', // after this point any further ':' characters are not special. if (i != end && *i == ':') { ++i; while (i != end) { String::Char c = *i; if (c == '?') break; if (!components.subPath) components.subPath.emplace(); *components.subPath += c; ++i; } } // Directives must follow the base path and optional sub-path, and each // directive is separated by one or more '?' characters. while (i != end && *i == '?') { ++i; String directive; while (i != end) { String::Char c = *i; if (c == '?') break; directive += c; ++i; } if (!directive.empty()) components.directives.append(move(directive)); } starAssert(i == end); return components; } String AssetPath::join(AssetPath const& components) { return toString(components); } String AssetPath::setSubPath(String const& path, String const& subPath) { auto components = split(path); components.subPath = subPath; return join(components); } String AssetPath::removeSubPath(String const& path) { auto components = split(path); components.subPath.reset(); return join(components); } String AssetPath::getDirectives(String const& path) { size_t firstDirective = path.find('?'); if (firstDirective == NPos) return {}; return path.substr(firstDirective + 1); } String AssetPath::addDirectives(String const& path, String const& directives) { return String::joinWith("?", path, directives); } String AssetPath::removeDirectives(String const& path) { size_t firstDirective = path.find('?'); if (firstDirective == NPos) return path; return path.substr(0, firstDirective); } String AssetPath::directory(String const& path) { if (auto p = findFilenameRange(path.utf8())) { return String(path.utf8().substr(0, p->first)); } else { return String(); } } String AssetPath::filename(String const& path) { if (auto p = findFilenameRange(path.utf8())) { return String(path.utf8().substr(p->first, p->second)); } else { return String(); } } String AssetPath::extension(String const& path) { auto file = filename(path); auto lastDot = file.findLast("."); if (lastDot == NPos) return ""; return file.substr(lastDot + 1); } String AssetPath::relativeTo(String const& sourcePath, String const& givenPath) { if (!givenPath.empty() && givenPath[0] == '/') return givenPath; auto path = directory(sourcePath); path.append(givenPath); return path; } bool AssetPath::operator==(AssetPath const& rhs) const { return tie(basePath, subPath, directives) == tie(rhs.basePath, rhs.subPath, rhs.directives); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, AssetPath const& rhs) { os << rhs.basePath; if (rhs.subPath) { os << ":"; os << *rhs.subPath; } for (auto const& directive : rhs.directives) { os << "?"; os << directive; } return os; } Maybe FramesSpecification::getRect(String const& frame) const { if (auto alias = aliases.ptr(frame)) { return frames.get(*alias); } else { return frames.maybe(frame); } } Assets::Assets(Settings settings, StringList assetSources) { const char* const AssetsPatchSuffix = ".patch"; m_settings = move(settings); m_stopThreads = false; m_assetSources = move(assetSources); for (auto& sourcePath : m_assetSources) { Logger::info("Loading assets from: '%s'", sourcePath); AssetSourcePtr source; if (File::isDirectory(sourcePath)) source = make_shared(sourcePath, m_settings.pathIgnore); else source = make_shared(sourcePath); m_assetSourcePaths.add(sourcePath, source); for (auto const& filename : source->assetPaths()) { if (filename.endsWith(AssetsPatchSuffix, String::CaseInsensitive)) { auto targetPatchFile = filename.substr(0, filename.size() - strlen(AssetsPatchSuffix)); if (auto p = m_files.ptr(targetPatchFile)) p->patchSources.append({filename, source}); } auto& descriptor = m_files[filename]; descriptor.sourceName = filename; descriptor.source = source; } } Sha256Hasher digest; for (auto const& assetPath : m_files.keys().transformed([](String const& s) { return s.toLower(); }).sorted()) { bool digestFile = true; for (auto const& pattern : m_settings.digestIgnore) { if (assetPath.regexMatch(pattern, false, false)) { digestFile = false; break; } } auto const& descriptor = m_files.get(assetPath); if (digestFile) { digest.push(assetPath); digest.push(DataStreamBuffer::serialize(descriptor.source->open(descriptor.sourceName)->size())); for (auto const& pair : descriptor.patchSources) digest.push(DataStreamBuffer::serialize(pair.second->open(pair.first)->size())); } } m_digest = digest.compute(); for (auto const& filename : m_files.keys()) m_filesByExtension[AssetPath::extension(filename).toLower()].append(filename); int workerPoolSize = m_settings.workerPoolSize; for (int i = 0; i < workerPoolSize; i++) m_workerThreads.append(Thread::invoke("Assets::workerMain", mem_fn(&Assets::workerMain), this)); } Assets::~Assets() { m_stopThreads = true; { // Should lock associated mutex to prevent loss of wakeups, MutexLocker locker(m_assetsMutex); // Notify all worker threads to allow them to stop m_assetsQueued.broadcast(); } // Join them all m_workerThreads.clear(); } StringList Assets::assetSources() const { MutexLocker assetsLocker(m_assetsMutex); return m_assetSources; } JsonObject Assets::assetSourceMetadata(String const& sourceName) const { MutexLocker assetsLocker(m_assetsMutex); return m_assetSourcePaths.getRight(sourceName)->metadata(); } ByteArray Assets::digest() const { MutexLocker assetsLocker(m_assetsMutex); return m_digest; } bool Assets::assetExists(String const& path) const { MutexLocker assetsLocker(m_assetsMutex); return m_files.contains(path); } String Assets::assetSource(String const& path) const { MutexLocker assetsLocker(m_assetsMutex); if (auto p = m_files.ptr(path)) return m_assetSourcePaths.getLeft(p->source); throw AssetException(strf("No such asset '%s'", path)); } StringList Assets::scan(String const& suffix) const { if (suffix.beginsWith(".") && !suffix.substr(1).hasChar('.')) { return scanExtension(suffix); } else { StringList result; for (auto const& fileEntry : m_files) { String const& file = fileEntry.first; if (file.endsWith(suffix, String::CaseInsensitive)) result.append(file); } return result; } } StringList Assets::scan(String const& prefix, String const& suffix) const { StringList result; if (suffix.beginsWith(".") && !suffix.substr(1).hasChar('.')) { StringList filesWithExtension = scanExtension(suffix); for (auto const& file : filesWithExtension) { if (file.beginsWith(prefix, String::CaseInsensitive)) result.append(file); } } else { for (auto const& fileEntry : m_files) { String const& file = fileEntry.first; if (file.beginsWith(prefix, String::CaseInsensitive) && file.endsWith(suffix, String::CaseInsensitive)) result.append(file); } } return result; } StringList Assets::scanExtension(String const& extension) const { if (extension.beginsWith(".")) return m_filesByExtension.value(extension.substr(1)); else return m_filesByExtension.value(extension); } Json Assets::json(String const& path) const { auto components = AssetPath::split(path); validatePath(components, true, false); return as(getAsset(AssetId{AssetType::Json, move(components)}))->json; } Json Assets::fetchJson(Json const& v, String const& dir) const { if (v.isType(Json::Type::String)) return Assets::json(AssetPath::relativeTo(dir, v.toString())); else return v; } void Assets::queueJsons(StringList const& paths) const { queueAssets(paths.transformed([](String const& path) { auto components = AssetPath::split(path); validatePath(components, true, false); return AssetId{AssetType::Json, {components.basePath, {}, {}}}; })); } ImageConstPtr Assets::image(String const& path) const { auto components = AssetPath::split(path); validatePath(components, true, true); return as(getAsset(AssetId{AssetType::Image, move(components)}))->image; } void Assets::queueImages(StringList const& paths) const { queueAssets(paths.transformed([](String const& path) { auto components = AssetPath::split(path); validatePath(components, true, true); return AssetId{AssetType::Image, move(components)}; })); } ImageConstPtr Assets::tryImage(String const& path) const { auto components = AssetPath::split(path); validatePath(components, true, true); if (auto imageData = as(tryAsset(AssetId{AssetType::Image, move(components)}))) return imageData->image; else return {}; } FramesSpecificationConstPtr Assets::imageFrames(String const& path) const { auto components = AssetPath::split(path); validatePath(components, false, false); MutexLocker assetsLocker(m_assetsMutex); return bestFramesSpecification(path); } AudioConstPtr Assets::audio(String const& path) const { auto components = AssetPath::split(path); validatePath(components, false, false); return as(getAsset(AssetId{AssetType::Audio, move(components)}))->audio; } void Assets::queueAudios(StringList const& paths) const { queueAssets(paths.transformed([](String const& path) { auto components = AssetPath::split(path); validatePath(components, false, false); return AssetId{AssetType::Audio, move(components)}; })); } AudioConstPtr Assets::tryAudio(String const& path) const { auto components = AssetPath::split(path); validatePath(components, false, false); if (auto audioData = as(tryAsset(AssetId{AssetType::Audio, move(components)}))) return audioData->audio; else return {}; } FontConstPtr Assets::font(String const& path) const { auto components = AssetPath::split(path); validatePath(components, false, false); return as(getAsset(AssetId{AssetType::Font, move(components)}))->font; } ByteArrayConstPtr Assets::bytes(String const& path) const { auto components = AssetPath::split(path); validatePath(components, false, false); return as(getAsset(AssetId{AssetType::Bytes, move(components)}))->bytes; } IODevicePtr Assets::openFile(String const& path) const { return open(path); } void Assets::clearCache() { MutexLocker assetsLocker(m_assetsMutex); // Clear all assets that are not queued or broken. auto it = makeSMutableMapIterator(m_assetsCache); while (it.hasNext()) { auto const& pair = it.next(); // Don't clean up queued, persistent, or broken assets. if (pair.second && !pair.second->shouldPersist() && !m_queue.contains(pair.first)) it.remove(); } } void Assets::cleanup() { MutexLocker assetsLocker(m_assetsMutex); double time = Time::monotonicTime(); auto it = makeSMutableMapIterator(m_assetsCache); while (it.hasNext()) { auto pair = it.next(); // Don't clean up broken assets or queued assets. if (pair.second && !m_queue.contains(pair.first)) { double liveTime = time - pair.second->time; if (liveTime > m_settings.assetTimeToLive) { // If the asset should persist, just refresh the access time. if (pair.second->shouldPersist()) pair.second->time = time; else it.remove(); } } } } bool Assets::AssetId::operator==(AssetId const& assetId) const { return tie(type, path) == tie(assetId.type, assetId.path); } size_t Assets::AssetIdHash::operator()(AssetId const& id) const { return hashOf(id.type, id.path.basePath, id.path.subPath, id.path.directives); } bool Assets::JsonData::shouldPersist() const { return !json.unique(); } bool Assets::ImageData::shouldPersist() const { return !alias && !image.unique(); } bool Assets::AudioData::shouldPersist() const { return !audio.unique(); } bool Assets::FontData::shouldPersist() const { return !font.unique(); } bool Assets::BytesData::shouldPersist() const { return !bytes.unique(); } FramesSpecification Assets::parseFramesSpecification(Json const& frameConfig, String path) { FramesSpecification framesSpecification; framesSpecification.framesFile = move(path); if (frameConfig.contains("frameList")) { for (auto const& pair : frameConfig.get("frameList").toObject()) { String frameName = pair.first; RectU rect = RectU(jsonToRectI(pair.second)); if (rect.isEmpty()) throw AssetException( strf("Empty rect in frame specification in image %s frame %s", framesSpecification.framesFile, frameName)); else framesSpecification.frames[frameName] = rect; } } if (frameConfig.contains("frameGrid")) { auto grid = frameConfig.get("frameGrid").toObject(); Vec2U begin(jsonToVec2I(grid.value("begin", jsonFromVec2I(Vec2I())))); Vec2U size(jsonToVec2I(grid.get("size"))); Vec2U dimensions(jsonToVec2I(grid.get("dimensions"))); if (dimensions[0] == 0 || dimensions[1] == 0) throw AssetException(strf("Image %s \"dimensions\" in frameGrid cannot be zero", framesSpecification.framesFile)); if (grid.contains("names")) { auto nameList = grid.get("names"); for (size_t y = 0; y < nameList.size(); ++y) { if (y >= dimensions[1]) throw AssetException(strf("Image %s row %s is out of bounds for y-dimension %s", framesSpecification.framesFile, y + 1, dimensions[1])); auto rowList = nameList.get(y); if (rowList.isNull()) continue; for (unsigned x = 0; x < rowList.size(); ++x) { if (x >= dimensions[0]) throw AssetException(strf("Image %s column %s is out of bounds for x-dimension %s", framesSpecification.framesFile, x + 1, dimensions[0])); auto frame = rowList.get(x); if (frame.isNull()) continue; auto frameName = frame.toString(); if (!frameName.empty()) framesSpecification.frames[frameName] = RectU::withSize(Vec2U(begin[0] + x * size[0], begin[1] + y * size[1]), size); } } } else { // If "names" not specified, use auto naming algorithm for (size_t y = 0; y < dimensions[1]; ++y) for (size_t x = 0; x < dimensions[0]; ++x) framesSpecification.frames[strf("%s", y * dimensions[0] + x)] = RectU::withSize(Vec2U(begin[0] + x * size[0], begin[1] + y * size[1]), size); } } if (auto aliasesConfig = frameConfig.opt("aliases")) { auto aliases = aliasesConfig->objectPtr(); for (auto const& pair : *aliases) { String const& key = pair.first; String value = pair.second.toString(); // Resolve aliases to aliases by checking to see if the alias value in // the alias map itself. Don't do this more than aliases.size() times to // avoid infinite cycles. for (size_t i = 0; i <= aliases->size(); ++i) { auto it = aliases->find(value); if (it != aliases->end()) { if (i == aliases->size()) throw AssetException(strf("Infinite alias loop detected for alias '%s'", key)); value = it->second.toString(); } else { break; } } if (!framesSpecification.frames.contains(value)) throw AssetException(strf("No such frame '%s' found for alias '%s'", value, key)); framesSpecification.aliases[key] = move(value); } } return framesSpecification; } void Assets::queueAssets(List const& assetIds) const { MutexLocker assetsLocker(m_assetsMutex); for (auto const& id : assetIds) { auto i = m_assetsCache.find(id); if (i != m_assetsCache.end()) { if (i->second) freshen(i->second); } else { auto j = m_queue.find(id); if (j == m_queue.end()) { m_queue[id] = QueuePriority::Load; m_assetsQueued.signal(); } } } } shared_ptr Assets::tryAsset(AssetId const& id) const { MutexLocker assetsLocker(m_assetsMutex); auto i = m_assetsCache.find(id); if (i != m_assetsCache.end()) { if (i->second) { freshen(i->second); return i->second; } else { throw AssetException::format("Error loading asset %s", id.path); } } else { auto j = m_queue.find(id); if (j == m_queue.end()) { m_queue[id] = QueuePriority::Load; m_assetsQueued.signal(); } return {}; } } shared_ptr Assets::getAsset(AssetId const& id) const { MutexLocker assetsLocker(m_assetsMutex); while (true) { auto j = m_assetsCache.find(id); if (j != m_assetsCache.end()) { if (j->second) { auto asset = j->second; freshen(asset); return asset; } else { throw AssetException::format("Error loading asset %s", id.path); } } else { // Try to load the asset in-thread, if we cannot, then the asset has been // queued so wait for a worker thread to finish it. if (!doLoad(id)) m_assetsDone.wait(m_assetsMutex); } } } void Assets::workerMain() { while (true) { if (m_stopThreads) break; MutexLocker assetsLocker(m_assetsMutex); AssetId assetId; QueuePriority queuePriority = QueuePriority::None; // Find the highest priority queue entry for (auto const& pair : m_queue) { if (pair.second == QueuePriority::Load || pair.second == QueuePriority::PostProcess) { assetId = pair.first; queuePriority = pair.second; if (pair.second == QueuePriority::Load) break; } } if (queuePriority != QueuePriority::Load && queuePriority != QueuePriority::PostProcess) { // Nothing in the queue that needs work m_assetsQueued.wait(m_assetsMutex); continue; } bool workIsBlocking; if (queuePriority == QueuePriority::PostProcess) workIsBlocking = !doPost(assetId); else workIsBlocking = !doLoad(assetId); if (workIsBlocking) { // We are blocking on some sort of busy asset, so need to wait on // something to complete here, rather than spinning and burning cpu. m_assetsDone.wait(m_assetsMutex); continue; } // After processing an asset, unlock the main asset mutex and yield so we // don't starve other threads. assetsLocker.unlock(); Thread::yield(); } } template decltype(auto) Assets::unlockDuring(Function f) const { m_assetsMutex.unlock(); try { auto r = f(); m_assetsMutex.lock(); return r; } catch (...) { m_assetsMutex.lock(); throw; } } FramesSpecificationConstPtr Assets::bestFramesSpecification(String const& image) const { if (auto framesSpecification = m_framesSpecifications.maybe(image)) { return *framesSpecification; } String framesFile; if (auto bestFramesFile = m_bestFramesFiles.maybe(image)) { framesFile = *bestFramesFile; } else { String searchPath = AssetPath::directory(image); String filePrefix = AssetPath::filename(image); filePrefix = filePrefix.substr(0, filePrefix.findLast('.')); auto subdir = [](String const& dir) -> String { auto dirsplit = dir.substr(0, dir.size() - 1).rsplit("/", 1); if (dirsplit.size() < 2) return ""; else return dirsplit[0] + "/"; }; Maybe foundFramesFile; // look for .frames or default.frames up to root while (!searchPath.empty()) { String framesPath = searchPath + filePrefix + ".frames"; if (m_files.contains(framesPath)) { foundFramesFile = framesPath; break; } framesPath = searchPath + "default.frames"; if (m_files.contains(framesPath)) { foundFramesFile = framesPath; break; } searchPath = subdir(searchPath); } if (foundFramesFile) { framesFile = foundFramesFile.take(); m_bestFramesFiles[image] = framesFile; } else { return {}; } } auto framesSpecification = unlockDuring([&]() { return make_shared(parseFramesSpecification(readJson(framesFile), framesFile)); }); m_framesSpecifications[image] = framesSpecification; return framesSpecification; } IODevicePtr Assets::open(String const& path) const { if (auto p = m_files.ptr(path)) return p->source->open(p->sourceName); throw AssetException(strf("No such asset '%s'", path)); } ByteArray Assets::read(String const& path) const { if (auto p = m_files.ptr(path)) return p->source->read(p->sourceName); throw AssetException(strf("No such asset '%s'", path)); } Json Assets::readJson(String const& path) const { ByteArray streamData = read(path); try { Json result = inputUtf8Json(streamData.begin(), streamData.end(), false); for (auto const& pair : m_files.get(path).patchSources) { auto patchStream = pair.second->read(pair.first); auto patchJson = inputUtf8Json(patchStream.begin(), patchStream.end(), false); if (patchJson.isType(Json::Type::Array)) { auto patchData = patchJson.toArray(); try { if (patchData.size()) { if (patchData.at(0).type() == Json::Type::Array) { for (auto const& patch : patchData) { try { result = jsonPatch(result, patch.toArray()); } catch (JsonPatchTestFail const& e) { Logger::debug("Patch test failure from file %s in source: %s. Caused by: %s", pair.first, m_assetSourcePaths.getLeft(pair.second), e.what()); } } } else if (patchData.at(0).type() == Json::Type::Object) { try { result = jsonPatch(result, patchData); } catch (JsonPatchTestFail const& e) { Logger::debug("Patch test failure from file %s in source: %s. Caused by: %s", pair.first, m_assetSourcePaths.getLeft(pair.second), e.what()); } } else { throw JsonPatchException(strf("Patch data is wrong type: %s", Json::typeName(patchData.at(0).type()))); } } } catch (JsonPatchException const& e) { Logger::error("Could not apply patch from file %s in source: %s. Caused by: %s", pair.first, m_assetSourcePaths.getLeft(pair.second), e.what()); } } else if (patchJson.isType(Json::Type::Object)) { //Kae: Do a good ol' json merge instead if the .patch file is a Json object auto patchData = patchJson.toObject(); result = jsonMerge(result, patchData); } } return result; } catch (std::exception const& e) { throw JsonParsingException(strf("Cannot parse json file: %s", path), e); } } bool Assets::doLoad(AssetId const& id) const { try { // loadAsset automatically manages the queue and freshens the asset // data. return (bool)loadAsset(id); } catch (std::exception const& e) { Logger::error("Exception caught loading asset: %s, %s", id.path, outputException(e, true)); } catch (...) { Logger::error("Unknown exception caught loading asset: %s", id.path); } // There was an exception, remove the asset from the queue and fill the cache // with null so that getAsset will throw. m_assetsCache[id] = {}; m_assetsDone.broadcast(); m_queue.remove(id); return true; } bool Assets::doPost(AssetId const& id) const { shared_ptr assetData; try { assetData = m_assetsCache.get(id); if (id.type == AssetType::Audio) assetData = postProcessAudio(assetData); } catch (std::exception const& e) { Logger::error("Exception caught post-processing asset: %s, %s", id.path, outputException(e, true)); } catch (...) { Logger::error("Unknown exception caught post-processing asset: %s", id.path); } m_queue.remove(id); if (assetData) { assetData->needsPostProcessing = false; m_assetsCache[id] = assetData; freshen(assetData); m_assetsDone.broadcast(); } return true; } shared_ptr Assets::loadAsset(AssetId const& id) const { if (auto asset = m_assetsCache.value(id)) return asset; if (m_queue.value(id, QueuePriority::None) == QueuePriority::Working) return {}; try { m_queue[id] = QueuePriority::Working; shared_ptr assetData; try { if (id.type == AssetType::Json) { assetData = loadJson(id.path); } else if (id.type == AssetType::Image) { assetData = loadImage(id.path); } else if (id.type == AssetType::Audio) { assetData = loadAudio(id.path); } else if (id.type == AssetType::Font) { assetData = loadFont(id.path); } else if (id.type == AssetType::Bytes) { assetData = loadBytes(id.path); } } catch (StarException const& e) { if (id.type == AssetType::Image && m_settings.missingImage) { Logger::error("Could not load image asset '%s', using placeholder default.\n%s", id.path, outputException(e, false)); assetData = loadImage({*m_settings.missingImage, {}, {}}); } else if (id.type == AssetType::Audio && m_settings.missingAudio) { Logger::error("Could not load audio asset '%s', using placeholder default.\n%s", id.path, outputException(e, false)); assetData = loadAudio({*m_settings.missingAudio, {}, {}}); } else { throw; } } if (assetData) { if (assetData->needsPostProcessing) m_queue[id] = QueuePriority::PostProcess; else m_queue.remove(id); m_assetsCache[id] = assetData; m_assetsDone.broadcast(); freshen(assetData); } else { // We have failed to load an asset because it depends on an asset // currently being worked on. Mark it as needing loading and move it to // the end of the queue. m_queue[id] = QueuePriority::Load; m_assetsQueued.signal(); m_queue.toBack(id); } return assetData; } catch (...) { m_queue.remove(id); m_assetsCache[id] = {}; m_assetsDone.broadcast(); throw; } } shared_ptr Assets::loadJson(AssetPath const& path) const { Json json; if (path.subPath) { auto topJson = as(loadAsset(AssetId{AssetType::Json, {path.basePath, {}, {}}})); if (!topJson) return {}; try { auto newData = make_shared(); newData->json = topJson->json.query(*path.subPath); return newData; } catch (StarException const& e) { throw AssetException(strf("Could not read JSON value %s", path), e); } } else { return unlockDuring([&]() { try { auto newData = make_shared(); newData->json = readJson(path.basePath); return newData; } catch (StarException const& e) { throw AssetException(strf("Could not read JSON asset %s", path), e); } }); } } shared_ptr Assets::loadImage(AssetPath const& path) const { if (!path.directives.empty()) { shared_ptr source = as(loadAsset(AssetId{AssetType::Image, {path.basePath, path.subPath, {}}})); if (!source) return {}; List operations = path.directives.transformed(imageOperationFromString); StringMap references; for (auto const& ref : imageOperationReferences(operations)) { auto components = AssetPath::split(ref); validatePath(components, true, false); auto refImage = as(loadAsset(AssetId{AssetType::Image, move(components)})); if (!refImage) return {}; references[ref] = refImage->image; } return unlockDuring([&]() { auto newData = make_shared(); newData->image = make_shared(processImageOperations( operations, *source->image, [&](String const& ref) { return references.get(ref).get(); })); return newData; }); } else if (path.subPath) { auto imageData = as(loadAsset(AssetId{AssetType::Image, {path.basePath, {}, {}}})); if (!imageData) return {}; // Base image must have frames data associated with it. if (!imageData->frames) throw AssetException::format("No associated frames file found for image '%s' while resolving image frame '%s'", path.basePath, path); if (auto alias = imageData->frames->aliases.ptr(*path.subPath)) { imageData = as(loadAsset(AssetId{AssetType::Image, {path.basePath, *alias, path.directives}})); if (!imageData) return {}; auto newData = make_shared(); newData->image = imageData->image; newData->alias = true; return newData; } else { auto frameRect = imageData->frames->frames.ptr(*path.subPath); if (!frameRect) throw AssetException(strf("No such frame %s in frames spec %s", *path.subPath, imageData->frames->framesFile)); return unlockDuring([&]() { // Need to flip frame coordinates because frame configs assume top // down image coordinates auto newData = make_shared(); newData->image = make_shared(imageData->image->subImage( Vec2U(frameRect->xMin(), imageData->image->height() - frameRect->yMax()), frameRect->size())); return newData; }); } } else { auto imageData = make_shared(); imageData->image = unlockDuring([&]() { return make_shared(Image::readPng(open(path.basePath))); }); imageData->frames = bestFramesSpecification(path.basePath); return imageData; } } shared_ptr Assets::loadAudio(AssetPath const& path) const { return unlockDuring([&]() { auto newData = make_shared(); newData->audio = make_shared