#include "StarAssetPath.hpp" #include "StarLexicalCast.hpp" namespace Star { // The filename is everything after the last slash (excluding directives) and // up to the first directive marker. static Maybe> findFilenameRange(std::string const& pathUtf8) { size_t firstDirectiveOrSubPath = pathUtf8.find_first_of(":?"); size_t filenameStart = 0; while (true) { size_t find = pathUtf8.find('/', filenameStart); if (find >= firstDirectiveOrSubPath) break; filenameStart = find + 1; } if (filenameStart == NPos) { return {}; } else if (firstDirectiveOrSubPath == NPos) { return {{filenameStart, pathUtf8.size()}}; } else { return {{filenameStart, firstDirectiveOrSubPath}}; } } AssetPath AssetPath::split(String const& path) { AssetPath components; std::string const& str = path.utf8(); //base paths cannot have any ':' or '?' characters, stop at the first one. size_t end = str.find_first_of(":?"); components.basePath = str.substr(0, end); if (end == NPos) return components; // Sub-paths must immediately follow base paths and must start with a ':', // after this point any further ':' characters are not special. if (str[end] == ':') { size_t beg = end + 1; if (beg != str.size()) { end = str.find_first_of("?", beg); if (end == NPos && beg + 1 != str.size()) components.subPath.emplace(str.substr(beg)); else if (size_t len = end - beg) components.subPath.emplace(str.substr(beg, len)); } } if (end == NPos) return components; // Directives must follow the base path and optional sub-path, and each // directive is separated by one or more '?' characters. if (str[end] == '?') components.directives = String(str.substr(end)); return components; } String AssetPath::join(AssetPath const& components) { return toString(components); } String AssetPath::setSubPath(String const& path, String const& subPath) { auto components = split(path); components.subPath = subPath; return join(components); } String AssetPath::removeSubPath(String const& path) { auto components = split(path); components.subPath.reset(); return join(components); } String AssetPath::getDirectives(String const& path) { size_t firstDirective = path.find('?'); if (firstDirective == NPos) return {}; return path.substr(firstDirective + 1); } String AssetPath::addDirectives(String const& path, String const& directives) { return String::joinWith("?", path, directives); } String AssetPath::removeDirectives(String const& path) { size_t firstDirective = path.find('?'); if (firstDirective == NPos) return path; return path.substr(0, firstDirective); } String AssetPath::directory(String const& path) { if (auto p = findFilenameRange(path.utf8())) { return String(path.utf8().substr(0, p->first)); } else { return String(); } } String AssetPath::filename(String const& path) { if (auto p = findFilenameRange(path.utf8())) { return String(path.utf8().substr(p->first, p->second)); } else { return String(); } } String AssetPath::extension(String const& path) { auto file = filename(path); auto lastDot = file.findLast("."); if (lastDot == NPos) return ""; return file.substr(lastDot + 1); } String AssetPath::relativeTo(String const& sourcePath, String const& givenPath) { if (!givenPath.empty() && givenPath[0] == '/') return givenPath; auto path = directory(sourcePath); path.append(givenPath); return path; } bool AssetPath::operator==(AssetPath const& rhs) const { return tie(basePath, subPath, directives) == tie(rhs.basePath, rhs.subPath, rhs.directives); } AssetPath::AssetPath(const char* path) { *this = AssetPath::split(path); } AssetPath::AssetPath(String const& path) { *this = AssetPath::split(path); } AssetPath::AssetPath(String&& basePath, Maybe&& subPath, DirectivesGroup&& directives) { this->basePath = std::move(basePath); this->subPath = std::move(subPath); this->directives = std::move(directives); } AssetPath::AssetPath(String const& basePath, Maybe const& subPath, DirectivesGroup const& directives) { this->basePath = basePath; this->subPath = subPath; this->directives = directives; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, AssetPath const& rhs) { os << rhs.basePath; if (rhs.subPath) { os << ":"; os << *rhs.subPath; } rhs.directives.forEach([&](auto const& entry, Directives const& directives) { os << "?"; os << entry.string(*directives.shared); }); return os; } size_t hash::operator()(AssetPath const& s) const { return hashOf(s.basePath, s.subPath, s.directives); } DataStream& operator>>(DataStream& ds, AssetPath& path) { String string; ds.read(string); path = std::move(string); return ds; } DataStream& operator<<(DataStream& ds, AssetPath const& path) { ds.write(AssetPath::join(path)); return ds; } }