#include "StarJsonRpc.hpp" #include "StarDataStreamDevices.hpp" #include "StarLogging.hpp" namespace Star { JsonRpcInterface::~JsonRpcInterface() {} JsonRpc::JsonRpc() { m_requestId = 0; } void JsonRpc::registerHandler(String const& handler, JsonRpcRemoteFunction func) { if (m_handlers.contains(handler)) throw JsonRpcException(strf("Handler by that name already exists '{}'", handler)); m_handlers.add(handler, move(func)); } void JsonRpc::registerHandlers(JsonRpcHandlers const& handlers) { for (auto const& pair : handlers) registerHandler(pair.first, pair.second); } void JsonRpc::removeHandler(String const& handler) { if (!m_handlers.contains(handler)) throw JsonRpcException(strf("No such handler by the name '{}'", handler)); m_handlers.remove(handler); } void JsonRpc::clearHandlers() { m_handlers.clear(); } RpcPromise JsonRpc::invokeRemote(String const& handler, Json const& arguments) { uint64_t id = m_requestId++; JsonObject request; m_pending.append(JsonObject{ {"command", "request"}, {"id", id}, {"handler", handler}, {"arguments", arguments} }); auto pair = RpcPromise::createPair(); m_pendingResponse.add(id, pair.second); return pair.first; } bool JsonRpc::sendPending() const { return !m_pending.empty(); } ByteArray JsonRpc::send() { if (m_pending.empty()) return {}; DataStreamBuffer buffer; buffer.writeContainer(m_pending); m_pending.clear(); return buffer.takeData(); } void JsonRpc::receive(ByteArray const& inbuffer) { if (inbuffer.empty()) return; DataStreamBuffer buffer(inbuffer); List inbound; buffer.readContainer(inbound); for (auto request : inbound) { if (request.get("command") == "request") { try { auto handlerName = request.getString("handler"); if (!m_handlers.contains(handlerName)) throw JsonRpcException(strf("Unknown handler '{}'", handlerName)); m_pending.append(JsonObject{ {"command", "response"}, {"id", request.get("id")}, {"result", m_handlers[handlerName](request.get("arguments"))} }); } catch (std::exception& e) { Logger::error("Exception while handling variant rpc request handler call. {}", outputException(e, false)); JsonObject response; response["command"] = "fail"; response["id"] = request.get("id"); m_pending.append(JsonObject{ {"command", "fail"}, {"id", request.get("id")} }); } } else if (request.get("command") == "response") { try { auto responseHandler = m_pendingResponse.take(request.getUInt("id")); responseHandler.fulfill(request.get("result")); } catch (std::exception& e) { Logger::error("Exception while handling variant rpc response handler call. {}", outputException(e, true)); } } else if (request.get("command") == "fail") { try { auto responseHandler = m_pendingResponse.take(request.getUInt("id")); responseHandler.fulfill({}); } catch (std::exception& e) { Logger::error("Exception while handling variant rpc failure handler call. {}", outputException(e, true)); } } } } }