#ifndef STAR_PLATFORMER_ASTAR_HPP #define STAR_PLATFORMER_ASTAR_HPP #include "StarBiMap.hpp" #include "StarAStar.hpp" #include "StarWorld.hpp" #include "StarActorMovementController.hpp" #include "StarPlatformerAStarTypes.hpp" namespace Star { namespace PlatformerAStar { STAR_CLASS(PathFinder); class PathFinder { public: PathFinder(World* world, Vec2F searchFrom, Vec2F searchTo, ActorMovementParameters movementParameters, Parameters searchParameters = Parameters()); // Does not preserve current search state. PathFinder(PathFinder const& rhs); PathFinder& operator=(PathFinder const& rhs); Maybe explore(Maybe maxExploreNodes = {}); Maybe const& result() const; private: enum class BoundBoxKind { Full, Drop, Stand }; void initAStar(); float heuristicCost(Vec2F const& fromPosition, Vec2F const& toPosition) const; Edge defaultCostEdge(Action action, Node const& source, Node const& target) const; void neighbors(Node const& node, List& neighbors) const; void getDropNeighbors(Node const& node, List& neighbors) const; // drop through a platform void getWalkingNeighborsInDirection(Node const& node, List& neighbors, float direction) const; void getWalkingNeighbors(Node const& node, List& neighbors) const; void getFallingNeighbors(Node const& node, List& neighbors) const; // freefall void getJumpingNeighbors(Node const& node, List& neighbors) const; void getArcNeighbors(Node const& node, List& neighbors) const; void getSwimmingNeighbors(Node const& node, List& neighbors) const; void getFlyingNeighbors(Node const& node, List& neighbors) const; void forEachArcVelocity(float yVelocity, function func) const; void forEachArcNeighbor(Node const& node, float yVelocity, function func) const; Vec2F acceleration(Vec2F pos) const; Vec2F simulateArcCollision(Vec2F position, Vec2F velocity, float dt, bool& collidedX, bool& collidedY) const; void simulateArc(Node const& node, function func) const; bool validPosition(Vec2F pos, BoundBoxKind boundKind = BoundBoxKind::Full) const; bool onGround(Vec2F pos, BoundBoxKind boundKind = BoundBoxKind::Full) const; // Includes non-solids: platforms, objects, etc. bool onSolidGround(Vec2F pos) const; // Includes only solids bool inLiquid(Vec2F pos) const; RectF boundBox(Vec2F pos, BoundBoxKind boundKind = BoundBoxKind::Full) const; // Returns a rect that covers the tiles below the entity's feet if it was at // pos RectI groundCollisionRect(Vec2F pos, BoundBoxKind boundKind) const; // Returns a rect that covers a 1 tile wide space below the entity's feet at // node pos Vec2I groundNodePosition(Vec2F pos) const; Vec2F roundToNode(Vec2F pos) const; float distance(Vec2F a, Vec2F b) const; World* m_world; Vec2F m_searchFrom; Vec2F m_searchTo; ActorMovementParameters m_movementParams; Parameters m_searchParams; Maybe> m_astar; }; } } #endif